What's the Minimum Energy of a Wave Needed to View a 0.1 nm Particle?

In summary: However, the phase velocity is not just the speed of light divided by the wavelength. If the particle has a finite size, the phase velocity will be smaller than the speed of light because the wavelength has decreased. You have to use the equation for frequency instead.]
  • #1
I have a problem that ask for the minimum energy of a wave that we will use to see a particle of size .1 nm. I understand that I can not see a .1 nm particle with any wave length larger than .1 nm. I thought this would be easy and I would use De Broglis relation of electron waves. (f=E/h) or E=fh=hc/λ. Using this I get 12400eV... this is the wrong answer.

What the book says to do is use an eqn. "wavelength associated with a particle of mass M.

it is: λ=hc/sqrt(2mc^2K) OR for my specific case: λ=1.226/sqrt(K) nm

This second equation , if I am correct, is getting the kinetic energy of the wavelength, not the total energy.

I do not understand what I should be looking for in problems asking for energy of wavelengths to distinguish the use of the first eqn I presented Vs the second one. Any enlightenment on this area would be appreciated.
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  • #2

I get 12400eV... this is the wrong answer.
:confused: That's what I get too. What do you think it should be?
  • #3

you have to use λ=hc/sqrt(2Kmc^2). The answer is 150eV and is rounded to .2KeV because of sig figs with the .1nm. There is something to do with non/relative particles, i think. That you use to determine which of the 2 equations to use.
  • #4

What is K?
  • #5

E=fh=hc/λ would assume that the electrons move at the speed of light. For 1nm, they are slow and non-relativistic formulas can be used. 1/2mv^2=E, λ=v/f=vh/E. Solving this for λ(E) should give the formula in post 3.
  • #6

[You're using the equation for frequency, not wavelength. The reason that's difficult is that phase velocity is not constant, so you can't just use the inverse as the wavelength. De Broglie derived the dispersion relation vgroup*vphase = c2, where vgroup is the particle velocity.

FAQ: What's the Minimum Energy of a Wave Needed to View a 0.1 nm Particle?

1. What is the minimum energy of a wave needed to view a 0.1 nm particle?

The minimum energy of a wave needed to view a 0.1 nm particle depends on the type of wave being used. For visible light, the minimum energy is approximately 5.14 x 10^-19 joules. However, for more energetic waves such as X-rays, the minimum energy can be much higher.

2. How does the wavelength of the wave affect the minimum energy needed to view a 0.1 nm particle?

The wavelength of the wave is directly proportional to the minimum energy needed to view a 0.1 nm particle. This means that shorter wavelengths, such as X-rays, require more energy than longer wavelengths, such as visible light.

3. What is the relationship between the size of the particle and the minimum energy of the wave needed to view it?

The minimum energy of the wave needed to view a particle is inversely proportional to the size of the particle. This means that smaller particles require more energy to view them compared to larger particles.

4. Can the minimum energy of a wave be decreased in order to view smaller particles?

No, the minimum energy of a wave needed to view a particle is a fundamental property and cannot be decreased. However, using waves with shorter wavelengths, such as X-rays, can allow for the viewing of smaller particles.

5. What is the significance of knowing the minimum energy of a wave needed to view a 0.1 nm particle?

Knowing the minimum energy of a wave needed to view a 0.1 nm particle is important in fields such as microscopy and nanotechnology. It allows scientists to determine the appropriate type of wave to use in order to view and study particles at the nanoscale.
