What electric isolator material?

In summary, the conversation is about finding a suitable material for an electric isolator that will be used in bars 8mm thick by 15mm wide and 180mm in length. The material needs to be rigid and stiff but not brittle, able to withstand drilling and pressure, and durable in extreme temperatures. Suggestions include a High Toughness Ceramic such as Si3N4 or SiAlON, stabilized zirconia, or a composite material like G10/G11 or HDPE. The specific application is for building battery packs for a car, so the material must also be able to handle vibrations. Wood is also suggested as a possible option.
  • #1
Andy Haard
Hi all
I need some suggestions on what material to use, hope you guys can help me.
It needs to be an electric isolator, as rigid and stiff as possible without being brittle.
I must be able to drill holes into it and put some pressure on it without it cracking and it needs to be as durable in -40 C as in +80C. I will use it in bars 8mm thick by 15mm wide and in length of about 180mm
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2

Is it held in tension or compression?
What scale of production are you looking at?

You have a couple of options, really.

a High Toughness Ceramic - it may be overkill as they are most useful at very high temperatures, but Si3N4 or SiAlON might work. Drilling holes in it would be difficult, could you put the holes in in the die stage? Stabilised zirconia, i.e Ceria or Yttria Stablised Zirconia (YSZ) has excellent toughness, but again the ceramic-aspect of it means it is difficult to machine.

A composite may work, if the load is along a single axis. Again, the loading direction matters. You could just use a laminate at 0/60/120 degree layers or 0/45/90 to spread out the load in the plane. you can get pretty cheap pre-preg matting and cut it into shape.

It depends on the specifics of the part really. Was this any help at all?
  • #3

Thanks streeters, they will be pressed together, the 15mm sides against each other, 75 of them. Between each pair will be two thin alu tabs. It is not for series production.
It is for building battery packs for these cells:
The idea is to have two stainless threaded rods running though all 75 isolators with bolts at each end and compress it all together. It is to go into a car so it must be able to handle vibrations and temperature.
Would be nice if I could use acrylic but I'm not sure it will stand the stress.
Over on mechanicaldesignforum, Hylam was suggested.
  • #4

Why not use some fiber glass like G10/G11? You will need to isolate your tie rods through the Al parts.
  • #5

That's an excellent suggestion Mquack! I'll look into that :-)
  • #6

What about HDPE?
  • #7

At the risk of sounding primitive, how about wood?
  • #8

You can buy rods and plates of epoxy +glass fibre. The fibre can even be unwoven short whiskers, if you want isotropic properties (which starts with: no delamination...)

FAQ: What electric isolator material?

1. What is an electric isolator material?

An electric isolator material, also known as an insulator, is a type of material that does not conduct electricity. It is used to prevent the flow of electric current and isolate certain parts of an electrical circuit.

2. What are some common materials used as electric isolators?

Some common materials used as electric isolators include glass, rubber, plastic, ceramic, and air. These materials have high resistance to electric current and do not allow it to pass through easily.

3. How does an electric isolator material work?

An electric isolator material works by preventing the flow of electric current through its structure. This is achieved by having a large number of electrons tightly bound to their atoms, making it difficult for them to move and carry the electric charge.

4. What are the benefits of using electric isolator materials?

The use of electric isolator materials is beneficial in various ways. They provide safety by preventing electric shocks, protect electrical equipment from damage, and reduce energy loss by isolating different parts of a circuit.

5. Are all electric isolator materials the same?

No, not all electric isolator materials are the same. They can vary in terms of their composition, properties, and intended use. For example, some materials may be better at withstanding high temperatures, while others may be more suitable for use in high voltage applications.
