What causes luminescence in sandblasted coated materials?

  • Thread starter Ash
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In summary, the conversation discusses the phenomenon of visible light being emitted when sandblasting a coated deposit in a vacuum chamber. This is believed to be caused by the piezoelectric effect of sand, which creates an electrostatic field and potentially leads to a coronal discharge. Other insulating materials, such as Zinc Sulfide, can be tested to see if they also exhibit this effect. Additionally, altering the impact energy of the sandblasting may result in different colors of light being emitted.
  • #1
I have a small vacumm chamber configured for the sputter deposition of silicon in an oxygen/nitrogen/argon plasma. The resultant thin film compounds are used as transparent dielectric layers for optical filters and comprise SiN(x), SiO(x)or SiO(x)N(y).

When I clean the plant by sandblasting the coated areas, the coated material glows with visible light. This only happens when the coated deposit is blasted by the sand and stops when the coated material is balsted away to reveal the aluminium or stainless steel underlying structure (tooling, chamber wall etc).

What causes this?

Some finely divided metals burn in air. You get similar effects when blast cleaning titanium coated chamber furniture, but the effect there is due to elemental metal burning as it's blasted away into a finely divided powder. This effect is more like a real luminescence. Pressures of having to make a living prevent me from doing anything other than be puzzled at the moment. Anyone any ideas?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Sand is of course Silica

which if in the form of quartz crystals is a piezoelectric, so it might involve the piezoelectric effect.

You might try other insulating materials, expecially on a conducting substrate. Also Zinc Sulfide.
  • #3
I have heard that dust devils or sand storms can create strong electrostatic fields through the piezoelectricity of sand (no one really understands it though), and maybe this can create some kind of coronal discharge, but this is beyond me. How bright is the light?
  • #4

Originally posted by Tyger
which if in the form of quartz crystals is a piezoelectric, so it might involve the piezoelectric effect.

You might try other insulating materials, expecially on a conducting substrate. Also Zinc Sulfide.

OK, but the luminescence stops when the stainless steel is reached. But the sand is still blasting so maybe the luminescence is in the coating?
  • #5
Probably just the kenetic energy of the impact. When I worked in a Fyberglass afctory for a while, I was once given the particularly nasty job of cleaning off an old iron water tank. The tank was coated with Gelcoat, an epoxy resin used in the manufacture of fyberglass. I was instructed to hold the sandblaster at such a distance from the tank that the impact of the abrasive sand caused the material to glow. When I reached bare metal, the glow stopped.

It was my thinking at the time that the impact must cause heat (from almost any distance). Enough impact energy, and that EM radiation moves up into the visible frequencies. But the bare metal radiates the heat much more effeciently, and does not build up enough energy to start glowing.

Suggestion for experimentation:
If you're truly curious, you might try altering the impact energy slightly, either by a change in the blaster's air pressure or it's distance from target, and see if you get red or orange light from lower energies and blue light from higher energies.

FAQ: What causes luminescence in sandblasted coated materials?

What is luminescence in a sandblaster?

Luminescence in a sandblaster refers to the emission of light by a material when it is exposed to a particular form of energy, such as friction or high temperatures. In a sandblaster, this can occur when sand particles are rapidly rubbed against a surface, causing them to release energy in the form of light.

What causes luminescence in a sandblaster?

Luminescence in a sandblaster is typically caused by friction or impact between sand particles and a surface. This causes the sand particles to emit light as they release energy. Other factors that may contribute to luminescence in a sandblaster include the composition and size of the sand particles, as well as the type of material being blasted.

What are the different types of luminescence in a sandblaster?

There are several types of luminescence that can occur in a sandblaster, including triboluminescence, thermoluminescence, and photoluminescence. Triboluminescence is caused by friction, while thermoluminescence is caused by exposure to high temperatures. Photoluminescence, on the other hand, is caused by exposure to light.

Is luminescence in a sandblaster harmful?

No, luminescence in a sandblaster is not harmful. It is a natural phenomenon that occurs when certain materials are exposed to energy. However, it is important to wear proper protective gear when operating a sandblaster to prevent any potential harm from the blasting process itself.

Can luminescence in a sandblaster be controlled?

Yes, luminescence in a sandblaster can be controlled to some extent by adjusting the type and size of sand particles, as well as the speed and pressure of the blasting process. However, the exact amount of luminescence produced will also depend on the surface being blasted and its composition.
