What causes some people to want to roll their head

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  • Thread starter Forestman
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    Head Roll
In summary, Rhody discovered that when he was younger, he and his friend would roll their heads back and forth while playing catch. When he turned 6, the war in his country forced him to leave his home and the swing he loved, and he stopped rolling his head in bed. He continued to do it less often and for shorter periods of time as he got older, but when he was 20 he stopped doing it almost entirely. He is 27 years old.
  • #1
Ever since I was a very young child I have rolled my head while laying in bed. I don't roll my head the entire time that I am awake, but I do roll my head a lot.
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  • #2
What do you mean by roll your head? Back and forth, in a circle? And why?
  • #3
When I lay down I have this over whelming feeling to roll my head back forth on the pillow. In my entire life I have only heard of two other people doing this. Sometimes I can roll my head for up to an hour.
  • #4
I don't mean it as some sort of joke, but starting when I was about 3 or 4 I started having symptoms of aspergers. This is also when the head rolling started. I have never been diagnosed with this, but I feel that I might have it.
  • #5
My psychiatrist tested me one time for aspergers, and I had 50% of the traits, but since I have 75% of the traits of schizotypal I am diagnosed with that instead.
  • #6
Hmmm... this sounds like a repetative act typical of anxiety disorders directly or as a comorbidity of another disorder.

The answer is the same as all compulsions and ritualistic behaviour; it brings a sense of relief of anxiety, generally speaking.

That said, this is not generally a universal trait, so if it's troubling you I'd strognly consider talking to you psychiatrist. It's possible that you're taking a medication that's causing some stiffness of the neck, but I doubt that.
  • #7
Thanks, I always wondered if it were common or not. I have OCD too, so it would make sense that it is an anxiety ritual.
  • #8
Forestman said:
Thanks, I always wondered if it were common or not. I have OCD too, so it would make sense that it is an anxiety ritual.

Given that, and the phrase, "overwhelming feeling" would make that a VERY VERY good guess. Obviously there is no diagnosing over the net, but I'd bet money on that.

As long as it's not a violent motion, your only long term risk might be mild osteoarthritis, and that's inevitable for us all anyway. As anxiety rituals go, that's not bad.
  • #9
Forestman said:
Ever since I was a very young child I have rolled my head while laying in bed. I don't roll my head the entire time that I am awake, but I do roll my head a lot.

I was browsing and came across you thread, and it struck me funny, as a kid I had a friend, who would turn his head while we we playing from time to time. Sometimes playing catch with a baseball, which was a bit frightening. I think if I remember correctly he had sight and hearing problems on his left side, and used to tilt his head to compensate. As a kid I thought it was just a quirk of his but in retrospect, it masked an underlying health issue. Just a thought, for whatever it is worth. Good luck in trying to pin your situation down.

  • #10
Thanks Rhody. I appreciate your concern.
  • #11
Forestman said:
Thanks Rhody. I appreciate your concern.

No problem Forestman,

I have a bit of OCD as well, so I understand where you are coming from, we all need to come to terms with our strengths and weaknesses and sometimes if possible turn those weaknesses into a potential source of strength.

Rhody... :smile:
  • #12
Not to minimize what might be a real symptom, but many normal people have little quirks that few people know about. They can be tiny compulsive behaviors that are completely benign.
  • #13
Hahhah Great man !

I finally found someone who does the same thing as I do.
When I was a kid I was rolling my head exact way as you described.I started to do it when I was 5-6 years old and I do it even now sometimes,but rarely.
I tried to find out what might be the cause for this,but never got the answer.

Until fifth year of my life I had a swing in my garden and I was swinging for whole day on it and that movement gave me over whelming feeling always.
When I turned 6 there was a civil war in my country (ex Yugoslavia) and I had to leave the home and the swing too : )
After that I started to roll my head in the bed and that gave me same feeling even more intense than swinging.Later I discovered that adding some cool music to it makes me feel even better.I could do it for hours as you also said and I did it for years like that.
While I was getting older I started to do it less often and for shorter periods of time (it was daily for a hour or two when I was a kid) and when I turned 20 I stopped to do it almost totally.I am 27 years old now and sometimes I do it.It helps me to relax and to clear my mind.I also like to dance to the music in clubs so I think it might be related to the buzz people get from dancing.I never did it without music.
I really don't know why it causes that cool feeling for me,but I was addicted to it earlier.

Just to mention I do not have any psychological illness and I never had any.I think it might have to do something with the pleasure people get from dancing or riding a roller coaster,because I get the same feeling in my stomach as the one I get while on roller coaster.

it would be very interesting for me if someone can explain why does it give me that cool feeling while doing it.
  • #14
My granddaughter does something similar, but is not ocd. With her it seems to be a proprioceptive disorder, where she does this to get the feeling and sensation - she is sensory weak. Her brother does something similar. If you engage either of them in conversation it immediately stops. They seem happy when doing it. Used to worry me.
  • #15
I rolled my head as a child, from side to side. Generally I did it to get myself to sleep, and the feeling of pleasure that I got from it was enhanced by listening to music, and as a 49 old I still find it comforting. My theory is linked to nicotine. My mother was a smoker and smoked throughout her pregnancy carrying me. I was also once a smoker and during this period of around 20 years, the head rolling stopped. Since giving up 13 years ago it returned. I wonder if the head rolling is to stimulate the feeling that is absent from the lack of nicotine ?
  • #16
I have been rolling my head back and forth along with my body since birth, I wished that I knew what may cause to why I do this, I still do this til this day. And with music , it truly relaxes me in a way I can't explain. I can do this for hours until I fall asleep.
I have been searching for some answers... I found none! I want to know why I do this? I am glad that I am not alone., I felt like I was weird or strange in a sense that rolling your head was not normal. I do know what it is called: Rhythmic Movement Disorder.
You can read it here at this link, I hope this might help to some of you that are searching for answers. I for one have read it and I just don't know what to make of it. I pray that someone answers back so I can get some answers.
Thanks in advance! :biggrin:
here is the link
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  • #17
Forestman said:
When I lay down I have this over whelming feeling to roll my head back forth on the pillow. In my entire life I have only heard of two other people doing this. Sometimes I can roll my head for up to an hour.

I did this exact thing as a kid before I either grew out of it or stopped myself from doing. But I still have to move my leg, even when lying down to sleep.

Yiska said:
I do know what it is called: Rhythmic Movement Disorder.

I don't think that's the name of this disorder. The article says that RMD involves involuntary muscle movements, not voluntary.
  • #18
Drakkith said:
I did this exact thing as a kid before I either grew out of it or stopped myself from doing. But I still have to move my leg, even when lying down to sleep.
I don't think that's the name of this disorder. The article says that RMD involves involuntary muscle movements, not voluntary.
Perhaps not.. But its the closest thing I can come up to as finding the closest thing that I found to what I have been searching for years. :/ I wished I knew what it was called or the fact why I do it, I am just glad that I am not alone.
  • #19
Yiska said:
Perhaps not.. But its the closest thing I can come up to as finding the closest thing that I found to what I have been searching for years. :/ I wished I knew what it was called or the fact why I do it, I am just glad that I am not alone.

Indeed. If there's one thing I've learned in life, it's that no matter how odd, weird, or different you think you are, there are almost certainly THOUSANDS of people, if not more, just as odd, weird, or different as you are.
  • #20
Drakkith said:
Indeed. If there's one thing I've learned in life, it's that no matter how odd, weird, or different you think you are, there are almost certainly THOUSANDS of people, if not more, just as odd, weird, or different as you are.
Thank you.. I needed to hear that, not that it makes me feel better but , yeah... I am just glad that I am not alone in this and that I was able to find this site , hear their testimonies , share their stories, make me feel I am part of this world too, no matter how odd, weird, indifferent I feel :smile:
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  • #21
I hope there is someone out there can closed in this chapter so I can know for sure what is it that I have and why I do it as I am sure those who have similars experience I am going through. That would be great... its been too long not having a name, then again, perhaps its a good thing.
I found this site. you can read and see what you all think??
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  • #22
I'll roll my head sometimes to try and get rid of the pain from arthritis. Usually makes it worse but I'll still do it. What you have is probably a OCD/Tourette's thing going on. However, you might look into Dystonia - the moving disease.
I think that if that's your worst problem your just fine. Like it's been said above, no one is unique. And if it makes you feel comfortable to put a label on it, these days there's a name for every and any medical/psychological condition or behaviour. Enjoy your life and I'm glad you escaped Yugoslavia with your health and your happiness intact.
  • #23
Hello Ebos, if that was directly at me, thanks for replying. I don't think its Dystonia, I had this since birth , I look it up what it meant, none of that applies to me, but I am sure there is a name for it, even if there wasn't, would be nice to know what that name is, even if there isn't a name for it, I am just happy that I am not alone and that there are actually people out there that go through the same as me.
Speaking of enjoying my life... let's just say ...coming from a dysfunctional family, I can honesty say... there are worst things people have to go through. I am not in harm's way but I do feel those who go through traumatic stress and live every day in fear. That is no way to live.
But in the meantime.. happiness is what you make of it. You have to find your happy place you know. I pray you have found yours.
shlm. :)
  • #24
Hi everybody! I've been rolling my head to fall asleep it from the crib right up to today.

When I was still a baby, my mother used to be very anxious about me doing it, fearing some obscure neurological condition, so she consulted with several pediatricians. As it was obviously too soon for me to confirm that the head-rolling was voluntary, some doctors suggested invasive pharmaceutical treatment. She finally consulted a sleep specialist that went to this admirably simple workflow with her:

1. Does it help him sleep? (yes)
2. Does he seem to enjoy it? (yes)

The clever doc said something like: “Well, then, let the poor child be, for God's sake”, so my mom chilled out about it, and I turned out perfectly fine. I'm a 24-year-old male with good social skills (no autistic/Asperger-like condition). Throughout my teenage years, I had to learn to fall asleep without doing it (e.g. when I had friends over at home, or when I started having a girlfriend), but I still enjoy doing it when I'm alone. It makes me feel the "rollercoaster" effect other people in this thread have mentioned, helps me let go of uneasy thoughts and fall asleep quickly. I rarely "stop" doing it voluntarily, rather falling asleep directly in the process.

Moral of the story: people have some very unique habits and pretty much anybody does something special that people are quick to diagnose as a super obscure neuro-mental-social-linguistico-autistic condition, but this particular thing is probably a remnant of the soothing movements from your time in the womb, when every micro-movement of your mom would “rock” you in the amniotic fluid. It is also the reason why the head-rolling is so common in babies at the age where they are forced to figure out techniques for falling asleep without their mom's help.

Why shouldn't people be allowed to rock themselves to sleep once in a while?

PS: this thread is cool http://isitnormal.com/story/i-rock-myself-to-sleep-every-night-32460/
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  • #25
chris0293 said:
Hi everybody! I've been rolling my head to fall asleep it from the crib right up to today.

When I was still a baby, my mother used to be very anxious about me doing it, fearing some obscure neurological condition, so she consulted with several pediatricians. As it was obviously too soon for me to confirm that the head-rolling was voluntary, some doctors suggested invasive pharmaceutical treatment. She finally consulted a sleep specialist that went to this admirably simple workflow with her:

1. Does it help him sleep? (yes)
2. Does he seem to enjoy it? (yes)

The clever doc said something like: “Well, then, let the poor child be, for God's sake”, so my mom chilled out about it, and I turned out perfectly fine. I'm a 24-year-old male with good social skills (no autistic/Asperger-like condition). Throughout my teenage years, I had to learn to fall asleep without doing it (e.g. when I had friends over at home, or when I started having a girlfriend), but I still enjoy doing it when I'm alone. It makes me feel the "rollercoaster" effect other people in this thread have mentioned, helps me let go of uneasy thoughts and fall asleep quickly. I rarely "stop" doing it voluntarily, rather falling asleep directly in the process.

Moral of the story: people have some very unique habits and pretty much anybody does something special that people are quick to diagnose as a super obscure neuro-mental-social-linguistico-autistic condition, but this particular thing is probably a remnant of the soothing movements from your time in the womb, when every micro-movement of your mom would “rock” you in the amniotic fluid. It is also the reason why the head-rolling is so common in babies at the age where they are forced to figure out techniques for falling asleep without their mom's help.

Why shouldn't people be allowed to rock themselves to sleep once in a while?

PS: this thread is cool http://isitnormal.com/story/i-rock-myself-to-sleep-every-night-32460/

Hi Chris and welcome...
Glad to have you here with us and share your story. I honesty thought I was alone in this, I had to look around on websites to see if there was actually anyone that had this problem.. Which I wouldn't call it a "problem", but you know what I mean, right? :) Are we all glad that we fond others that understand ...
Thanks everyone for making me feel like I am not alone. ROCK- and ROLL On!
  • #26
So I'm not alone! I've been head rolling since birth, Drs told my parents it was Shaken Baby Syndrome even though i was shaking myself. Did it awake and while sleeping.
As a child i didn't need music but as an adult i prefer it. I'm 30 and I still thoroughly enjoy it. I day dream while doing so, its an escape. If I'm single I'll head roll daily. Being in a relationship helps because there's no way I'd risk getting caught by a significant other. Happy to know there's others like myself!
  • #27
AzLisaMarie said:
So I'm not alone! I've been head rolling since birth, Drs told my parents it was Shaken Baby Syndrome even though i was shaking myself. Did it awake and while sleeping.
As a child i didn't need music but as an adult i prefer it. I'm 30 and I still thoroughly enjoy it. I day dream while doing so, its an escape. If I'm single I'll head roll daily. Being in a relationship helps because there's no way I'd risk getting caught by a significant other. Happy to know there's others like myself!
I thought I was alone in this too as this is not heard of ( I wouldn't call it rare now that there are people out there that do what wwe do, amazing that peopel are coming out of the "closet: sort of speak." :D ) I had no idea that there was others that did the same thing I did, I truly thought I was weird or crazy, but I know I am not crazy, I often wonder what makes me do this, why? I still do this, sometimes with and or without music.
Welcome aboard AzLisaMarie. :)
  • #28
Hey guys, there's a name for this! The latin name is: "jactatio capitis".
I have ADD and have been doing this my whole life.
  • #29
I have been rolling my head ever since I can remember. 4-5 years old. I still do it now and I'm in my 40's.. it has slowed down because I'm married now (11 years) so I only do it when my wife isn't around. (Like if I go to bed before her). It's almost like a means of escape, I day dream think things, etc... After rolling around for a while, than I will stop because I kind of tired myself out, and I'll roll over look to go to sleep without following, or either my wife will come to bed and I'll be forced to stop. There will be times when I had such a long exhausting day, even in the middle of the day where I'll just go upstairs and roll even if it's for a few minutes, just to unwind. I went to a sleep clinic when I was in my 20's , nothing came of it. They gave me a medication called anafranil, it took it for like a month and stopped, I don't want to be on medication. I don't think it's necesssary for that. Crazy thing is, I have 2 boys - my older guy no,head rolling, my younger guy who is 6 now, told my wife my mother, it's freaking hereditary, he does the exact same thing as me. I feel terrible I gave him that disorder. As soon as I saw him doing that I felt so bad. I know this is going to be with him forever. The hiding it friends , sleepovers etc... anyway just figured I share my story. I'm exhausted, I'm going to go roll alittle before the wife goes comes to bed...
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  • #30
Skijak said:
Hey guys, there's a name for this! The latin name is: "jactatio capitis".
I have ADD and have been doing this my whole life.
What people here are describing is strictly voluntary, jactatio capitis or Rhythmic movement disorder is mainly involuntary. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhythmic_movement_disorder

We do not diagnose people here, so let's avoid diagnoses or the thread will need to be closed.
  • #31
I, too, have been doing this since I can remember...I continue to do it, because it makes me feel good, and helps me to sleep. I don't see any harm in it, and neither does my wife. I was able to stop for awhile when I was in a previous relationship because she thought I was 'weird'... I still had to 'rock' my foot. I'm 55 and couldn't be happier...those that understand it, understand it. Those that don't...don't. They don't pay my bills, so I don't worry about it.
  • #32
This thread has had a good run. Closed.
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FAQ: What causes some people to want to roll their head

What causes some people to want to roll their head?

There are several potential causes for the desire to roll one's head, including muscle tension, stress, and neurological conditions.

Is rolling one's head a sign of a medical condition?

In some cases, rolling one's head may be a symptom of a medical condition such as cervical dystonia or Tourette's syndrome. It is important to consult a medical professional if the behavior is frequent or disruptive.

Can rolling one's head cause damage to the neck or spine?

Rolling one's head occasionally is unlikely to cause damage, but repetitive or forceful movements may lead to strain or injury in the neck and spine. It is important to practice proper posture and avoid excessive or repetitive head rolling.

Are there any benefits to rolling one's head?

Some people may find that rolling their head provides temporary relief from tension or discomfort in the neck and shoulders. However, this should not be used as a long-term solution and it is important to address any underlying issues that may be causing the tension.

What can be done to prevent the desire to roll one's head?

If rolling one's head is a result of muscle tension or stress, practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation may help. In cases of medical conditions, a doctor may recommend medication or therapy to manage symptoms. It is important to consult a medical professional for personalized advice.
