Is a Member Photo Thread 2.0 Needed?

  • Thread starter DaveC426913
  • Start date
In summary, Rhody found missing photos, formatted them, and sent them to Micro. Micro is making progress on the Alphabetical Member Photo thread, and if you have a picture posted that you wish removed, please send Micro a PM. Splendid job!
  • #1
Gold Member
Much as I like the Member Photo Thread, it's too unwieldy if I want to look someone up. The signal-noise ratio of pix to comments about pix is low.

I propose a clone of the thread that contains only the posts containing pictures. This would probably cut the thread down from 4000+ to less than 1000. It'd be cool to be able to search the thread and turn up only pictures of the member you searched for instead of a zillion comment posts or replies to posts containing pictures of other people.

I would volunteer my time to do this if it were set up and I were given the right permissions.

I'd also be interested in feedback of any other tweaks to the thread. (Only one photo her member? Drop extraneous comments? How to reconcile the two threads moving forward? Automation?)
Physics news on
  • #3

Kurdt said:
There is one that Evo maintained somewhere. *looks*


5th sticky down same forum.

Yes, but the last time Evo actually added the new pictures is a long time ago :biggrin:
  • #4
True; but this may motivate her.
  • #5
Kurdt said:
True; but this may motivate her.
It got too big, pictures were no longer on the same pages, picture links no longer worked, etc...

I'll work on it if I have the right "enticement".

I'm going to fix it, I'm no longer going to try to list the page in the primary photo list. I will just show the member's name and link to their picture.
Last edited:
  • #6
I've seen this happen in a lot of forums, two threads for member photos. One for the photos themselves, the other for the discussion about the photos. It's always seemed like a good idea.
  • #7
Ok, so how do you want it? I can either just link to the picture in the other thread, or post the photo so you don't have to link to see it.

Scroll down and click on Wolram, his links are broken, no pics.
  • #8
Evo said:
Ok, so how do you want it? I can either just link to the picture in the other thread, or post the photo so you don't have to link to see it.

Scroll down and click on Wolram, his links are broken, no pics.

There are real photo's and then there are "near real" photo's. I like the idea of for long standing members, an early photo, and then Gasp ! a current photo, new members will immediately recognize the seasoned veteran's. As Dave has said, other folks are willing to pitch in, divide and conquer. I would be willing to give up Sunday Chat time here and there to pitch in. The job is too big for one poor soul, IMHO. That's my two cents.

  • #9
Micro mass has saved the day, he sent me a list off all of the missing phots, and he formatted them!

Thank you micro!
  • #10
Yay, Micro! Thanks. (It wouldn't hurt my feelings any if my picture happened to vanish during the process...)
  • #11
I am making progress on the Alphabetical Member Photo thread, thanks to Micro. It's still a lengthy process, but hopefully will be complete tomorrow. If you have a picture posted that you wish removed, please send me a PM.
  • #12
Evo said:
I am making progress on the Alphabetical Member Photo thread, thanks to Micro. It's still a lengthy process, but hopefully will be complete tomorrow. If you have a picture posted that you wish removed, please send me a PM.
Splendid job! That is a lot of work. Well done. And thanks for the effort!
  • #13
Evo said:
I am making progress on the Alphabetical Member Photo thread, thanks to Micro. It's still a lengthy process, but hopefully will be complete tomorrow. If you have a picture posted that you wish removed, please send me a PM.

I want to do it if you're sick of it... Just hit "QUOTE" and send me the corresponding code. I'll try to fix it...

Good luck either way!
  • #14
micromass said:
I want to do it if you're sick of it... Just hit "QUOTE" and send me the corresponding code. I'll try to fix it...

Good luck either way!
Unfortunately I have to insert the new between the existing, and insert commas and delete spaces (without messing up the formatting), and delete broken links. I also had to add a few pages and break up the lists to make room, so it should go faster now.

You did 99.9% of the work micro, what I want to know is how did you do it so fast? You're phenomenal!
  • #15
Why don't you ask people to use the pf upload feature rather than linking offsite. Seems like that would save a headache. I also like (whomever suggested it I forget, sorry) the idea of not being allowed to quote an image from the thread. It both reduces thread size/length, and allows anyone to easily remove their picture if they were so inclined.
  • #16
Evo said:
Unfortunately I have to insert the new between the existing, and insert commas and delete spaces (without messing up the formatting), and delete broken links. I also had to add a few pages and break up the lists to make room, so it should go faster now.

You did 99.9% of the work micro, what I want to know is how did you do it so fast? You're phenomenal!

It did take me a couple of hours... It's a hellish thing to do, though, so good luck to you :smile:

QuarkCharmer said:
Why don't you ask people to use the pf upload feature rather than linking offsite. Seems like that would save a headache. I also like (whomever suggested it I forget, sorry) the idea of not being allowed to quote an image from the thread. It both reduces thread size/length, and allows anyone to easily remove their picture if they were so inclined.

Pictures uploaded to PF will eat up PF bandwith and memory. I think that Greg therefore likes it better to go with photobucket/other uploading site. I'm not sure though.
  • #17
You rock, micro :smile:!
  • #18
Everyone, a round of applause for micromass! Without him, I would never have been able to get caught up.

I have a bit of cleanup left.

If you have pictures you want added or deleted, let me or micro know.
  • #19
Evo said:
Everyone, a round of applause for micromass! Without him, I would never have been able to get caught up.

I have a bit of cleanup left.

If you have pictures you want added or deleted, let me or micro know.

And an applause for Evo too for making things up to date! It wasn't fun, but you did it anyway :smile:
  • #20
The thread looks great, Evo! Thank you {{hug}}!
  • #21
QuarkCharmer said:
Why don't you ask people to use the pf upload feature rather than linking offsite. Seems like that would save a headache. I also like (whomever suggested it I forget, sorry) the idea of not being allowed to quote an image from the thread. It both reduces thread size/length, and allows anyone to easily remove their picture if they were so inclined.

Actually if you host your image outside of PF it is easier for you to remove them from posts here as it is under your control - you can delete the image from the hosting site and it won't appear here. If it is hosted at PF you have to ask someone to do it, as you can't edit your old posts.

Note that quoted images are exactly the same images (same files) that were posted, they are just displayed more than once.

And kudos to micro & Evo for the work they are doing.

There are some images of PFers in random threads - for example some where in the photo contests (I can easily check ours: 1, 2, 3, 4 but I am sure there were more), there was a thread with baby pictures, I remember seeing wedding pictures of Turbo and Jimmy Snyder and so on.

FAQ: Is a Member Photo Thread 2.0 Needed?

1. What is the purpose of "Member Photo Thread Mk. 2"?

The purpose of "Member Photo Thread Mk. 2" is for members of a group or community to share photos of themselves with each other. It allows members to put a face to the names they interact with online and promote a sense of community.

2. How can I participate in "Member Photo Thread Mk. 2"?

To participate in "Member Photo Thread Mk. 2", you can simply post a photo of yourself in the designated thread or follow the instructions provided by the group or community. Be sure to read any rules or guidelines before posting.

3. Can I post more than one photo in "Member Photo Thread Mk. 2"?

Yes, you can post multiple photos in "Member Photo Thread Mk. 2". However, it is recommended to limit your posts to a reasonable number to avoid cluttering the thread and allow others to also share their photos.

4. Are there any restrictions on the types of photos I can post in "Member Photo Thread Mk. 2"?

There may be specific guidelines or rules set by the group or community, so it is best to check before posting. Generally, photos should be appropriate and respectful, and should not violate any copyright or privacy laws.

5. Can I comment on or like other members' photos in "Member Photo Thread Mk. 2"?

Yes, you can interact with other members' photos by commenting on them or liking them. This can help promote a sense of community and encourage others to share their own photos.

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