Is PF Addictive?

  • Thread starter N_Quire
  • Start date
Alt+Tab combinations.I need to write a help file for that program..."I have heard that PF is addictive. Are any of you PF junkies?In summary, many members of the forum have admitted to being addicted to Physics Forums, spending hours each day browsing and participating in discussions. Some have even experienced withdrawal symptoms when away from the site. However, others have stated that they are able to control their usage and only check the site once or twice a day. Some have also noticed a decline in the quality of posts as time goes on, but still find the forum to be a valuable source of intellectual stimulation. Overall, it seems that many members are indeed addicted to PF.
  • #1
I have heard that PF is addictive. Are any of you PF junkies? I try to come by every day to check the messages but am glad to say I did survive a three-day period of cold turkey with no side-effects.
Physics news on
  • #2

I have been voted #1 pf fanatic (as a new member at pf 2.0) and its for a reason. I can't get enough of PFs! As soon as I get home from school, I'm here on PFs for a couple of hours (2 hours, depending on homework).
  • #3
I don't know if you would consider me a fanatic as my post count is no where near as high as other members (my post count on PF2 was over 500). But as long as I'm on the computer I've got a window open with PF on it. I'll refresh the window every now and then to see if anything new and interesting shows up.
  • #4
As the once(and future) PF post champ, I have to say that it can easily become an addiction.
  • #5
I check PF even before my email inbox (even when it is full !).
More than twice a day.
More than 3 hours a day.
And you guess the rest ...
  • #6

I think everyone is a PF addict.

But yes , I must confess I AM ADDICTED TO PF hehehe
  • #7
Originally posted by N_Quire
Are any of you PF junkies?
ME ?! No... Nooooooo... No way...
  • #8
I suppose you could call me an addict. Not just in that I take an hour or two of every day, just to be on the PFs (with four windows open to the PFs, and contantly refreshing), but also because of the feeling of withdraw, that I get whenever I am forced to miss a day.
  • #9

I denied it twice in PUBLIC !
(No "General" post count... <- )
  • #10
Who, me?!

You'll never prove it!
  • #11
hey greg, am i a pf addict?
  • #12
I have it open pretty much all day at work. Glance at it when I get a couple of minutes and write whenever I can. It's debriefing for me. Keeps me a bit sane.

  • #13
The quality of posts is declining,
  • #14
Yup, I love it. I check it everyday, I don't participate in posts everyday, but I'm always logged on, reading all the new and interesting stuff! :wink:
  • #15
Originally posted by Saint
The quality of posts is declining,
I think that all depends on where you look saint. I also have noticed that as time passes, the posts tend to be the same thing over and over, and seemingly decreasing in quality. But now and then you do get really good topics. You just have to look for them.

When I am away from my computer, I have no trouble forgetting about PF. But as soon as I am near a computer, the first thing i do is look for topics of interest.

This is probably my main source of intellectual stimulation of the sort I need. Its very hard to find people who are willing to discuss, in detail, exactly what it is which constitues consciousness, what the mind is, how objectivity is relevent, what logic is, how evolution relates to ..whatever. etc.

I'm not addicted. I just can't live without it.
  • #16
I'm Addicted

Yes ...
But This Year I Will Have Very Hard Exams ... I still have time before they start , but I'll be really busy at that time .
I have about 3 free months before suffering begins

I don't know how I will bear being away from PF ...
  • #17
I wouldn't consider myself an addict at the moment. I check it once, maybe twice a day but I don't usually spend more than half an hour here.

When I first joined I was constantly on. After a while you start to see the same arguments in a lot of the forums, such as religion, philosophy etc. and since I'm neither an armchair physicist nor a physics student a lot of those conversations are either over my head or boring. I'd prefer to read about science in a book than watch people argue about who is right or wrong (as is the case in most threads.)

Not that I ever have any great input or anything.
  • #18
By definition, is addiction linked with withdrawal symptoms? I don't suffer withdrawal when deprived of PF because I don't think about it, but whenever I have the opportunity to browse the boards I can't resist. So I'm not sure if that could be considered addiction or not.
  • #19
okay, does this classify as being an addict:

scenario: kerrie at work, sitting at her desk, PF screen is up, kerrie is posting away...uh oh! here comes big loud boss with one of his great ideas to share with me! quick! alt/tab to the order entry screen before he sees i am screwing off again! boss says, are you working hard, or hardly working with a big cheesy grin...

this is my typical day if i am at work...the other days when i am making sales calls (driving all day), i actually have to earn my pay...
  • #20
I was very much addicted to PF in my early days. But now that I have no access to the internet at uni I have had cold turkey forced on me. :frown:
  • #21
Originally posted by Kerrie
scenario: kerrie at work, sitting at her desk, PF screen is up, kerrie is posting away...uh oh! here comes big loud boss with one of his great ideas to share with me! quick! alt/tab to the order entry screen before he sees i am screwing off again! boss says, are you working hard, or hardly working with a big cheesy grin...

Or ...
Simply use a program that i developed called "MultiScreen", a single click will hide all the current windows, and show another set of windows.
So now the boss will not only think that you are not on PF, but he will also think that you are at the middle of some kind of work.
And it can be adjusted to work on a certain hot key.
(if you want it PM me).
  • #22
If anyone remembers i use to be.. not sure anyone here remembers me anymore, but that is ok.
  • #23
Originally posted by MacTech
If anyone remembers i use to be.. not sure anyone here remembers me anymore, but that is ok.

I remember you, but I wasn't Mentat when you were really "on top of your game".
  • #24
Are any of you PF addicts?

Let's just say that lately I've been showing withdrawal symptoms.:smile:
  • #25
Originally posted by MacTech
If anyone remembers i use to be.. not sure anyone here remembers me anymore, but that is ok.

I remember ya...back when I was an unrepentant addict myself!
  • #26
ahh just posting this stops my raging headache and my horrable nausea mpw what was the question...

THey should make a PF gum that slowly releases scinence and general topics into and you can chew anohter piece if you have a really bad craving...
  • #27
Or a patch, even. We could call it Physics-a-rette, or Science-o-trol. We'd make millions.

BTW I'd just like to say that I find MacTech extremely attractive. He looks just like Mena Suvari. Are you single, Mac? And if so, would you like to go out some time?
  • #28
I used to post about 3-4 times a day and look at all posts in General discussion, Maths, Religion.

Since the change over, I cannot even be bothered to read some threads.
  • #29
Well, it's apparent to me that I'm addicted. I post (on average) 21 times per day (sometimes more), and I make up every possible excuse (sometimes I even do my chores!) to get on the PFs every day.
  • #30
People please I think I'm the undisputed original PF addict!

BTW I'd just like to say that I find MacTech extremely attractive. He looks just like Mena Suvari. Are you single, Mac? And if so, would you like to go out some time?
I hope you are sarcastic :smile:

btw, Mentat who did you used to be?
  • #31
Originally posted by Greg Bernhardt
People please I think I'm the undisputed original PF addict!

Bow to the king, you insolent frauds!

btw, Mentat who did you used to be?

I was Mentat, in PF 2.0. On the first version of the PFs, I think I was something like "einstein_Newton". I don't really remember, because I was just playing around, and didn't see the significance of the Forums, at the time.
  • #32
Originally posted by Greg Bernhardt
I hope you are sarcastic :smile:
Yes I was. I'm not gay, for those wondering. And I am positive MacTech is not as pretty as Ms. Suvari (No offense, Mac).
Just jokin around.
  • #33
If you call severe stabbing pains in my cerebral cortex whenever I go without for a while an addiction... then yeah, I guess so.
  • #34
Originally posted by Mentat
I remember you, but I wasn't Mentat when you were really "on top of your game".

lol, yeah.. oh well :)
  • #35
Originally posted by mouseman
BTW I'd just like to say that I find MacTech extremely attractive. He looks just like Mena Suvari. Are you single, Mac? And if so, would you like to go out some time?

actually.. i wish i was mena.. i would play with myself... :) lol. but no i am a guy and don't look anything like her.

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