Can Artificial Consciousness Create an Entire Society Using Quantum Computers?

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    Many worlds
In summary, the conversation discusses the idea of creating artificial consciousness and an artificial society by simulating the interactions of people in a social environment using quantum computers and evolutionary algorithms. The concept of Many Worlds Interpretation (MWI) is also mentioned, but it is considered more of a hypothetical theory at this point. The potential of creating an AI environment based on MWI is also mentioned, but the practicality and funding for such a project is questioned. The conversation then touches on the idea of reality being a computer simulation, referencing the movie The Matrix, and the overall discussion is deemed to be overly speculative and not directly related to quantum theory.
  • #1
Anyone know anything about creating artificial consciousness through the blueprints of people's consciousness, thus creating an artificial society. Through this you can predict how people will interact in an environment through social simulations and manipulate them.

Through quantum computers, I believe that the theory of many worlds would be computed by evolutionary algorithms to predict the most likely reality and by changing variables you can manipulate reality itself.
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  • #2
I don't think Many Minds/MWI, has much to do with practical theory atm outside of the hypothetical. So to give an answer would mean assuming that MWI is correct. Which is a bit of a stretch for your average (Copenhagen Interpretation) CI advocate. That said, I suppose in "theory", given that the quantum computer is modeled on a MWI then it ought to be perfectly possible to create an AI type environment in the computer, based on the same idea as MWI by modelling just such a reality.

That said though I doubt you'd get much interest in funding such a project as it's all a bit arm wavey methinks atm. I have read some interesting stuff about reality being a computer simulation, which was quite plausible in a self contained sort of way if not slightly bizarre. So for all we know we're already living in just such a Universe, modeled by just such a race of people. Anyone seen The Matrix. :wink: :smile:
  • #3
This thread is way over-speculative. This has nothing to do anymore with quantum theory.

FAQ: Can Artificial Consciousness Create an Entire Society Using Quantum Computers?

1. What is the Many Worlds Interpretation?

The Many Worlds Interpretation is a theory in quantum mechanics that suggests that every possible outcome of a measurement exists in a separate universe. This means that every time a quantum event takes place, the universe splits into multiple copies, each with a different outcome.

2. How does Many Worlds Interpretation differ from other interpretations of quantum mechanics?

The Many Worlds Interpretation differs from other interpretations, such as the Copenhagen Interpretation, in that it does not require the collapse of the wavefunction. Instead, all possible outcomes are considered to be equally real and exist in separate universes.

3. How does Many Worlds Interpretation account for the observer's role in quantum events?

In Many Worlds Interpretation, the observer is considered to be a part of the quantum system, and their measurement simply determines which universe they experience. This means that the observer's consciousness is not the cause of the collapse of the wavefunction, but rather a result of it.

4. Is there any evidence to support the Many Worlds Interpretation?

Currently, there is no direct evidence to support the Many Worlds Interpretation. However, the theory is consistent with the mathematical framework of quantum mechanics and has been used to make predictions that have been confirmed through experiments.

5. How does Many Worlds Interpretation relate to the concept of parallel universes?

The Many Worlds Interpretation suggests that every possible outcome of a quantum event exists in a separate universe. This can be seen as similar to the concept of parallel universes, where multiple versions of reality exist. However, the idea of parallel universes is not limited to quantum events, while Many Worlds Interpretation specifically applies to quantum mechanics.
