Determining 3x3 Matrix Determinant - Tips & Tricks

  • Thread starter cepheid
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In summary, the conversation discussed the best method for finding the determinant of a 3x3 matrix in the form of \mathbf{A} - \lambda\mathbf{I}. The participants suggested using Gaussian elimination and the method of expansion by cofactors, but also mentioned that the determinant will always be cubic in \lambda. They also discussed using Girolamo Cardano's formulas for solving cubic equations, which can be found in old algebra books. However, it was noted that for polynomials of degree 4 and higher, there is no general method for solving them.
  • #1
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What's the best way to take the determinant of a 3 X 3 matrix. It's actually a matrix in the form:

[tex] \mathbf{A} - \lambda\mathbf{I} [/tex]

So I figured Gaussian elimination would be ugly, because of all the lambdas floating around. I tried the method of expansion by cofactors...and ended up with the cubic characteristic polynomial, only to find I had no idea how to solve it. I took that to mean that I had done something wrong, so rather than posting that result, I thought I'd get some advice on how to start from scratch. The matrix is symmetric, btw, if that helps the situation.
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  • #2
You won't get around the fact that the determinant is cubic in [itex]\lambda[/itex]. I presume you want eventually to set the determinant to zero and solve for [itex]\lambda[/itex]. You may or may not be able to factor the cubic equation but you have graphing and other approximation methods at your disposal.
  • #3
Usually a combination of row (or column) operations and cofactor expansion is the way to go. Do some convenient row operations to make a row or column of mostly zeros and expand. It's tough to say what is the least error prone method, it depends on where you want to do your work and what your matrix actually looks like.

There are formulas for solving cubics by the way, though if this came up in a linear algebra course, usually they're cooked to have at least one easy to find root.
  • #4
Tide said:
You won't get around the fact that the determinant is cubic in [itex]\lambda[/itex]. I presume you want eventually to set the determinant to zero and solve for [itex]\lambda[/itex]. You may or may not be able to factor the cubic equation but you have graphing and other approximation methods at your disposal.

Try to use Girolamo Cardano's formulas.They are 500 years old and apparently the ignorant people forgot about them.Nobody's asking u to memorize them,just to look'em up in an (very) old fashioned algebra book. :wink:

  • #5

Of course, but if you've actually ever tried to USE Cardano's formula you'll appreciate numerical approximation! :-)

On the other hand, Derive (e.g.) does a pretty good job of handling cubic equations so you can avoid the tedium.
  • #6
Tide said:

Of course, but if you've actually ever tried to USE Cardano's formula you'll appreciate numerical approximation! :-)

On the other hand, Derive (e.g.) does a pretty good job of handling cubic equations so you can avoid the tedium.

Well,i'm not to keen at handling computer software (but i know how to use a pocket calculator :wink: ),so any numerical solutions with help of computer techniques,for me,is refuted from the start.

Yes,i'd take that old dusty book from the bookshelf and search for Cardano's formulas,than wonder how to get an approximate solution,when an exact one is available.

As for numerical approximation using the CPU on the shoulders,sometimes mine just fails when encounteriing something like that
[tex] 12\sqrt{7} x^{3}+4\sqrt [3] {5} x^{2}-5x+8=0 [/tex] :-p

  • #7

You misunderstood. A package like Derive isn't intended to give you an approximation - it's a symbolic algebra package which has the advantage of giving you the result of using Cardano's formula with all the coefficients substituted in appropriately. If you have used a pocket calculator then you know it gets a little hairy.

BTW - this is what Derive gives for your problem

x = 0.09800530325 - 0.3839643014· ∨ x = 0.09800530325 + 0.3839643014· ∨ x = -1.604601031

which came from the EXACT solutions:

x = (- √(- 125·√7/146313216 + 625·√5/3429216 + 25·√35/1016064 + 105739/438939648) + 625·√35/285768 + 25·√5/12096 + √7/168)^(1/3) + (√(- 125·√7/146313216 + 625·√5/3429216 + 25·√35/1016064 + 105739/438939648) + 625·√35/285768 + 25·√5/12096 + √7/168)^(1/3) - 5·√35/63 + ·(√3·(√(- 125·√7/2286144 + 1250·√5/107163 + 25·√35/15876 + 105739/6858432) + 625·√35/35721 + 25·√5/1512 + √7/21)^(1/3)/2 - √3·(- √(- 125·√7/2286144 + 1250·√5/107163 + 25·√35/15876 + 105739/6858432) + 625·√35/35721 + 25·√5/1512 + √7/21)^(1/3)/2) ∨ x = (- √(- 125·√7/146313216 + 625·√5/3429216 + 25·√35/1016064 + 105739/438939648) + 625·√35/285768 + 25·√5/12096 + √7/168)^(1/3) + (√(- 125·√7/146313216 + 625·√5/3429216 + 25·√35/1016064 + 105739/438939648) + 625·√35/285768 + 25·√5/12096 + √7/168)^(1/3) - 5·√35/63 + ·(√3·(- √(- 125·√7/2286144 + 1250·√5/107163 + 25·√35/15876 + 105739/6858432) + 625·√35/35721 + 25·√5/1512 + √7/21)^(1/3)/2 - √3·(√(- 125·√7/2286144 + 1250·√5/107163 + 25·√35/15876 + 105739/6858432) + 625·√35/35721 + 25·√5/1512 + √7/21)^(1/3)/2) ∨ x = - (- √(- 125·√7/2286144 + 1250·√5/107163 + 25·√35/15876 + 105739/6858432) + 625·√35/35721 + 25·√5/1512 + √7/21)^(1/3) - (√(- 125·√7/2286144 + 1250·√5/107163 + 25·√35/15876 + 105739/6858432) + 625·√35/35721 + 25·√5/1512 + √7/21)^(1/3) - 5·√35/63

which I won't bother TeXifiying! (It shows up perfectly rendered on the Derive screen. :-)
  • #8
Thanks for the help guys, it's much appreciated. I'm getting some more practice with 3 x 3 systems. I knew that the characteristic polynomial would have to be cubic, but just as somebody mentioned, I was expecting it to be easy to factor, and it wasn't. I suppose they could give us a hard one, but given the number of problems in the homework, I don't think they were expecting us to go out and get "Derive" or spend half a day looking up formulas in some musty tome ;)

IIRC, such formulas do not exist and cannot for polynomials of degree 4 and higher. What then...?
  • #9
cepheid: Have you tried synthetic division and the rational root theorem? That's usually where I go first when I have trouble factoring by inspection.
  • #10
cepheid said:
IIRC, such formulas do not exist and cannot for polynomials of degree 4 and higher. What then...?

It's a certain fact known in mathematics that equations for polynomials with real/complex coeffcients can be solved only for degrees smaller than 5.For the degrees 5,6,7,...,there is no general method,and in most cases,no factorization can occur.

I believe that in the "musty tome",the next page after dealing with Girolamo Cardano's formulas for the third degree algebraic equation,there is the general method (involving simple substitutions) in which ANY EQUATION OF THE 4-th order can be transformed into one of the 3-rd order and solved using Girolamo Cardano's formulas.


PS.The history involving three italian dudes:Scipione del Ferro,Niccolo Tartaglia and Girolamo Cardano and the famous "cubic formulas" is among the most famous in the history of mathematics.As famous as the "Delic problems". :wink:

FAQ: Determining 3x3 Matrix Determinant - Tips & Tricks

1. What is a determinant?

A determinant is a mathematical value that can be calculated from a square matrix. It represents certain properties of the matrix, such as its size, shape, and whether it has any linearly dependent rows or columns.

2. How do I determine the determinant of a 3x3 matrix?

To determine the determinant of a 3x3 matrix, you can use the "cross-multiplication" method. This involves multiplying certain elements of the matrix and then subtracting the products. Alternatively, you can use a calculator or a computer program to calculate the determinant for you.

3. What is the significance of the determinant in linear algebra?

The determinant is an important concept in linear algebra as it helps determine whether a matrix is invertible or not. It can also be used to solve systems of linear equations and is used in various other applications such as calculating areas and volumes.

4. Are there any tips or tricks for quickly determining the determinant of a 3x3 matrix?

One useful trick is to swap rows or columns of the matrix without changing the sign of the determinant. This can help simplify the calculation. Additionally, you can also use properties of determinants, such as the fact that multiplying a row or column by a constant also multiplies the determinant by that constant.

5. Can I use the determinant to find the inverse of a 3x3 matrix?

Yes, the determinant is used in finding the inverse of a matrix. Specifically, the inverse of a 3x3 matrix can be found by dividing the adjugate (the transpose of the cofactor matrix) by the determinant. However, this method can be time-consuming, and there are other more efficient techniques for finding the inverse of a matrix.
