I don't understand what the range is about?

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In summary, the range of a function is the set of values that can be obtained by inputting a number into the function. To calculate the range, one can find the inverse of the function and determine the domain of the inverse function. However, this method may not always work and it is important to take into account any domain restrictions. Additionally, the range can be determined by sketching the function and analyzing its behavior. In the conversation, the range of two specific functions is discussed and the methods for calculating their ranges are explained.
  • #1

I don't understand what the range is about. Can someone please explain? Thanks in advance.
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Mathematics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The domain is the set values of the function in which the value would yeild a real number. for example: f(x)=5/x, x is not part of the domain as 5/0 is not real.

The same, the range is the set of value from which if you put a number into the function these values can be found. For example: f(x)=x^2+1. The range is: f(x)=>1. This is because you cannot obtain numbers below 1 - put any number into the function and you will not be able to numbers below 0.

to calculate the range, you simply find the inverse of the function and find the domain of the inverse function - or use differential calculus...
  • #3
But remember when finding the inverse of certain evil functions, that (SQRT(a))^2 or SQRT(a^2) = |a|, then set the other side of the equation to an inequality to RHS=>0. This trapped me a lot...
  • #4
prasannapakkiam said:
to calculate the range, you simply find the inverse of the function and find the domain of the inverse function - or use differential calculus...

or you could just write it down. Note in the case given, your method of finding the domain of the inverse won't work, since the domain is constrained by x>10, meaning the range is y>0. Your method yields y=/=0.

Just sketch the function, and look at it: it is always positive, and tends to infinty as x tends to 10 and 0 as x tends to infinity. It is continuous, hence the range is y>0.
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  • #5
well 'simply' "write" this one "down" in one step:

  • #6
which "case" are you referring to?
  • #7
The case in the OPs link that he was asking about. You've not written down the domains of either of your functions, so it is impossible to write the ranges. Assuming you mean 'for the maximal subset of R for which this expression yields a real number' then the first is clearly y=>0. What you need to do depends on the question. The OPs question is straight foward to do by inspection.
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  • #8
matt grime: "Your method yields y=/=0"

I am sorry, but you probably need to finish solving this inequality (which I assume you did) - so finally my method yields:


Yes, I agree that my method does not couple the domain restriction of x>0. I have never encountered such a need to actually take into account a restiction before. This is one technique that I will find soon to implement upon this technique.
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  • #9
Oh, and your method also presupposes that the function is injective - it need not and in general will not be invertible.
  • #10
If by injection, you mean one-one - it does not matter. Read post #3. I mean, give one example through which my method completely breaks down...

Also (as I see it), the codomain is the set of all the Real values outputted by a function - thus this includes (unless stated otherwise), all the values of the function outputted by the domain.
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  • #11
Anyway Anived, remember post #3:
For example: f(x)=(x^2-5x-9)^(1/4)
To find the range, we can use my first method.

therefore: y=(x^2-5x-9)^(1/4)
therefore: y^4=|x^2-5x-9| -->
now LHS cannot be less than 0 as RHS is an absolute value.
thus we set:
therefore: y=>0 ==>

now back to our first result:
now there are 2 possible equations that can be made from this. However, in functions, each number in the domain can only have 1 answer. So we take the positive half:
therefore: y^4 = +(x^2-5x-9)
therefore: y^4 = (x-5/2)^2 -9-25/4
therefore: y^4 + 61/4 = (x-5/2)^2
therefore: SQRT(y^4 + 61/4)=|x-5/2|
now again set LHS => 0 (in this case it is unneccessary)
SQRT(y^4 + 61/4)>0
as you can see this yields yER==>
now back to the original equation - noting that again the positive bit is taken once again:
therefore: SQRT(y^4 + 61/4)=+(x-5/2)
therefore: SQRT(y^4 + 61/4)+5/2 = x
now the domain of this is also yER.==>
Now I finally write this collecting all the results:
Range = {y=>0}U{yER}U{yER}
Range: {f(x)ER, f(x)=>0} ===>

Note: I think I should learn Latex...

FAQ: I don't understand what the range is about?

1. What is the range in scientific terms?

The range refers to the difference between the highest and lowest values in a given set of data. It is a measure of the variability or spread of the data.

2. How is the range calculated?

To calculate the range, you subtract the lowest value from the highest value in the data set. This will give you the total range of values in the data set.

3. What is the purpose of calculating the range?

The range is used to understand the variability of the data and to determine the overall spread of the values. It can also help identify any outliers or extreme values in the data set.

4. How is the range different from the mean or median?

The mean and median both provide information about the central tendency of the data, while the range provides information about the spread of the data. The range is affected by extreme values, while the mean and median are not.

5. Can the range be negative?

Yes, the range can be negative if the lowest value in the data set is greater than the highest value. This would indicate that the data set is not normally distributed and has a skewed distribution.

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