Pulsar Timing Accuracy: Fractional Instability to 10^-15

In summary, the paper by Alexander Rodin discusses the comparison of fractional instability between pulsars and atomic standards, reaching a level of 10^{-15}. However, there are no citations provided. The question remains whether the 10^{-15} level is a real physical dispersion at the location of the pulsar, an error caused by physical effects during signal propagation, or a measurement error on Earth. Additionally, pulsars are subject to "starquakes," which can limit their accuracy as clocks.
  • #1
I've read the following statement:
"Fractional instability of some pulsars is comparable with the one of atomic standards
and reaches the level 10^{-15}"
This was the first sentence of the paper of Alexander Rodin:
Detection of GW by pulsar timing
But no citation in there.
1) Could you give me some citations?
2) 10^{-15} is the real physical dispersion at the place of the pulsar,
or an error due to physical effects during the sign propagation,
or a measurement error on the Earth?
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
This is not a complete answer to your question, but pulsars are subject to "starquakes," and this is one limit on their perfection as clocks.

FAQ: Pulsar Timing Accuracy: Fractional Instability to 10^-15

1. What is pulsar timing accuracy and why is it important in scientific research?

Pulsar timing accuracy refers to the precision with which scientists can measure the timings of pulsar signals. Pulsars are rapidly rotating neutron stars that emit regular pulses of electromagnetic radiation. These pulses can be used as precise clocks to study a variety of phenomena, such as gravitational waves and the properties of the interstellar medium. Accurate pulsar timing is important because it allows scientists to make precise measurements and test theories about the universe.

2. How is the fractional instability of pulsar timing measured?

The fractional instability of pulsar timing is a measure of the stability of the pulsar's rotation rate over time. It is typically measured by comparing the arrival times of pulsar signals with a high-precision atomic clock. The difference between the two arrival times is then divided by the total observation time to get the fractional instability.

3. What is the current state of pulsar timing accuracy?

As of now, pulsar timing accuracy has reached a fractional instability of 10^-15, meaning that the pulsar's rotation rate can be measured with a precision of one part in a quadrillion. This level of accuracy has been achieved through advancements in technology and data analysis techniques, and it continues to improve with ongoing research.

4. What are some challenges in achieving even higher pulsar timing accuracy?

One major challenge in achieving higher pulsar timing accuracy is the presence of timing noise, which refers to variations in the pulsar's rotation rate that cannot be explained by known physical processes. This noise can limit the precision of pulsar timing measurements and is an active area of research for scientists trying to improve accuracy.

5. How can improvements in pulsar timing accuracy benefit scientific research?

Higher pulsar timing accuracy can benefit scientific research in a variety of ways. It can help us better understand the properties of pulsars, such as their masses and magnetic fields, and probe the behavior of extreme gravitational fields. It can also be used to search for and study gravitational waves, which can provide valuable insights into the nature of the universe. Additionally, pulsar timing can be used to test theories of gravity and to study the effects of the interstellar medium on pulsar signals.
