Is G Calculated with g on All Planets and Stars?

  • Thread starter nicu
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the relationship between G and g, the constant and derived values used to calculate gravity on different planets and objects. The Cavendish experiment is mentioned as a way to measure G, and the importance of radius is also highlighted. The speakers also touch on the influence of Earth's rotation on gravity and express skepticism towards theories such as dark energy. They also discuss the simplicity of calculating g for space travel and the need for experiments in space to convince one of the accuracy of these calculations.
  • #1
i see G is calculated with g,or assumed to be the same,just other value,for all planets,stars,etc,variable being just mass and radius(they are also calculated with g)...
so,on the moon gravity is x time smaller then on the earth,because the mass of the moon is x time smaller.on the sun is bigger,etc,etc,etc...
i doubt very much...
isn`t it tautology?
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  • #2
It is the other way round. G is the universal constant and g is the derived one.

Thus from the mass, radius and G you can calculate the local g

G can be measured, look up 'cavendish experiment'

So the 'g' for any planet can be different – and if it is spinning , as the Earth does, is dependent on latitude because the 'centrifugal force' near the equator reduces 'g'.

Hope this helps



PS when I say G is universal I am neglecting unproven dark energy theories
  • #3
thank you...
it`s the other way around because it`s reversed trough extrapolation...
g was experimental measured on Earth firstly...
i agree with spinning and centrifugal force,not interested in dark or bright theories...
in the cavendish experiment i see only what is meant for,ratio ground/water,the water being chose to have 1 unit traditional density...
this experiment,like that with pendulum,are made on earth...
i doubt that it`s as simple as that,`you sit at your desk,calculate `g` for where you want to go,manufacture a rocket,on with your costume...and off you go...`
so,one experiment has to be made out of space to convince me...
  • #4
The cavendish experiment does not use the gravity of the Earth in any way. Only the gravitational force between two masses is tested, therefore you can calculate G with it.

Using the known radius of the Earth and the known acceleration g on the surface of the earth, you can calculate the mass of the earth.
In a similar way, if you know the mass and the radius of an object, you can calculate the local gravitational acceleration g with your knowledge of the fundamental constant G. g=GM/r^2, neglecting rotation here.

Look up details to Gravity Probe B, if you want to see precision tests of gravity in space.
  • #5
Something just occurred to me about the Cavendish Experiment, and I felt like posting it somewhere. So here it is.

Won't it be affected by the Earth's rotation, sort of like the Focault Pendulum?
  • #6
As the rotation is limited to one dimension, the two probe masses have a velocity in opposite directions, and the timescale of the experiment is much smaller than 24 hours, I don't see any significant effect.
  • #7
cavendish mechanical experiment is made on earth,but doesn`t use g in any way,after you...
and you neglect Earth rotation,which is the cause of gravity...then why you need RADIUS for?radius is for rotating objects...
you simplify what you suit you to simplify for an unproven theory in the end which everybody knows and i i don`t agree with...
  • #8

Unproven theory? Technically, it has been disproven and a more general form of it, general relativity, has come into play, but this is a good enough approximation for anything. Newton's Universal Law of Gravity describes the motion of the planets very well. Almost perfectly, the largest deviation is in Mercury's orbit, which is something like a deviation of one part in [itex]10^7[/itex]. We don't need to know G to notice how well this works.

Radius. I'd imagine that means the radius of the bar that the two balls are on. That's what radius is for, and, again, the Earth's rotation is negligible.
  • #9
nicu said:
cavendish mechanical experiment is made on earth,but doesn`t use g in any way,after you...
Do you need g to evaluate how long you have to accelerate with 1m/s^2 in horizontal direction to reach 10m/s? No.
The cavendish experiment uses only forces perpendicular to the Earth's gravity.

and you neglect Earth rotation
which is the cause of gravity

radius is for rotating objects...
Wrong. Take a ball from a random ball game. Do you have to rotate it to determine its radius?
The radius of a spherical object is the distance between surface and center, and that is important to calculate g.

you simplify what you suit you to simplify for an unproven theory in the end which everybody knows and i i don`t agree with...
No, I can do the math. And you?
  • #10
nicu said:
i see G is calculated with g,or assumed to be the same,just other value,for all planets,stars,etc,variable being just mass and radius(they are also calculated with g)...
so,on the moon gravity is x time smaller then on the earth,because the mass of the moon is x time smaller.on the sun is bigger,etc,etc,etc...
i doubt very much...
isn`t it tautology?

nicu said:
thank you...
it`s the other way around because it`s reversed trough extrapolation...
g was experimental measured on Earth firstly...
i agree with spinning and centrifugal force,not interested in dark or bright theories...
in the cavendish experiment i see only what is meant for,ratio ground/water,the water being chose to have 1 unit traditional density...
this experiment,like that with pendulum,are made on earth...
i doubt that it`s as simple as that,`you sit at your desk,calculate `g` for where you want to go,manufacture a rocket,on with your costume...and off you go...`
so,one experiment has to be made out of space to convince me...

nicu said:
cavendish mechanical experiment is made on earth,but doesn`t use g in any way,after you...
and you neglect Earth rotation,which is the cause of gravity...then why you need RADIUS for?radius is for rotating objects...
you simplify what you suit you to simplify for an unproven theory in the end which everybody knows and i i don`t agree with...

So you have never actually taken a physics course, right?
  • #11 The cavendish experiment does not use the gravity of the Earth in any way.
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  • #12
nicu said:
cavendish mechanical experiment is made on earth,but doesn`t use g in any way,after you...
and you neglect Earth rotation,which is the cause of gravity...then why you need RADIUS for?radius is for rotating objects...
you simplify what you suit you to simplify for an unproven theory in the end which everybody knows and i i don`t agree with...

The Earth's rotation is the cause of gravity? Lololol. Unproven theory? LOLOLOLOLOL. General relativity is one of the most proven theories of all time.
  • #13
i don`t see any counter argument( lol is not an argument),only quick childish not satisfy a herd of dogs attacking a new one to show who`s the boss here...
thank you very much for conversation ...
  • #14
Looks like a good time to close this thread, and a good time to remind people of the PF Rules on Overly Speculative Posts.

FAQ: Is G Calculated with g on All Planets and Stars?

1. What is the difference between G and g?

The capital letter G refers to the universal gravitational constant, which is a fundamental constant in physics that determines the strength of the gravitational force between two objects. The lowercase letter g refers to the acceleration due to gravity, which is dependent on the mass and distance of the objects involved.

2. How is G calculated?

G is calculated through experimental measurements, specifically with the Cavendish experiment which involves measuring the deflection of a torsion pendulum due to the gravitational force between two masses. The value of G is then determined by using the known masses and distances in the equation F = G(m1m2)/r^2.

3. Why is G such a small number?

G is a small number because it is a constant that relates the force of gravity to the masses and distances of objects. This means that for even relatively small objects, the force of gravity between them is very weak in comparison to other fundamental forces like electromagnetism.

4. How does G affect everyday life?

Although G is a small number, it plays a crucial role in our daily lives. It determines the strength of the gravitational force that keeps us on the Earth's surface, as well as the orbits of planets around the sun. It also affects the tides, the motion of celestial bodies, and the bending of light in gravitational lensing.

5. Can G ever change?

According to current scientific understanding, G is considered a fundamental constant and is believed to be constant in both time and space. However, there are some theories that suggest it may vary over very long periods of time or in extreme conditions, such as in the early universe or near black holes.

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