Noncommutative Geometry blog has audio of David Hilbert

In summary, the NCG blog features a variety of interesting content, including a link to a 4-minute talk by David Hilbert that is accessible to a wide, non-technical audience. The blog also includes a brief post about Hilbert and provides a link to an English translation of the text at the San Francisco State University website. The NCG blog is known for making resources easily accessible on the web, such as the free download of Alain Connes' 1994 book "Noncommutative Geometry" on his personal website. Recently, the blog also featured an mp3 of Hilbert speaking, which humanized him in a unique way.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Gold Member
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the NCG blog has various interesting stuff
one thing was this link to a 4 minute talk by David Hilbert
wide audience, nontechnical

here's NCG blog

and the brief post about Hilbert

they also give a link to ENGLISH TRANSLATION of the text
at the same San Francisco State University website.

the NCG people are doing pretty well about getting stuff on the web. Alain Connes 1994 book Noncommutative Geometry is free for download at his website, for example.
Physics news on
  • #2
Yeah I saw the mp3 of Hilbert a couple days ago. It kind of odd hearing him speak. Made him a little more human if you know what I mean.
  • #3

It is fascinating to see that the NCG blog has audio of David Hilbert, one of the most influential mathematicians in history. The fact that the audio is available to a wide audience and is presented in a nontechnical manner makes it even more accessible and interesting. The NCG blog seems to be doing a great job in providing various interesting content, including this link to a 4-minute talk by Hilbert. It is also commendable that they have provided a link to an English translation of the text, making it easier for non-German speakers to understand. It is clear that the NCG blog is dedicated to spreading knowledge and information about noncommutative geometry, and their efforts in making resources easily accessible, such as the free download of Alain Connes' book, are highly appreciated. It is great to see such dedication and effort in promoting and sharing mathematical knowledge.

FAQ: Noncommutative Geometry blog has audio of David Hilbert

1. What is noncommutative geometry?

Noncommutative geometry is a branch of mathematics that studies geometric objects and their properties using noncommutative algebra. It involves the study of spaces that do not obey the commutative property, where the order of operations matters.

2. Who is David Hilbert and why is he important in noncommutative geometry?

David Hilbert was a German mathematician who made significant contributions to the development of noncommutative geometry. He is known for his work on the foundations of mathematics and his famous list of 23 unsolved problems in mathematics, which included the study of noncommutative algebra and geometry.

3. How does noncommutative geometry relate to traditional geometry?

Noncommutative geometry extends traditional geometry by considering noncommutative algebras as the underlying structure instead of commutative ones. This allows for the study of noncommutative spaces and their geometrical properties, which cannot be described using traditional geometry.

4. What is the significance of having an audio recording of David Hilbert on the Noncommutative Geometry blog?

The audio recording on the Noncommutative Geometry blog provides a rare opportunity to hear the thoughts and ideas of David Hilbert, a prominent mathematician, on noncommutative geometry. It allows for a deeper understanding of his contributions and insights in this field.

5. How is noncommutative geometry applied in other fields of science?

Noncommutative geometry has applications in various fields of science, including physics, computer science, and engineering. It has been used to study quantum mechanics, string theory, and noncommutative spaces in computer graphics and robotics. It also has potential applications in cryptography and coding theory.
