Generating electricity from fusion

In summary, the conversation discusses how the energy released from nuclear fusion is used to generate electricity. One proposed design is to use the cooling fluid for the walls of the reactor as the working fluid. There has also been discussion of "direct conversion" and using a lithium blanket as both a coolant and absorber of neutrons from the fusion reaction. However, there are concerns about the high temperatures involved and the potential impact on materials.
  • #1
How is the energy released from nuclear fusion used to generate electricity? From my understanding heat is generated during nuclear fission and this heat is used to heat a fluid and drive a turbine. So how does it work with nuclear fusion?
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  • #2
The proposed design is to have the cooling fluid for the walls of the reactor be the working fluid. I'm not sure of what the radiological and chemical implications are, but things should look similar to other power plants on the secondary side.

I believe there has also been discussion of "direct conversion" because you end up with a charged particle with more energy. I haven't read enough on how it works to give a confident answer though.
  • #3
The first thing I thought of was to just use the energy to heat a fluid but I was wondering if this is really feasible. In order for fusion to occur the temperature is so high I assume that it could not be used to heat a fluid because the material holding the fluid couldn't handle it.
  • #4
I think I remember reading somewhere that one idea is to surround the reactor with a lithium blanket. The lithium would not only absorb the neutron from the fusion reaction (producing more tritium fuel), but also act as the coolant where heated lithium would be sent through a heat exchanger/steam generator producing steam for the turbine etc etc.

FAQ: Generating electricity from fusion

What is fusion?

Fusion is a process in which two or more atomic nuclei combine to form a heavier nucleus, releasing a large amount of energy in the process.

How is electricity generated from fusion?

Electricity from fusion is generated by harnessing the heat produced from the fusion of hydrogen nuclei to create steam, which then turns a turbine to produce electricity.

What is the difference between fusion and fission?

Fusion involves combining nuclei to release energy, while fission involves splitting nuclei to release energy. Fusion is the process that powers the sun, while fission is used in nuclear power plants.

What are the advantages of using fusion for electricity generation?

Fusion has several advantages, including an almost limitless supply of fuel, no greenhouse gas emissions, and minimal radioactive waste compared to fission.

What are the challenges of using fusion for electricity generation?

The main challenge of fusion is achieving and sustaining the extremely high temperatures and pressures needed for the fusion reaction to occur. Additionally, the technology and materials needed for fusion are still being developed and are currently very expensive.
