Inorganic I - 8 Coordinate Complexes

  • Thread starter Nezva
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In summary, octahedrons and icosohedrons do exist but the 8 coordinate complexes are rare. The 8 coordinate complex has 3 sigma-h in between bonds (only intersecting the center atom). The pointgroup is Oh, which confused me because there is a 6 coordinate version of the Oh pointgroup.
  • #1
Main question: What is the name of the 8 coordinate complex pointgroup? Or does it even exist?

I've been exposed to octahedrons and icosohedrons, however, the 8 coordinate high symmetry complexes appear to have been skipped. I'm aware that these complexes would be rare but I think that they do exist. I was able to find this image of a XeF8 2- anion:

Another visual representation is the f-orbital (xyz)... if the lobes were treated as not having spins (all the same "ligand").
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  • #2
For a coordination number of 8, either a square antiprism (like the XeF82- and IF8- anions) or a dodecahedron (ZrO8) can be formed.
  • #3
In square antiprism the squares to not overlay each other, they are staggered 45 degrees. But thank you for showing me antiprisms, very neat structures to try to do molecular symmetry on.
A dodecahedron has too many coordinates from what I see but also an interesting structure.

The pointgroup is Oh, which confused me because there is a 6 coordinate version of the Oh pointgroup. For anyone having the problem I had... The 6 coordinate Oh complex has 3 sigma-h along 5 atoms (4 ligands and center), while the 8 coordinate has 3 sigma-h in between bonds (only intersecting the center atom). Visually, I had a lot of trouble believing they were both the same pointgroup.
  • #4
So you don't seem to be interested in all 8 fold coordinate complexes but in those with a cubic arrangement of the ligands.
The cubic and the octahedral coordination have the same symmetry because they are dual to each other: an octahedron can be inscribed into a cube so that the corners of the octahedron coincide with the centers of the faces of the cube. This works also the other way round. The same relation holds for an icosahedron and a dodecahedron which have both symmetry group I_h. The tetrahedron is dual to itself.
  • #5

The 8 coordinate complex pointgroup is called the D4d point group. This point group has a tetragonal symmetry and contains 10 symmetry operations, including rotations, reflections, and inversion. It is a subgroup of the octahedral point group, Oh, and has a coordination number of 8. It is possible for inorganic compounds to form 8 coordinate complexes, as seen in the XeF8 2- anion and the f-orbital representation provided. However, these complexes are rare and may not be as common as other coordination numbers. The existence of 8 coordinate complexes further expands our understanding of inorganic chemistry and the diversity of structures that can be formed.

FAQ: Inorganic I - 8 Coordinate Complexes

What are inorganic I - 8 coordinate complexes?

Inorganic I - 8 coordinate complexes are coordination compounds that contain a central metal ion surrounded by eight ligands. These ligands are typically monodentate, meaning they bind to the metal ion through a single atom.

What is the coordination number of inorganic I - 8 coordinate complexes?

The coordination number of inorganic I - 8 coordinate complexes is 8, as there are eight ligands surrounding the central metal ion.

What is the geometry of inorganic I - 8 coordinate complexes?

The geometry of inorganic I - 8 coordinate complexes is typically square antiprismatic, meaning that the ligands are arranged in a square shape around the central metal ion, with four ligands above and four ligands below.

What are some common examples of inorganic I - 8 coordinate complexes?

Some common examples of inorganic I - 8 coordinate complexes include octahedral transition metal complexes, such as [Co(NH3)6]Cl2 and [Pt(NH3)4]2+.

What is the significance of inorganic I - 8 coordinate complexes in chemistry?

Inorganic I - 8 coordinate complexes play a crucial role in many chemical reactions, as they can exhibit unique electronic, magnetic, and optical properties. They are also important in biological systems, as they are involved in various biological processes. Understanding the properties and behavior of inorganic I - 8 coordinate complexes is essential for advancements in fields such as materials science, catalysis, and drug development.
