Help with test for anion in Copper Chloride

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of Copper Chloride and its reactions with other substances. The speaker mentions how using a dirty spatula may have caused the salt to turn green, and how adding NaCO<sub>3</sub> and HCl can change the color of the extract. The speaker also asks about the use of HCl for cleaning kitchen utensils and explains its limitations. They also mention stronger alternatives for cleaning organic residues.
  • #1
I was given a small amount of Copper Chloride. When I brought my spatula(dirty ofcourse) the salt turned slightly green. Also when preparing the Sodium extract, I added 1 part CuCl<sub>2</sub> and 3 parts NaCO<sub>3</sub> and 3/4ths water. I stirred it slightly with the spatula, it turned black and my extract got prepared much before the others.

I want to know what was in the spatula that made the extract production quicker coz. during my exams I could probably use it and finish it quickly.

Also the china dish which had my extract became dirty so the teacher asked me to use dil. HCL to clean it. I put a little bit and like magic the dirt went away. I was so amazed. What is the equation of the reaction that happened?
Why doesn't anyone use HCL for cleaning the kitchen utensils? :rolleyes:
Chemistry news on
  • #2
I would imagine that the HCl protonated the compound so that it was extracted into the water.

You might want to be a bit more clearer with the first paragraph.
  • #3
perhaps you ever so slightly hydrated the cupricchloride with the dirty spatula which would be why it turned green. When you added the [tex]NaCO_3[/tex] to the [tex]CuCl_2[/tex] you made [tex]CuCO_3[/tex] Which is black. When you then added the hydrochloric acid you converted the [tex]CuCO_3[/tex] back to [tex]CuCl_2[/tex] which is pretty soluble.

People do not use hydrochloric acid to clean their glassware because it does not really clean a lot of things very well. Only oxides and carbonates will really react with it. For organic residues you would need something much stronger, like a strong oxidizer such as [tex]H_2SO_5[/tex] or [tex]Mn_2O_7[/tex] which are usually created in situ by mixing sulfuric acid with hydrogenperoxide or potassiumpermanganate.

FAQ: Help with test for anion in Copper Chloride

1. What is an anion?

An anion is a negatively charged ion that is attracted to the positive electrode in an electrical field. In chemistry, an anion is usually formed when an atom gains one or more electrons, giving it a negative charge.

2. How do you test for anions in Copper Chloride?

To test for anions in Copper Chloride, you can use a simple chemical reaction with a known anion. For example, you can add a few drops of silver nitrate solution to a sample of Copper Chloride. If a white precipitate forms, it indicates the presence of chloride ions, which are anions.

3. What is the purpose of testing for anions in Copper Chloride?

The purpose of testing for anions in Copper Chloride is to identify the specific anion present in the compound. This information can help determine the purity of the compound and its potential uses in various chemical reactions.

4. What are some common anions found in Copper Chloride?

Some common anions found in Copper Chloride include chloride (Cl-), bromide (Br-), and iodide (I-). These anions are commonly found in salts and can be identified using specific chemical tests.

5. Are there any safety precautions to consider when testing for anions in Copper Chloride?

Yes, it is important to wear appropriate safety equipment, such as gloves and goggles, when handling Copper Chloride and any other chemicals used in the testing process. Additionally, it is important to follow proper lab procedures and dispose of any chemicals properly after use.
