Engineers: Helping Third World Countries Grow

  • Thread starter mrlaughingman
  • Start date
In summary, the individual believes that as engineers it is our responsibility to help anyone and everyone, and that this is a challenge that we should all be involved in. They go on to present a challenge to the community, asking that we create things that would benefit third world countries. They feel that this is something that we should all be able to accomplish, and not just those who have access to lavish resources. They express their concern that if we continue to focus on solving problems with financial assistance, we will not be helping those who need it the most.
  • #1
So i feel that as engineers it is our responsibility to help anyone and everyone. This is a challenge i am presenting to you all and that challenge is to create things that would benefit third world countries. What i am talking about are things like filtration systems that can be cheaply made or tools to help improve their farming. I'm not looking for us to create items for them to depend on but for items to help them grow and help themselves. Our society tosses lots of money at problems and that needs to stop. handing them food and water won't help them. Helping them filter their own water and grow their own food will make a world of difference though.
Engineering news on
  • #2
Nice ideals, but what's your point?
  • #3
my point i think was simple to understand. we need to all design and innovate to help those that need help. we need product designs.
  • #4
  • #5
no i wasnt but that is perfect thank you. i think we should all get involved in this orginization.
  • #6
I think you should keep your thoughts to yourself.
  • #7
why is there such hostility from members of this forum? i have posted on this forum for a few months now and every time i post i get hostility. if this is how you all treat people who have ideas then i feel sorry for you all.
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  • #8
I believe that the issue is not hostility toward your ideals, but rather toward your assertion that we should all share them.
  • #9
mrlaughingman said:
why is there such hostility from members of this forum? i have posted on this forum for a few months now and every time i post i get hostility. if this is how you all treat people who have ideas then i feel sorry for you all.
No, I really enjoy some new comer start threads telling me what I need to do and where my selfless priorities should be. My wife is the only one that gets to do that. Why don't you take your sensitive self to the Oprah forum and have a good group cry over there.
  • #10
Can't we all just get along!​


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  • #11
You didn't say that while holding back the tears. Come on. Make it worth the while!
  • #12
mrlaughingman said:
why is there such hostility from members of this forum? i have posted on this forum for a few months now and every time i post i get hostility. if this is how you all treat people who have ideas then i feel sorry for you all.
I've noticed on rare occasions that some people who's native language isn't English may be prone to phrase things in a way that is demeaning, commanding or otherwise inappropriate and provocative. It could be you don't even realize how to properly phrase things in English.

Regardless, the way you phrased the OP is certainly inappropriate and can even be interpreted as being provacative or downright insulting.
  • #13
You need to replace all of your "I feel's" and "I think's" with something more fitting to the logical mind of an engineer. Just because you feel it, doesn't make it right.

You can't use your claim "i feel that as engineers it is our responsibility to help anyone and everyone" as justification to claim "i think we should all get involved in this [engineer's without borders] orginization." Where do you get your belief that all engineers have a responsibility to help anyone and everyone? There are other priorities in the world too.

I'm with Fred, quit getting all touchy-feely on us.
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  • #14
i agree
  • #15
You guys speak so much betterer than I do.
  • #16
FredGarvin said:
My wife is the only one that gets to do that.

and I don't even listen to her

  • #17
I feel it our responsibility to start growing hops as individuals so my beer prices stop going up!
  • #18
no, you miss the point, you need to engineer a faster hop (maybe a hopity hop), and faster beer process
even better, a beer replicator

  • #19
I don't listen to Fred's wife either. Maybe that's where I'm going wrong.

Anyway, see you all at The Brewery.
  • #20
dr dodge said:
no, you miss the point, you need to engineer a faster hop (maybe a hopity hop), and faster beer process
even better, a beer replicator


Hey ales don't take long at all! It's those damn popular light lagers that take forever to make.
  • #21
mrlaughingman said:
So i feel that as engineers it is our responsibility to help anyone and everyone. This is a challenge i am presenting to you all and that challenge is to create things that would benefit third world countries. What i am talking about are things like filtration systems that can be cheaply made or tools to help improve their farming. I'm not looking for us to create items for them to depend on but for items to help them grow and help themselves. Our society tosses lots of money at problems and that needs to stop. handing them food and water won't help them. Helping them filter their own water and grow their own food will make a world of difference though.
It's been done already.

In addition to MIH's post about Engineers Without Borders, there are numerous humanitarian programs sponsored by governments and NGOs.

For example - (NGO)

US Program 124 WAWI M&E.pdf

Australian Program

Asia-Pacific Water Forum

World Water Council

Just a few examples. Folks are working on it.

Please feel free to get involved.
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  • #22
mrlaughingman said:
So i feel that as engineers it is our responsibility to help anyone and everyone. This is a challenge i am presenting to you all and that challenge is to create things that would benefit third world countries.
Since you didn't say anything about the nuts and bolts of how you would intend this to work, I'll just assume that you think engineers should moonlight, providing pro bono services or inventing things and then releasing them into the public domain...

Engineers already tend to be underpaid relative to their education level, so I think it is unreasonable to expect them to do something for nothing. If someone wants to give their expertise as a form of charity, fine, but it most certainly can't be considered a responsibility.
why is there such hostility from members of this forum? i have posted on this forum for a few months now and every time i post i get hostility. if this is how you all treat people who have ideas then i feel sorry for you all.
You shouldn't be surprised that nebulous challenges that require donation of time/money would be met with hostility. I don't think you'd like it if I told you you need to donate your car to charity, right now.

People don't like being told what to do - especially if it costs them time/money and comes with an attitude of self righteousness.
  • #23
I believe in survival of the fittest.
  • #24
I believe we all should work together in getting all the energy we can from this planet to help those who can benefit from it the most.

Toilet paper industry, Lumber companies, chain saw manufacturers, pencil makers and heat to be used in , yes, boys and girls...BREWING BEER

All we are sayyyyyinnggg is give Piece a chance!


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  • #25
All we are give beer a chance!
  • #26
I am filled with the Christmas spirit to see that even crappy threads can be saved and turned into something worth while. 'Tis the season.
  • #27
glad to be of service

tis indeed


FAQ: Engineers: Helping Third World Countries Grow

What is the role of engineers in helping third world countries grow?

Engineers play a crucial role in helping third world countries grow by providing technical expertise and designing solutions to address challenges such as lack of infrastructure, access to clean water and energy, and inadequate transportation systems.

What are some examples of projects that engineers undertake in third world countries?

Some examples of projects that engineers undertake in third world countries include building roads, bridges, and schools; designing and installing water purification systems; and developing renewable energy sources such as solar panels and wind turbines.

How do engineers ensure that their projects are sustainable and beneficial for the local community?

Engineers work closely with local communities to understand their needs and priorities, and involve them in the planning and implementation of projects. They also use sustainable design practices and incorporate local materials and labor to ensure that the projects benefit the community in the long term.

What are some challenges that engineers face while working in third world countries?

Some challenges that engineers face while working in third world countries include limited resources, language and cultural barriers, and political instability. They also have to consider the unique environmental and social factors of the region in their designs.

How can individuals support and contribute to the efforts of engineers in helping third world countries grow?

Individuals can support and contribute to the efforts of engineers in helping third world countries grow by volunteering their skills and expertise, donating to reputable organizations that work on sustainable development projects, and advocating for policies that prioritize the needs of these countries.

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