Optimizing Heat Exhaust Capture for Natural Gas Fired Industrial Heaters

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of capturing and storing 24 hours worth of heated air exhaust from a natural gas fired industrial heater dryer. It is determined that this is not feasible and it is suggested to utilize the energy in the exhaust through a Brayton cycle or to find a filtering system that can handle the flow rate. Additionally, the source of NOx pollutants is discussed and it is suggested to address this issue at the source rather than trying to filter it from the exhaust.
  • #1
Jake Platt
Given a natural gas fired industrial heater dryer which gives off 70,000 CFM of 190F air at 1.1 atm air pressure, is it practicably possible to capture 24 hours worth of this heated air exhaust into a compressed storage tank?

How would I calculate the theoretical maximum compression ratios and tank volume requirements?
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
Jake Platt said:
Given a natural gas fired industrial heater dryer which gives off 70,000 CFM of 190F air at 1.1 atm air pressure, is it practicably possible to capture 24 hours worth of this heated air exhaust into a compressed storage tank?

How would I calculate the theoretical maximum compression ratios and tank volume requirements?

There's no way you could store that kind of volume in a single tank, and doing so would be a losing proposition anyway. http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=70000+cfm+*+24+hours".

I'm getting the feeling you're actually interested in capturing/utilizing/storing the energy in the exhaust from the dryer, which could possibly be done with some sort of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brayton_cycle" , which assuming atmospheric temperature is 75 F will be 17.5% (but if it's "free" energy, who cares? Run a generator and pipe that energy back into the dryer...)
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  • #3
Thank you. Actually, our goal is ultimately to filter the air to remove suspended Nox or VOC particulate matter but the air filtration system cannot handle 70,000 CFM so we were considering compressing and storing the air so we can filter it later at a metered, controlled rate. But alas, it seems that won't work either. Any ideas??
  • #4
Get a filtering system that can keep up with the flow rate, or look into additives or secondary processes that reduce NOx?
  • #5
If you are getting enough pollutants to need filtering, that suggests there is something wrong with your gas burners, or you are using low quality gas.

In any case, the pollutants have presumably already contaminated whatever you are drying before you would filter them from the exhaust.
  • #6
The natural gas combustion is what creates the NOx. We are talking about environmental pollution control not decontamination of a polluted process. The process starts with clean agricultural commodities at 80% moisture and ends with the commodities at 10% moisture and voluminous quantities of heat exhaust from the natgas combustion that has suspended VOC's and NOx emmissions.

FAQ: Optimizing Heat Exhaust Capture for Natural Gas Fired Industrial Heaters

1. What is "capturing heat exhaust"?

"Capturing heat exhaust" refers to the process of collecting and reusing waste heat generated by various industrial processes, such as power plants, factories, and vehicles. This heat would otherwise be released into the environment, contributing to global warming and wasting valuable energy.

2. How does capturing heat exhaust help the environment?

By capturing and reusing waste heat, less energy is needed to be produced to meet the demand, reducing the amount of greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. It also helps to conserve natural resources and decrease the overall carbon footprint of industries.

3. What are some common methods used to capture heat exhaust?

Some common methods include using heat exchangers, which transfer heat from exhaust gases to a fluid, such as water or air, which can then be used for heating or electricity generation. Another method is through combined heat and power (CHP) systems, which capture waste heat from electricity generation and use it for heating or cooling buildings.

4. What are the benefits of capturing heat exhaust?

Capturing heat exhaust has numerous benefits, including reducing energy costs, decreasing greenhouse gas emissions, and improving overall energy efficiency. It also helps to decrease the strain on natural resources and reduce the environmental impact of industrial processes.

5. Are there any challenges or limitations to capturing heat exhaust?

While capturing heat exhaust has many benefits, there are also some challenges and limitations to consider. These may include the initial cost of implementing the technology, the availability and accessibility of waste heat sources, and the need for proper maintenance and integration with existing systems. However, as technology advances and more industries adopt heat recovery methods, these challenges can be overcome.
