Motion of a charged particle in a static magnetic field in matlab

Overall, the key to avoiding quantization error is to choose appropriate values for the time step and the number of iterations.
  • #1
I want to simulate this type of situation but for simplicity I'm implementing it in 2d at first.. by setting the initial velocity 0 in parallel to B.

Homework Statement

mass of particle is given assume anything
magnitude of B
initial velocity

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

% script that simulates a moving particle with some initial velocity in a
% magnetic field B

v0 = [5 0 0]; %initial velocity
B = [0 0 -5]; %magnitude of B
m = 5; % mass
q = 1; % charge on particle
r0 = [0 0 0]; % initial position of particle
t = 0;

% Now we want to find the next velocity as the particle enters the magnetic
% field and hence its new position

r = r0;
v = v0;
dt = 0.00000000000000000001;

xlim([-25 25])
ylim([-25 25])
hold on

for n = 1:100
%plot it

% update time
t = t+dt;

% new position r
dr = v*dt;
r = r + dr;

%find new velocity
dv = (q/m) * cross(v,B);
v = v + dv;


I know the most probable reason is the quantissation error but I'm not able to figure out that how can I avoid this error and simulate the situation in MATLAB ..
Physics news on
  • #2
The quantization error can be avoided by using a larger time step for the simulation. You could also use a numerical integration technique that is more accurate, such as Runge-Kutta or Euler's method. Additionally, you could consider increasing the number of iterations of the loop in order to improve the accuracy of the simulation.

FAQ: Motion of a charged particle in a static magnetic field in matlab

1. How can I simulate the motion of a charged particle in a static magnetic field using MATLAB?

To simulate the motion of a charged particle in a static magnetic field using MATLAB, you can use the built-in function "ode45" which solves ordinary differential equations. This function requires the equations of motion, initial conditions, and the time span of the simulation as inputs. You can also use the "quiver" function to visualize the trajectory of the particle.

2. How do I define the magnetic field in MATLAB for the simulation?

You can define the magnetic field using the "symfun" function in MATLAB. This allows you to create a symbolic function for the magnetic field, which can then be used in the equations of motion for the charged particle. You can also use the "meshgrid" function to create a grid of points and then calculate the magnetic field at each point using the Biot-Savart law.

3. Can I vary the strength and direction of the magnetic field in the simulation?

Yes, you can vary the strength and direction of the magnetic field in the simulation by changing the parameters of the magnetic field function. For example, if you want to change the strength of the field, you can multiply the magnetic field function by a constant. Similarly, to change the direction of the field, you can use trigonometric functions to rotate the field in the desired direction.

4. How do I plot the trajectory of the charged particle in the magnetic field?

To plot the trajectory of the charged particle in the magnetic field, you can use the "plot" or "scatter" function in MATLAB. This requires the position coordinates of the particle at each time step, which can be obtained from the "ode45" solver. You can also add labels and a legend to the plot to make it easier to interpret.

5. Can I add an electric field to the simulation?

Yes, you can add an electric field to the simulation by including the electric force in the equations of motion for the charged particle. You can define the electric field using the same methods as the magnetic field, either by creating a symbolic function or by calculating the field at each point using the Coulomb's law. You can also vary the strength and direction of the electric field to see how it affects the motion of the particle.

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