Applications of Algebra: Groups, Rings, Ideals

  • Thread starter matness
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In summary, the conversation discusses the abstract nature of algebra and the desire to learn more practical applications, particularly in physics. The mention of group applications and rings being used in physics is also mentioned, along with a reference to a resource for further understanding.
  • #1
always abstract?

things are really very abstract in algebra as its name.But it would be nicer to learn some applications especially to physics
apperently there are applications about groups but i could not find anything related to rings ideals etc.
discussing the applications would make it more meaningfull at least for me

thanks in advance
Physics news on
  • #2
Read jon baez's this weeks finds. there are too many things to talk about here, and we have no idea what you do and do not understand. for instance does the phrase: a topological quantum field theory is esseentially a monoidal category with a functor to a category of riemann surfaces and cobordisms mean anything to you? i suspect not; it means little to me.

the group applications are an application of rings (the group ring) and lie algebras are used in physics, you look at the ring of operators on a hilbert space, rings occur everywhere because matrices are rings.
  • #3

There are many practical applications of algebra, including in the fields of physics, computer science, and cryptography. In fact, groups, rings, and ideals are all important concepts in these fields.

Groups, which are sets with a binary operation that follows certain rules, have many applications in physics. For example, in quantum mechanics, groups are used to describe the symmetries of physical systems. This allows for a deeper understanding of the underlying principles governing these systems. Groups are also used in crystallography to describe the symmetries of crystals.

Rings, which are sets with two operations (addition and multiplication) that follow certain rules, have applications in computer science and cryptography. In computer science, rings are used to study abstract data types and algorithms. In cryptography, rings are used to create secure encryption algorithms.

Ideals, which are subsets of rings that behave similarly to normal numbers, also have applications in cryptography. Specifically, ideals are used in the construction of public-key cryptosystems, which are essential for secure communication over the internet.

So while algebra may seem abstract, its applications in various fields are very real and important. Understanding concepts like groups, rings, and ideals can lead to advancements and innovations in these fields, making algebra a valuable and relevant subject to study.

FAQ: Applications of Algebra: Groups, Rings, Ideals

1. What are the real-world applications of groups, rings, and ideals?

Groups, rings, and ideals are fundamental mathematical structures that have numerous real-world applications. They are used in cryptography to encode and decode information, in chemistry to study molecular symmetry and symmetry breaking, and in physics to describe the symmetries of physical systems. They are also used in economics to model supply and demand relationships, in computer science to analyze algorithms, and in engineering to design efficient networks and circuits.

2. How are groups, rings, and ideals related to each other?

Groups, rings, and ideals are all algebraic structures that have a set of elements and a set of operations defined on those elements. Groups are the most basic of the three, with the operations of multiplication and division, while rings have the additional operations of addition and subtraction. Ideals are a special type of ring that have certain properties that make them useful in algebraic number theory and commutative algebra. Rings can be seen as a generalization of groups, and ideals can be seen as a generalization of subgroups.

3. What are some examples of groups, rings, and ideals?

Groups can be found in everyday objects such as clocks, calendars, and playing cards. The set of integers under addition is also a group. Rings can be seen in the set of integers under addition and multiplication, as well as in the set of real numbers under addition and multiplication. Ideals can be found in the set of even integers, which is an ideal in the ring of integers, and in the set of polynomials with real coefficients, which is an ideal in the ring of polynomials with real coefficients.

4. How do groups, rings, and ideals help solve mathematical problems?

Groups, rings, and ideals provide a framework for solving mathematical problems by defining operations on a set of elements. They help to simplify complex problems by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable parts. For example, in linear algebra, groups, rings, and ideals can be used to solve systems of linear equations, and in abstract algebra, they can be used to study the properties of algebraic structures.

5. How are groups, rings, and ideals used in computer science?

Groups, rings, and ideals are used in computer science to analyze algorithms and data structures. They are also used in coding theory, which is essential for error correction in communication systems. In cryptography, groups, rings, and ideals are used to encrypt and decrypt messages, and in database systems, they are used to efficiently store and retrieve data. Furthermore, the principles of groups, rings, and ideals are applied in computer graphics to create visually appealing images and animations.

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