Mechanical electricity generation

In summary, the conversation discusses the generation of electricity and whether it is possible to generate it without permanent magnets. The participants suggest using mechanical means such as generators, Van de Graaff generators, and piezoelectric generators, as well as using a mechanical storage system to store and produce electricity. However, it is pointed out that these methods still require an initial electrical source and follow the law of conservation of energy.
  • #1
Gold Member
I was just thinking last night about the generation of electricity.

Are there any mechanical forms (as opposed to chemical or solar or other) of electricity generation that are not ultimately dependent on permanent magnets?

If we had no permanent magnets, would we have any way to generate electricity from mechanical processes such as wind, hydro, steam(coal, thermal, nuclear) etc.?
Physics news on
  • #2
DaveC426913 said:
I was just thinking last night about the generation of electricity.

Are there any mechanical forms (as opposed to chemical or solar or other) of electricity generation that are not ultimately dependent on permanent magnets?

If we had no permanent magnets, would we have any way to generate electricity from mechanical processes such as wind, hydro, steam(coal, thermal, nuclear) etc.?

Generators typically use some type of field excitation to generate electricity, not permanent magnets. Of course that assumes that one has an electrical source for the field excitation. If no electrical source is available, then I can't think of anyway, without permanent magnets, for field excitation (excluding chemical like you stipulated).

  • #3
These seem to qualify

Van de Graff generators.
Piezo generators
  • #4
Look at this stepwise:

First there are mechanical (non-magnetic) means of generating static electricity See Once you have found a way of generating static electricity, you can store the charges with a Leyden jar, which is essentially a capacitor.

So once you've got a primitive capacitor you could connect it to a circuit as a voltage source, which you can then use to make an electromagnet. And from there you can use the electromagnet to generate current. Of course once you've got a charged Leyden jar you could already use it as a current source.
  • #5
It is possible to use a large mechanical storage system, by using a small amount of electicity and store it in large knetic storage unit and then itcan be used to produce largrer amounts of electricity. This is totally Green electricity and does not require nuclear dirt, polluting fuel burning, sun that does not always shine, wind that is not constant, nor water that can freeze or run dry, hoping containment does not breach. This would work much like a wind turbine but work 100% of the time and yet has been over looked by all power companies though it has worked in the long past and with todays new materials technology would allow this to work today! K.I.S.S.
  • #6
Sorry, no it isn't. Conservation of energy is the law.

This is a necropost and not useful, so thread locked.

FAQ: Mechanical electricity generation

What is mechanical electricity generation?

Mechanical electricity generation is the process of converting mechanical energy into electrical energy. This is typically done through the use of a generator, which uses the motion of a turbine or other mechanical device to spin a magnet within a coil of wire, creating an electric current.

What are the different types of mechanical electricity generation?

There are several types of mechanical electricity generation, including steam turbines, gas turbines, hydroelectric dams, and wind turbines. Each type uses a different source of mechanical energy to spin the generator and produce electricity.

How does mechanical electricity generation impact the environment?

The impact of mechanical electricity generation on the environment depends on the specific type of generation and the source of energy used. For example, hydroelectric dams can have a significant impact on local ecosystems and wildlife, while wind turbines have a smaller footprint but may pose a danger to birds and bats. Overall, mechanical electricity generation is considered to have a lower environmental impact compared to other forms of energy production, such as fossil fuels.

What are the advantages of mechanical electricity generation?

Mechanical electricity generation has several advantages, including its reliability and efficiency. It can also use a variety of energy sources, such as coal, natural gas, water, and wind, making it a versatile option for meeting electricity demands. Additionally, mechanical electricity generation does not produce emissions, making it a cleaner energy source compared to fossil fuels.

What are the limitations of mechanical electricity generation?

One limitation of mechanical electricity generation is that it relies on the availability of a mechanical energy source, which may not always be consistent or reliable. For example, wind turbines require consistent wind speeds to generate electricity. Additionally, the construction and maintenance of mechanical electricity generation facilities can be costly and may have a negative impact on local communities and the environment.
