The Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics

In summary, the conversation discussed the book "The Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics" by Erwin Schrodinger and some of the author's opinions on the subject. The first chapter of the book argues against the widely accepted probability view of quantum mechanics. The author also discusses the concept of macroscopic and microscopic energy and the conflict between the wave function and the uncertainty principle. The conversation also briefly mentions other theories and potential solutions to the mysteries of quantum mechanics.
  • #1
Epsilon Pi
Hello Everyone,

This time I want to share with you my experience with the book the Interpretation of Quantum mechanics by Erwin Schrodinger. Just let me point out some of his most remarkable points in my humble opinion. In his first chapter, JULY 1952 COLLOQUIUM, he wrote:

Let me say at the outset, that in this discourse, I am opposing not a few special statements of quantum mechanics held today, I am opposing as it were the whole of it... The view that I am opposing is so widely accepted... It is, as I said, the Probability view of quantum mechanics...pag19

Macroscopic energy is a "quantity-concept". Microscopic energy(meaning hv) is a "quality-concept"pag25

Wave mechanics can never conflict with the U.P. The conflict is produced by imposing on wave mechanics the probability view... To my mind it is patently absurd to let the wave function be controlled in two entirely different ways, at times by the wave equation, but occasionally by direct interference of the observer, not controlled by the wave equation...pag35

Just wonder how are things today?

My best regards and enjoy a great book

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  • #2
First quote: The interpretation of wave functions (or more generally the scalar product of two quantum state vectors) as a probability amplitude is accepted by everyone, simply because it works extremely well.

Second: I don't know what he means.

Third: If you e.g. read any of Penrose's books, you'll see that he completely agrees with this. I do too, in a way. It is absurd to say that state vectors change with time in two different ways that contradict each other. However, it's only absurd if you think of quantum mechanics as a model of reality, i.e. as something that describes reality. If we just think of it as a method that we can use to calculate probabilities of possibilities, then there is no problem. Unfortunately, no one knows if this is the correct solution to the problem or just a way to ignore it. Penrose has another answer. He argues quite convincingly (in my opinion) that gravity should destroy superpositions. So maybe the mystery of quantum mechanics will be eventually be solved by the efforts to unify gravity with the other interactions.
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FAQ: The Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics

1. What is the main concept behind the Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics?

The Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics is a framework that attempts to explain the behavior of particles at the quantum level. It proposes that particles exist in a state of superposition, meaning they can exist in multiple states simultaneously until they are observed or measured, at which point they collapse into a single state. This concept challenges our traditional understanding of cause and effect, as well as the idea of a definite, objective reality.

2. How does the Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics differ from other theories?

The Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics differs from other theories, such as the Copenhagen interpretation, in that it attempts to provide a more complete and consistent explanation of quantum phenomena. It also challenges the idea of a classical, deterministic universe, proposing a more probabilistic and subjective understanding of reality.

3. What are some criticisms of the Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics?

One major criticism of the Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics is that it is difficult to test and verify experimentally. Another criticism is that it relies heavily on philosophical and subjective interpretations, rather than concrete scientific evidence. Additionally, some argue that the concept of superposition and the collapse of the wave function are not fully understood and may be incomplete explanations of quantum behavior.

4. How does the Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics impact our understanding of the universe?

The Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics has had a profound impact on our understanding of the universe, challenging traditional notions of reality and causality. It has also led to the development of new technologies, such as quantum computing, and has influenced fields such as philosophy and psychology. However, it continues to be a topic of debate and further research is needed to fully understand its implications.

5. Can the Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics be applied to everyday life?

While the Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics may seem abstract and removed from everyday life, it has real-world applications in fields such as technology, medicine, and communication. For example, quantum cryptography uses principles of quantum mechanics to create secure communication channels. Additionally, the concept of superposition has been applied to the development of new materials and technologies. However, its full potential and impact on everyday life is still being explored.

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