Eigenfunctions of translation operator and transposed operator property proof

In summary, the translation operator \widehat{T_{a}} has eigenvalues c_{n}(a)=e\ ^{a+2n\pi\i} and eigenfunctions \psi_{n}(x)=e\ ^{x+2n\pi\i}. The solution for the inversion operator \widehat{I_{x}} was found by solving the quadratic equation f^{2}=1 and finding eigenvalues f_{1}=1 and f_{2}=-1. The second problem requires proving the formula (AB)^{T}=B^{T}A^{T}, which can be done by taking logs of the equation.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Find the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of the translation operator [tex]\widehat{T_{a}}[/tex]
Translation operator is defined as [tex]\widehat{T_{a}}\psi(x)=\psi(x+a)[/tex] (you all know that, probably you just call it differently)

Homework Equations

The eigenvalue/eigenfunction equation is given like

The Attempt at a Solution

I write the eigenvalues [tex]f_{n}[/tex] are in the form of [tex]c_{n}(a)[/tex] (c noting that it is a complex coefficient)
And I don't know how to proove it correctly and clearly, but I get that only possible eigenfunctions are exponentials [tex]\psi_{n}(x)=e\ ^{x+2n\pi\i}[/tex] and the eigenvalues for [tex]\widehat{T_{a}}[/tex] are [tex]c_{n}(a)=e\ ^{a+2n\pi\i}[/tex]

I don't have any ideas how to proove it more clearly, because this "solution" involves more thinking and assuming than solving.

I also did similar solution for inversion operator [tex]\widehat{I_{x}}\psi(x)=\psi(-x)[/tex] by finding eigenvalues just looking at the properties of an equation which was like [tex]\psi(-x)=f\psi(x)[/tex] and using the property of odd and even functions and thus finding 2 eigenvalues of [tex]f_{1}=1[/tex] and [tex]f_{2}=-1[/tex] and thus getting infinite number of eigenfuntions. The real solution to this problem was using the property that [tex]\widehat{I_{x}}^2=\widehat{1}[/tex] and modify the equation [tex]\widehat{I_{x}}\psi(x)=f\psi(x)[/tex] by multiplying both sides from the left with [tex]\widehat{I_{x}}[/tex] and thus getting [tex]\psi(x)=f^{2}\psi(x)[/tex] and just needed to solve the quadratic equation of [tex]f^{2}=1[/tex] thus getting the same values of [tex]f_{1}=1[/tex] and [tex]f_{2}=-1[/tex] This was just an example of possible ways to solve eigenvalue equations, but in this case - the real solution shows that no other solutions are possible.

And also I have this second problem which is more like proof of a formula which is usually given as a property.

Homework Statement

Proove that [tex](AB)^{T}=B^{T}A^{T}[/tex]

Homework Equations

The transposed operator is given in bra-ket notation as [tex]\left\langle\varphi\left|\widehat{A}^{T}\right|\psi\right\rangle=\left\langle\psi^{*}\left|\widehat{A}\right|\varphi^{*}\right\rangle[/tex] or in integral form as [tex]\int\varphi(x)\widehat{A}^{T}\psi(x)dx=\int\psi(x)\widehat{A}\varphi(x)dx[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

Well, I have completely no ideas on where to start with this one.
Because I started with it like [tex]\left\langle\varphi\left|\widehat{AB}\right|\psi\right\rangle=\left\langle\varphi\left|\widehat{A}\right|\widehat{B}\psi\right\rangle=\left\langle\psi^{*}\left|\widehat{A}\right|\widehat{B}^{T}\varphi^{*}\right\rangle[/tex] but I really doubt that the last operation is correct and I'm allowed to do so.

I hope I made my doubts and problems clear and thanks for help in advance!
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Welcome to PF!

Hi Muchacho! Welcome to PF! :smile:

(have a psi: ψ :wink:)

Where did you get n from? :confused:

Remember, this works for any a.

Hint: take logs of the equation. :smile:

FAQ: Eigenfunctions of translation operator and transposed operator property proof

1. What is an eigenfunction of a translation operator?

An eigenfunction of a translation operator is a function that, when acted upon by the translation operator, results in a scalar multiple of itself. In other words, the function remains unchanged except for a constant factor.

2. How is the eigenfunction of a translation operator related to the transposed operator property?

The eigenfunction of a translation operator is related to the transposed operator property through the fact that the eigenfunction is also an eigenvector of the transposed operator, with the same eigenvalue. This means that the eigenfunction remains unchanged when acted upon by either the translation operator or its transpose.

3. Can the eigenfunctions of a translation operator be complex-valued functions?

Yes, the eigenfunctions of a translation operator can be complex-valued functions. In fact, in many cases, the eigenfunctions are complex-valued, and this allows for a more complete understanding of the behavior of the operator.

4. How is the proof of the transposed operator property for eigenfunctions typically conducted?

The proof of the transposed operator property for eigenfunctions is typically conducted by using the definition of eigenfunctions and the properties of the translation operator and its transpose. The proof involves showing that the eigenfunction is an eigenvector of both the translation operator and its transpose, with the same eigenvalue.

5. What is the significance of the eigenfunctions of a translation operator?

The eigenfunctions of a translation operator are significant because they provide a basis for the space of all functions that are invariant under translation. This means that any function in this space can be expressed as a linear combination of the eigenfunctions. This is useful in many areas of mathematics and physics, such as in solving differential equations and analyzing physical systems.

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