How do mirrors work in quantum mechanics?

In summary, mirrors in quantum mechanics do not work by the process of absorption and re-emission as commonly explained. This explanation is inconsistent with empirical observations and the transmission of light through materials. The true explanation involves understanding the quantum mechanical properties of the material and the behavior of photons.
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How do mirrors work in quantum mechanics? Does light get absorbed by the atoms and then emitted at the same frequency? Or is something else going on?
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  • #2
Absorption/re-emission is not an accurate manner to describe this. I believe this is in the General Physics FAQ. ZapperZ says in part:

"The process of describing light transport via the quantum mechanical description isn't trivial. The use of photons to explain such process involves the understanding of not just the properties of photons, but also the quantum mechanical properties of the material itself (something one learns in Solid State Physics). So this explanation will attempt to only provide a very general and rough idea of the process.

A common explanation that has been provided is that a photon moving through the material still moves at the speed of c, but when it encounters the atom of the material, it is absorbed by the atom via an atomic transition. After a very slight delay, a photon is then re-emitted. This explanation is incorrect and inconsistent with empirical observations. If this is what actually occurs, then the absorption spectrum will be discrete because atoms have only discrete energy states. Yet, in glass for example, we see almost the whole visible spectrum being transmitted with no discrete disruption in the measured speed. In fact, the index of refraction (which reflects the speed of light through that medium) varies continuously, rather than abruptly, with the frequency of light."

FAQ: How do mirrors work in quantum mechanics?

1. What is the concept of a "mirror" in quantum mechanics?

In quantum mechanics, a "mirror" is a theoretical tool used to describe the behavior of particles in a system. It represents a boundary or barrier that reflects particles as they interact with it.

2. How do mirrors affect the behavior of particles in quantum mechanics?

Mirrors can have a variety of effects on particles in quantum mechanics, depending on the specific system being studied. In some cases, mirrors can cause particles to reflect off of them, while in others, they can induce particle-wave duality or even lead to the creation of new particles.

3. Can mirrors be used to manipulate particles in quantum mechanics?

Yes, mirrors can be used as a tool to manipulate the behavior of particles in quantum mechanics. By changing the properties of the mirror, such as its shape or composition, scientists can influence the interactions between particles and the mirror itself, leading to different outcomes.

4. Are mirrors only used in theoretical quantum mechanics, or are they also applicable in practical experiments?

Mirrors are used in both theoretical and practical applications in quantum mechanics. In theoretical studies, mirrors are often used as a simplification of more complex systems, while in practical experiments, mirrors can be used to control and measure the behavior of particles.

5. How do mirrors in quantum mechanics differ from traditional mirrors in classical physics?

Mirrors in quantum mechanics operate on a much smaller scale than traditional mirrors in classical physics. In quantum mechanics, mirrors can affect individual particles and their quantum properties, while classical mirrors only reflect macroscopic objects. Additionally, the laws governing the behavior of particles in quantum mechanics are different from those in classical physics, leading to different effects of mirrors in these two areas of study.
