What Skills Do I need to Be an Engineer?

In summary, the person speaking is interested in becoming an engineer and believes they possess the necessary skills such as strong math and science abilities, quick understanding of concepts, and creative thinking. However, they are not detail-oriented, hands-on, or focused on hands-on activities. Their family doubts their ability to succeed in engineering due to these reasons. The speaker has also read that the main skills needed for engineering are structural visualization and math/analytical reasoning, which they excel in. They are encouraged to read tech books and consider enrolling in a community college to rediscover their interests.
  • #1
I was wondering what skills I need to be an engineer.You see I am very
curious and like to know how things work.I am very good at math and
also at science. I can grasp concepts quite quickly and am very
analytical I am also very good at creative thinking.Yet I am not very linear in my thinking and not very into details and also I am not very hands-on or into tinkering more into books and theory yet I still like to be practical.
My family doubts my ability to be an engineering student for three main reasons 1.I am not detail -oriented.2 I am not a hands on tinkerer.3 I am theoretical all true.However I can do details just not very well.I like know how things work and also i am very pratical as well. I also took a look at an article saying that the main skills are structural visualization and Math/Analytical Reasoning and I am very good at those!

So what do you think?
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  • #2
did you take any physics, chemistry, math, at the higher learning establishment, or at least physics in grade 12. If you performed very good-excellent then you will be able to handle eng courses and be a good eng. Try to read some tech books and see do you like material in them. if you do then gooooooo and register into some tech program, try some community college, they are very practical, hands on courses, and then you will rediscover yourself. good luck and Do Not Give Up!
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  • #3

First of all, it's great that you have a strong interest in how things work and are good at math and science. These are essential skills for an engineer. However, there are also other important skills that are necessary for success in this field.

One important skill is attention to detail. While it's understandable that you may not be naturally detail-oriented, it's important to develop this skill as an engineer. Engineering projects require precise measurements and calculations, and even small errors can have significant consequences. Developing a thorough and detail-oriented approach will help you excel in this field.

Additionally, being hands-on and having a natural inclination towards tinkering can also be beneficial as an engineer. While theoretical knowledge is important, practical experience is also crucial. Being able to apply theoretical concepts to real-world problems and having a knack for finding solutions through hands-on experimentation can make you a well-rounded engineer.

Another important skill is problem-solving and critical thinking. As an engineer, you will often be faced with complex problems that require creative and analytical thinking to solve. Your ability to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions will set you apart in this field.

Lastly, effective communication skills are also crucial for engineers. You will need to be able to clearly convey your ideas and findings to colleagues, clients, and stakeholders. This includes both written and verbal communication, as well as being able to work well in a team.

Overall, while you may not possess all the skills typically associated with an engineer, it's important to remember that these skills can be developed and honed over time. With your strong foundation in math and analytical reasoning, and your interest in understanding how things work, you have a great starting point to become a successful engineer. Keep working on developing your skills and don't let doubts from others discourage you. With dedication and hard work, you can achieve your goal of becoming an engineer.

FAQ: What Skills Do I need to Be an Engineer?

What skills are necessary to become an engineer?

To become an engineer, one must possess a strong foundation in math and science. In addition, problem-solving skills, critical thinking abilities, attention to detail, and creativity are all necessary skills for an engineer.

Do I need to be good at math to be an engineer?

Math is a fundamental skill for engineers. A strong understanding of algebra, calculus, and trigonometry is essential for solving complex engineering problems. However, with dedication and hard work, anyone can improve their math skills and become a successful engineer.

What other skills are important for engineers besides technical skills?

In addition to technical skills, engineers also need strong communication and teamwork skills. Engineers often work in teams to solve problems, so being able to effectively communicate ideas and work well with others is crucial for success.

Are there any specific software skills that engineers need to have?

With the increasing use of technology in engineering, knowledge of software programs such as CAD (Computer-Aided Design), MATLAB, and programming languages like Python and Java are becoming essential for engineers. It is important to stay updated with the latest software in your field of engineering.

Can I develop the necessary skills to become an engineer through education and training?

Absolutely! While some people may have a natural aptitude for engineering, the majority of skills needed to become an engineer can be learned and developed through education and training. With dedication and hard work, anyone can become a successful engineer.
