Does pressure affect the weight of water?

In summary: No, the weight of the water will not be the same. When you increase the atmospheric pressure, you are effectively compressing the water, which will result in a decrease in volume and thus a decrease in weight. In summary, when measuring the weight of water in a container, both temperature and atmospheric pressure can affect the density of the water and therefore the weight. However, changing the atmospheric pressure can also compress the water, resulting in a decrease in volume and weight.
  • #1
I have something I need cleared up and looking for some calculation help. I know that water changes density with temperature but does it change due to lack of gravity when the moon is close? So to clear things up I guess I need to know what and how thoes changes will affect the weight of water. Also the how much does the atmospere pressure affect it/

If I had 500grams of water in a bottle how much would it weight at a temperature change or pressure change? this isn't a homework question just something I am arguing with a friend about.

Thank you
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  • #2
No, it does not lose mass. Ice is less dense because the molecular structure of ice takes up more space than the molecular structure of liquid water. If you started with 500 grams of liquid water it would have a volume of 500 milliliters. After freezing it would have a volume of roughly 550 milliliters. It would still have a mass of 500 grams.
  • #3
Yes I am clear on this but if the temperature changes in the water will the weight change?
If I have 500grams of water at 70F do I still have 500 grams at 90F?
  • #4
A table of the density of water at various temperatures is given here:

Follow the increasing density progression in the chart and note the change starting around zero degrees...

The effects of gravity on matter are extremely tiny, almost inconsequential, in everyday circumstances. In extreme gravity, electron degeneracy pressure is a major effect as in
neutron stars.
  • #5
OSUstudent said:
Yes I am clear on this but if the temperature changes in the water will the weight change?
If I have 500grams of water at 70F do I still have 500 grams at 90F?

yes you do. that's just the opposite of what Subductionzon said in his post where he dropped the temp rather than increased the temp of the water

density isn't so much related to weight (mass) as it is to weight per unit volume. eg.

I have 1kg of aluminuim and 1kg of lead. lead is more dense than aluminuim and as a result its volume is going to be smaller than that of 1 kg of aluminium

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  • #6
using the density table I would assume that If i had 500ml of water in a bottle at 4C then I would have 500 X 0.9999720= 499.986 grams of water

at 22C I would have 500 X .9977735 = 498.886775 grams of water

Does this sound correct?
  • #7
Yes, at a set Volume the Mass of the water in that Volume will vary with temperature and you are going about it correctly. Now your original question asked what would happen when you had a set volume of water what would happen to that waters mass if you changed the temperature or pressure. In that case, since you already had a set amount of water its mass would not change. But its volume would.

As a slight aside. I know they have a different definition of a gram now but wasn't it originally defined as the mass of one cubic centimeter, or one milliliter of water? At 0 C of course.

ETA: Never mind, it was. And later defined as the same volume at 4 C.
  • #8
I see where the confusion was I guess i didnt explain what I was trying to do in my first point. But you have answered what I was looking for.

Thank you to everyone who replied!
  • #9
Does anyone know where or how I could calculate the change during pressure changes?
  • #10
OSUstudent said:
Does anyone know where or how I could calculate the change during pressure changes?

Change of what?
  • #11
The mass of the water
  • #12
Pressure changes do not affect the mass of the water. You are still confused.

The only way the mass of the water will change is if some of the water leaves the container. To do this, the container must be open. If the container is open then expansion will not result in a pressure buildup.

If you wish the volume to remain the same and instead let the pressure build up, then you will need a closed container and no water will escape, thus the mass of the water will not change.
  • #13
Doesn't it change the volume? If I fill a bottle with water at 22degC and atm. Pressure at 14.7 psi, say I have 500grams of water in the container. Then I empty the container change pressue to 15.7psi and refill it will it remain the same. Say a plastic bottle.
  • #14
OSUstudent said:
Doesn't it change the volume? If I fill a bottle with water at 22degC and atm. Pressure at 14.7 psi, say I have 500grams of water in the container. Then I empty the container change pressue to 15.7psi and refill it will it remain the same. Say a plastic bottle.

Change the pressure of what? You've emptied the bottle.
  • #15
DaveC426913 said:
Change the pressure of what? You've emptied the bottle.

Ok i will try this again...Let say I have an empty plastic bottle and I want to fill it with water to see how many grams it weighs. So I do this at 70deg F. and 14.7psi atmosphere pressure(no cap) take my measurement and I get 500grams...Now I record my measurement and empty the bottle. I already know that If i increase the temperature of the water and refill it the measurement will be reduced due to the density of the water so I am only going to increase the atmospere pressure to 15.7psi. So now that my temperature is the same and the only change is to the atmosphere pressure by 1 psi, and I do the same test will I still find that I get a measurement of 500 grams?
  • #16
OSUstudent said:
Ok i will try this again...Let say I have an empty plastic bottle and I want to fill it with water to see how many grams it weighs. So I do this at 70deg F. and 14.7psi atmosphere pressure(no cap) take my measurement and I get 500grams...Now I record my measurement and empty the bottle. I already know that If i increase the temperature of the water and refill it the measurement will be reduced due to the density of the water so I am only going to increase the atmospere pressure to 15.7psi. So now that my temperature is the same and the only change is to the atmosphere pressure by 1 psi, and I do the same test will I still find that I get a measurement of 500 grams?
No, you will get a number very slightly larger than 500 grams. Water is nearly incompressible, but not completely so. An increase in pressure - especially, yours which is less than 10% - will have a vanishingly tiny impact - though not zero - on the density of the water. Since the density is greater, but the volume is the same, there is will slightly more water in the bottle than before.

Note that, since you are pressurizing the entire chamber that the bottle is in, bottle is in equilibrium. The plastic bottle does not have to be capped, nor does it expand.
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FAQ: Does pressure affect the weight of water?

What causes changes in water weight?

Changes in water weight can be caused by several factors, including changes in hydration levels, hormonal fluctuations, and medical conditions such as kidney or heart disease.

How can I track changes in my water weight?

One way to track changes in water weight is by weighing yourself daily at the same time and under similar conditions (e.g. before breakfast). You can also track your fluid intake and output, such as through monitoring your urine output.

Can changes in water weight affect my overall weight?

Yes, changes in water weight can affect your overall weight on the scale. This is because water is a significant component of the body's weight, and fluctuations in its levels can cause temporary changes in the number on the scale.

How can I manage changes in water weight?

To manage changes in water weight, it is important to maintain a balanced and healthy diet and stay hydrated by drinking enough water. Reducing your intake of sodium and processed foods can also help reduce water retention in the body.

When should I be concerned about changes in water weight?

If you experience sudden and significant changes in water weight, it is important to consult a healthcare professional. This could be a sign of an underlying medical condition that needs to be addressed.
