Bloody Stool: Causes, Treatment, and When to Seek Medical Help

  • Medical
  • Thread starter bioquest
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In summary, the individual has a history of anxiety and past abuse that may be affecting their perception of normal bodily functions. They have been experiencing blood during their period, which they initially thought was normal but now realize may not be. They have also mentioned experiencing blood when farting or during bowel movements, and suspect they may have internal hemorrhoids. They plan to consult with a doctor about these symptoms.
  • #1
I have like, the highest amount of anxiety and paranoia possible, I was badly abused in high school and have post traumatic stress

I thought it was normal to **** blood during your period ie when you go to the bathroom...I've done it since I can't that not normal? wtf? Anyways if it's not normal just give me a bunch of whiskeys/some morphine etc and a doctor or whateverr and I'm good (I only started drinking etc way after high school though, ie very very recently)
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  • #2
Okay, your question sounds like you may have a few things confused. When you menstruate (have your period), yes, there is bleeding, but it is not in your feces (poop). It is the normal monthly flushing of the uterine lining that exits through the vagina. Blood in your feces (or exiting from your rectum) is not normal, and requires medical treatment. So, I suspect part of your confusion arises either from "sloppiness" in what words are used to refer to "going to the bathroom." Note that blood in urine is also not normal, but when a woman has her period, a urine sample collected in the usual manner into a cup may contain some blood contamination because the vaginal opening and urethral opening are very close together, not because there is any actual blood in the urine within the body.

I'm also going to guess that your question is coming from having recently learned about blood in feces not being normal, and not being sure what that would mean or how you'd recognize it. If there is internal bleeding, such as from an ulcer, and it occurs in the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract, the blood will be partially digested, and will not appear like blood in feces, but rather the feces will have a very dark black, tar-like appearance. If the bleeding is in the lower gastrointestinal tract, the blood will be passed out undigested, and will have the usual bright red color.

If you are in any way uncertain about the source of blood when you go to the bathroom, it would be best to talk to your regular physician about it.
  • #3
No like- okay I'm sorry for the grossness of this post- but like, during my period I fart blood (it's not like when I'm peeing blood though, not that huge amount) like whenever I fart and sometimes, like at the beginning of my period when I do a #2 it's like the #2 thing comes out along with an incredible amount of blood I mean...unless there's just so much blood that its just everywhere I mean there was a time before I didn't think this was normal than I came upon a "blood fart" reference and thought it was normal

I don't think I'm making a mistake, I think that when I do a #2 during my period especially at the beginning a lot of blood comes out, but not out of just my vagina. This only happens during my period though so I thought it was normal

I also pee a huge amount of blood during my period. But that is normal right? I mean you just said something like blood in urine is not normal so

Also I always throw up everything in my stomach when I have period pain but I don't when I take enough painkillers early enough to avoid that
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  • #4
I do not like to suggest anything to posters about personal health or 'what is wrong with me?'. But. If your physician is okay with your described problems, consider consulting somebody else. If nothing more than to help your sort out what the source of blood is.

As mb said, you may be confusing menstrual flow with blood in urine, but anal blood flow is definitely not good and is also harder to mistake for menstrual flow. See a qualified medical person.
  • #5
None of that sounds normal. I suggest you discuss this with your physician. I cannot even think of a condition that would explain what you are experiencing, let alone suggest you shouldn't worry about it. It could be an extreme form of endometriosis, where the uterine lining (endometrium) grows outside the uterus, but the type of symptoms you're describing really don't even fit with that (usually it results in a lot of pain). So, at this point, if this is not just terminology confusion, then I have to suggest you see your doctor. This could be a GI problem that only becomes noticeable when you have your period, perhaps flares up due to the hormonal changes, but would need to be treated.
  • #6
First see your doctor. Another cause of bleeding from the rectum is hemorrhoids, and the bleeding can be quite heavy. The blood should be bright red, not dark. Dark or black blood is not a good sign as it comes from deeper inside the intestinal tract and can be a sign of more serious problems.
  • #7
My God, go to the emergency room or least see a doctor. None of that can be good.
  • #8
Actually like, I've farted in the bath and had blood come out (during my periods)'s definately coming out of more than just my vagina

well okay I could go to the emergency room or see my doctor in like a week

But dammit this only happens during my periods! **** and its been happening awhile but I've been denial (ie going oh its just period blood) + had post traumatic stress (And during the period I had that intense stress I did have things like infections etc downstairs)

I had a hemmorhoid on the outside and one prolapsed but they're gone now I just have loose skin where they were but I didn't want to get it surgically removed because infection and it's not causing hygiene problems because I'm pretty hygenic, I just use wet wipes/whatever is the most hygenic

Do you think I just have internal hemmorhoids? It only happens during my period though
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  • #9
You also might be anemic with that much bleeding every month. That would make you more susceptible to infections as well.

Digging around a bit, it seems that there is a form of endometriosis that invades the colorectal lining, so this could be what you're experiencing. It would explain the cyclical symptoms. That is still something you'd want to see a doctor about getting treated. Left untreated, it can lead to scarring and bowel blockages.

Other cases report such bleeding from rectovaginal fistulae (basically, a hole between the vagina and rectum). This would definitely need to be treated, as it would leave you very susceptible to infections.

If the symptoms only occur during your periods, mention this when you call your doctor and find out if it is better to schedule your appointment between periods or during your period. It might be easier for them to identify the problem when you are symptomatic of it.

The downside is that even if that's what is going on, unlike endometriosis elsewhere in the abdominal cavity, it sounds like hormone therapy isn't very effective for treating it, so it may require surgical intervention. On the upside, it sounds like there have been improvements in the surgical approach with recent publications of laparoscopic surgery being used successfully.
  • #10
I think you were saying that it's not normal to have blood in urine, but it's normally to pee mostly blood/some blood when on your period right? I mean I pee a lot of blood when I go to the bathroom at the beginning of my period
  • #11
Really. You need to tell all this to your doctor.

  • #12
Bioquest, stop dicking around and get to a doctor right ****ing now! Any volume of bleeding that you're indicating is a sign of a potentially life-threatening problem, regardless of which orifice it eminates from. I have piles from hell, but I've never shat the kind of blood that you're talking about. Nobody is capable of diagnosing you over the computer. Get thee to a physicianry.
  • #13
bioquest said:
I think you were saying that it's not normal to have blood in urine, but it's normally to pee mostly blood/some blood when on your period right? I mean I pee a lot of blood when I go to the bathroom at the beginning of my period

No, it's not normal. There should be NO blood in urine, EVER, not even a tiny bit pink. What you're describing is a serious problem that needs to be addressed by a physician, and should have been addressed a long time ago. I don't want to scare you, but really, there's no other way to put it. This requires medical attention. Vomiting is also not a normal thing to accompany a period.

Endometriosis is only one possibility, and it is the least serious of them, which does not mean it is not serious. With the amount of blood loss, involvement of both the bowels and urinary tract, and discomfort you are describing, it is still a very serious condition. As Danger pointed out, the amount of blood loss you're describing is excessive...dangerously excessive.

If you are not comfortable explaining all of these symptoms to your physician, print out this thread and hand it to him/her to help get the conversation started. Please, we're not physicians here, and even if we were, nobody can diagnose you over the internet. What we can tell you is that the symptoms you are describing are not part of a normal period, and it is unfortunate that you have been experiencing this so long without someone pointing this out sooner (then again, I suppose this is not the sort of thing people bring up in every day conversation), and it does need medical attention ASAP.

If you are actively experiencing these symptoms now, then indeed, go to the ER. If you are not actively experiencing the symptoms, call your physician first thing in the morning and explain these symptoms, including when you expect your next period so you can schedule your appointment at an appropriate time relative to that.
  • #14
See a competent gynecologist and possibly a gastroenterologist, but see a doctor. A medical exam and diagnosis is impossible over the internet. AFAIK, no one here is an MD (I don't know if Adrenaline is around these days), and no ethical doctor would perform an exam over the internet!

Perhaps it is possible that while having a bowel movement, the contraction of the abdominal muscles also induce a discharge of blood or menses from the uterus, which might explain while this happens during one menstural period.

Nevertheless - see doctor!
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  • #15
Bioquest, this is very hard for me to state publicly.
Normally, I don't really give much of a **** about anyone that I haven't had time to develop a relationship with, but I am really frightened by your condition. I have no idea of how old you are or what your experiences are, but you're obviously in a vulnerable state. Get the proper medical attention that you need.
One thing about PF folks that differs from most sites is that we truly care about one another. I don't want to be reading an obituary with your name on it just because you were too timid to talk to a doctor.
Get your checkup, then report back to us with your results. None of us will rest easy until we know that you're okay.
  • #16
yah I am seeing my doctor tomorrow morning
Anyone living in Vancouver BTW?
I'm 22 BTW

Anyways doesn't anyone finding it interesting from a medical perspective aren't you wondering why it only happens during my period? Have you guys heard any other cases like this?
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  • #17
Wow..just reading through this thread made me worried too.
Tell us how the visit to the doctor goes.
  • #18
fine, fine, fine I will see doctors etc about this- I have an appointment tomorrow morning- but only if I'm really really drunk
  • #19
bioquest said:
yah I am seeing my doctor tomorrow morning
Glad to hear it! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

Anyways doesn't anyone finding it interesting from a medical perspective aren't you wondering why it only happens during my period? Have you guys heard any other cases like this?

It is interesting, and will hopefully provide a clue toward quicker diagnosis and/or treatment. That's why endometriosis is the first thing to stick in my mind for this. But, because some MILD GI disturbances can be associated with one's period, it could also be that you have some other underlying condition (i.e., bleeding ulcer) that is being aggravated by the hormonal fluctuation so it only becomes symptomatic at that time. The only way to know for certain is a physical exam.

Good luck at the doctor's office; I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that they are able to find a quick diagnosis and treatment and get you on the mend.
  • #20
bioquest said:
fine, fine, fine I will see doctors etc about this- I have an appointment tomorrow morning- but only if I'm really really drunk
I would highly recommend not getting drunk, and in fact, please try to reduce one's alcohol consumption, and in fact, eliminate it altogether. One potential problem is alcohol gastritis.

The father of someone I know died from alcoholism and in the end he hemorraged to death (bleeding from his colon).

Rather than use alcohol to cope, find an alternative means.
  • #21
I've only gotten drunk twice and those were basically the only two times I've consumed alcohol (I'm not an alcoholic but I'm definately not against me drinking, except for when it would have a negative effect on my body ie from too much drinking) and I don't remember how long my period's been like this but that's because I convinced myself it was normal I mean I don't know if I've repressed when this started, or what (I have post traumatic stress and stuff, and I just seriously do not remember when this started I've had so much other stuff to deal with)

Bleeding ulcer doesn't sound that bad though, I mean I think I'd prefer stuff like that to like, cancer but I don't think it's alcohol gastritis
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  • #22
I'm seeing the doctor at like 2:50 since I missed the morning app.
  • #23
I'm trying to trust my memory here but like, dark blood has come out sometimes I mean I remember one time there was like this black goop on my pad that came out and I touched it and I knew it wasn't, like I touched it and it was red on my finger but it looked dark
Is that what they mean by dark blood? what do they mean by dark blood exactly? I know the darker it is the worse it is right? but I mean usually its red
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  • #24
As Moonbear mentioned earlier, 'dark' blood has generally been exposed to some biochemical activity in the body after having been leaked from the circulatory system. With an anal discharge, that activity is probably partial digestion within the intestinal tract. That would be a strong indication that there is something wrong somewhere in the digestive system.
Oxydation or clotting can have a similar result, as you'll note if you've ever hocked out a clot from a bloody nose or popped a blood blister.
As for location, I think that Smurf is still in Vancouver. At least, he was the last that I saw of him here. I'm pretty sure that there are a couple more of us there, but I can't remember who. I'm near Calgary.
  • #25
Apparently Bowel cancer is very rare in people under 40?
So it's probably not that?
  • #26
Again, that's something that we can't even speculate about. Every case is different. It's hard enough for a doctor with access to your medical and family history to estimate; that's why they run tests. I sincerely hope that cancer is not your problem, but I'm afraid that I can't offer false optimism. For whatever it's worth, though, I would be more inclined to suspect an ulcer given your stress level.
  • #27
bioquest said:
I'm seeing the doctor at like 2:50 since I missed the morning app.
Just for future reference:

Profuse bleeding is nature's way of saying

  • #28
well apparently that's all totally normal according to my doctor, vomiting often accompanies cramps, etc and it's just menstraul blood, like she did a urine test and there was no blood in it (My period's over now) So I'm fine, just really ****ing pissed still, for some reason and sleepy

I mean you are all guys right? It would be interesting/useful to get a girl's opinion on this?
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  • #29
I'm a guy, well most of the time anyway, except when there is a full moon. :biggrin:

Well, keep oneself hydrated, eat well (plent of fresh fruits, berries and cruciferous vegetables), and perhaps take vitamins with an Fe supplement during one's period.

I don't think my daughter has ever had the symptoms described, at least not to that degree.
  • #30
It seems a rather snap decision on your doctor's part if she only did a urine sample, I guess based on what you said about it only happening during your period she is assuming that your perception of what was happening was wrong, I hope that is true.

My older daughter had blood in her stool and has been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. My younger daughter's ex-boyfriend, age 19, has Crohn's disease.'s_disease#Comparison_with_ulcerative_colitis
  • #31
Evo said:
It seems a rather snap decision on your doctor's part if she only did a urine sample

Agreed, particularly since that wasn't the orifice in question.
Bioquest, if you take a gander at Evo's and Moonbear's member photos (in General Discussion), you will see that they most assuredly are not guys. Astro is definitely male, but there is some dispute as to his species.
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  • #32
bioquest said:
well apparently that's all totally normal according to my doctor, vomiting often accompanies cramps, etc and it's just menstraul blood, like she did a urine test

Did you tell your doctor all the things you told us? The blood in the stool, etc.?
  • #33
It's not blood IN the stool but like there is blood SURROUNDING the stool and when I am in the bathtub and I fart I fart blood, but like I believe that when I go to the bathroom during my period, I am ****ting out blood but not bloody stool (like I'll look down and there will be **** surronded by blood and I think if I remember this happens when I'm not urinating as well. I mean I'm not peeing out blood and then going "oh why is there blood surrounding my stool) (This blood whenever I go to the bathroom starts off greater in amount in the beginning and then lessens) I shouldn't have named the thread blood *in* poop I meant like, but if the stool itself isn't bloody...does that mean I'm okay or what?

So I mean I guess one question is: Is it coming out my anus or isn't it, am I crazy but I think it is because like I said if I happen to be having a nice relaxing bath with whatever scented stuff I can grab, sleeping in the bath, you know, girling out, but I fart, out comes blood (noticeable blood) so I mean...that combined with the fact that I think it's coming out of me when I go to the bathroom makes me think it's coming out of my anus. If it was just when I was going to the bathoom, I suppose you could argue that somehow bloody stuff was coming out of my vagina which could possibly be mistaken for coming out of my anus but I just, I don't think so because when I go to wipe there's a lot of blood and barely any **** but again this stuff is only during my period

I'm thinking of going to the medical clinic up the road I don't think the doctor I saw was a very good doctor and yes I mean I tried to talk to my doctor but all she would say was like, the anus and the vagina are close together and this is normal and did a urine test and said there wasn't blood in my urine (My period is over now, so I obviously should have gone there when I had my period so she could tell me if there was blood in my urine)

So maybe I just need to wait until the next time I have my period to go to the doctor
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  • #34
bioquest said:
well apparently that's all totally normal according to my doctor, vomiting often accompanies cramps, etc and it's just menstraul blood, like she did a urine test and there was no blood in it (My period's over now) So I'm fine, just really ****ing pissed still, for some reason and sleepy

If you only experience the symptoms while you have your period, and don't have your period now, how does the doctor expect a urine test to tell her anything right now? Did she even listen to your description of the symptoms? I suggest scheduling an appointment with a different doctor (one who takes time to listen to your symptoms) when you are actually due to be having your period, so they can evaluate the symptoms when they are present. I mean, there is a possibility that just excessive menstrual bleeding is making it hard to discern where the blood is coming from, but even so, it would be best to have that checked while you have your period to make sure that's all it is. Your description sounds like more than that, though.

I mean you are all guys right? It would be interesting/useful to get a girl's opinion on this?

Nope, I'm female. My field of research is in reproductive biology too.

When you're describing dark blood on your pad, that could be blood clots. If you get a lot of that, it can indicate a problem with excessive bleeding, but just a little of that isn't necessarily abnormal. So, at least that's one thing you might not have to worry so much about.
  • #35
bioquest said:
So I mean I guess one question is: Is it coming out my anus or isn't it, am I crazy but I think it is because like I said if I happen to be having a nice relaxing bath with whatever scented stuff I can grab, sleeping in the bath, you know, girling out, but I fart, out comes blood (noticeable blood) so I mean...that combined with the fact that I think it's coming out of me when I go to the bathroom makes me think it's coming out of my anus. If it was just when I was going to the bathoom, I suppose you could argue that somehow bloody stuff was coming out of my vagina which could possibly be mistaken for coming out of my anus but I just, I don't think so because when I go to wipe there's a lot of blood and barely any **** but again this stuff is only during my period

Here's a suggestion that should give you an answer once and for all (smacking my forehead for not thinking to suggest it sooner) time you have your period, try switching to using tampons instead of sanitary napkins, even if just the first few days of your period when you say you notice these symptoms. Once the tampon is inserted, clean yourself very well externally, and then see if you still have blood in the toilet the next time you use the bathroom with the tampon in place. This will ensure you're not confusing normal menstrual blood exiting the vagina and spreading elsewhere externally with blood coming from another part of your body.

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