What's the latest title for Oriti's forthcoming book?

  • Thread starter marcus
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In summary: The title of Oriti's book is "Approaches to Quantum Gravity - Towards a new understanding of space and time" (ed. D. Oriti), Cambridge University Press, 2006In summary, the title of Daniele Oriti's forthcoming book, "Approaches to Quantum Gravity - Towards a new understanding of space and time" (ed. D. Oriti), defines a new field of physics as of 2006 and will serve as a signpost for the coalescence of this field. The book will feature contributions from various approaches to quantum gravity, including those of Lee Smolin, Rodolfo Gambini, and Renate Loll, and will provide a clear definition of the core
  • #1
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my normally icy heart melted when Kea approvingly mentioned Standard Muddle, attributing the coinage to me.
it was in some locked thread, best forgotten,
so I did not have an opportunity to reply.

Kea: Marcus' Beyond the Standard Muddle is better. Plurals are unnecessary.

What sight so lured him thro' the fields he knew...

Me: Thanks Kea :smile:

why be serious all the time? richard asked "What's in a name?" or was it william? what do you think of the constantly changing title of ORITI'S FORTHCOMING BOOK?

It changes every time i see it cited. The Cambridge UP publishers have taken a while to make up their minds. the most recent reference was to:

"Approaches to Quantum Gravity - Towards a new understanding of space and time" (ed. D. Oriti), Cambridge University Press, 2006

I think it's good. if a bit wordy. I think QG is towards a new understanding of space and time----and matter too, as an inherent facet of spacetime. High hopes for the book.
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  • #2
Kea was right. Muddle is a word that really does not need a plural.
(dividing a muddle up into several separate muddles already makes it less muddly...muddlish...whatever)

We are watching a new field of theoretical physics take shape and names really do matter when that is happening.

roughly speaking the name is "(background independent) Quantum Gravity"

and I suppose a signpost in the coalescence of this field (which is not just LQG or spinfoam or CDT or causal sets but is more of a Big Tent) will be the 2006 publication of Oriti's book.

I forgot to mention Gambinistics (the "consistent discretization" method of Rodolfo Gambini) which is certainly inside the Big Tent, and Thiemann's Masterconstraint spinoff from canonical LQG. And this is not to mention various maverick enterprises by---no let's say exceptional not maverick---Torsten-Helgi and Noldus and Lisi and someone at Heriot-Watt in Edinburgh.

In a sense, Daniele Oriti has been given the job of showing where the boundary of the tent is and what is inside. Oriti's TABLE OF CONTENTS will define a new field of physics, as of 2006. And he is just a nice young fellow at Cambridge.

Most likely the more marginal people like Torsten-Helgi and Garrett Lisi won't get in. Oriti TOC will just define the CORE approaches to QG. But if the core can solidify and establish its identity that will benefit the more distant relatives too----they will be on the margin of something recognizable, instead of on the margin of a fog.

This has been happening for quite a long time. Heroic efforts by Lee Smolin for years to build (b.i.) QG into a field. He has always been interpreting the term "LQG" rather inclusively. And the postdocs he gets to come to Perimeter are never representing just one narrow approach.

But Oriti's Table of Contents will be a definite step in the process of forging a collective field because it will be a kind of official list---and spell it out in black and white what is today's core QG.

Non-string, of course.

So as with the formation of any academic specialty, this is in part a SEMANTIC exercise. People are trying to specify what they mean when they say QG and what a QG researcher does. So names DO matter. What's in a name? A lot, in cases like this.
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  • #3
apparently someone should check out the Prolegomena that Isaac Newton wrote to his Principia.

I think this may be the historical point of departure when one says, as in Oriti's title, "towards a new understanding of space and time" and matter too, one imagines...matter should emerge as some kind of kink in spacetime-----it should be a feature of the fabric and not a visiting extra.

in Prolegomena, apparently (I haven't seen it) Newton invoked the ultimate rhetorical device to make people accept the independent existence of the all-inclusive PREMISE space and time. It was the mind of the Big Kahune, and the Big Kahune also had an (absolute) Clock. The mind of the Big Kahune came with a fixed particular number of dimensions. We are trained to believe in such things, as part of our culture. So deeply inculcated that it seems inconceivable NOT to believe in them.

When I think of a new understanding of space and time I think of people departing from this, in a gradual groping manner. Renate Loll's dynamical triangulations, where even the dimension of spacetime is dynamic and varies with scale---dimension is a quantum observable actually so it has no definite value anywhere or at any scale, except at the time and place where you measure it. the Kahune's mind is not made up until the instant you do the experiment.

Here is Alejandro Perez contribution to Oriti's book(a spinfoam chapter):

Here is Joe Henson's contribution (causal sets):
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FAQ: What's the latest title for Oriti's forthcoming book?

1. What is "Beyond the Standard Model"?

"Beyond the Standard Model" (BSM) is a term used in physics to refer to any physical theory or model that goes beyond the Standard Model of particle physics. The Standard Model is a widely accepted theory that explains the fundamental particles and their interactions, but it has limitations and does not account for certain phenomena such as dark matter and gravity. BSM theories aim to extend or modify the Standard Model in order to explain these phenomena and provide a more complete understanding of the universe.

2. How does BSM differ from the Standard Model?

BSM theories differ from the Standard Model in various ways. Some theories propose the existence of new particles that are not included in the Standard Model, while others suggest modifications to the existing particles and their interactions. BSM theories also attempt to address unanswered questions in the Standard Model, such as the origin of particle masses and the hierarchy problem. Overall, BSM theories aim to provide a more complete and unified understanding of the fundamental laws of physics.

3. What evidence supports the existence of BSM theories?

Although BSM theories have not been experimentally confirmed, there are several pieces of evidence that support their existence. For example, the presence of dark matter in the universe cannot be explained by the Standard Model, leading scientists to believe that there are other particles and interactions at play. Additionally, the Standard Model does not account for the observed asymmetry between matter and antimatter in the universe, which some BSM theories attempt to explain. Finally, some BSM theories are motivated by mathematical and theoretical considerations, such as the desire for a more elegant and unified description of the universe.

4. Are there any current experiments or projects focused on BSM theories?

Yes, there are several experiments and projects currently underway that aim to test BSM theories. One example is the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, which is searching for evidence of new particles and interactions that go beyond the Standard Model. Other experiments, such as the Dark Energy Survey and the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer, are also investigating phenomena that cannot be explained by the Standard Model. In addition, there are ongoing theoretical studies and simulations to explore and refine BSM theories.

5. How important is it to study BSM theories?

The study of BSM theories is crucial for advancing our understanding of the fundamental laws of nature. The Standard Model has been incredibly successful in predicting and explaining a wide range of physical phenomena, but it is not a complete theory and has several limitations. By exploring and testing BSM theories, scientists hope to uncover new insights into the workings of the universe and potentially solve some of the biggest mysteries in physics. BSM research also has practical implications, as it could lead to new technologies and applications in various fields.
