Understanding the Effects of Inputting High Frequency Signals on an Oscilloscope

In summary, if a higher frequency signal is inputted to an oscilloscope with a lower range, it may not display the full amplitude and the rising and falling edges may appear slower than the actual signal. In some cases, the signal may not be displayed at all and instead show up as a DC offset. This can also occur when the sampling frequency is too low for the input signal, resulting in a nonsensical or confusing waveform. To test the performance of an ADC, a beat frequency technique can be used on a digital scope to detect missing codes and other important characteristics of the waveform. However, it's important to be cautious when relying solely on the oscilloscope display, as it may not always show the complete picture.
  • #1
what happens if we input higher frequency signal to oscilloscope than its range. How will It respond. . .for example in oscilloscope range is 12 MHz how will it display a signal having rise time of say some 40 nano seconds ?
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
Usually it just does not displace the full amplitude, the rising and falling edge is slower than the real signal. If the signal is a lot higher in frequency, it might not even display any waveform, but show up as some DC offset.
  • #3
It can also alias when its sampling frequency is too low for the input signal. That shows up as a nonsense waveform, or it can show up as a low-frequency waveform (which can be very confusing).
  • #4
Yes, I kept thinking about analog scope. For digital scope, you can have beat frequency that you can see low frequency patterns when the input frequency come close to half clock, clock frequency, 2 clock and so on. That's how I test the A to D front end when I was working for LeCroy long time ago. In fact, these are the most important test on how good the ADC is. You see missing codes using these beat frequency technique.
  • #5
yungman said:
Usually it just does not displace the full amplitude, the rising and falling edge is slower than the real signal. If the signal is a lot higher in frequency, it might not even display any waveform, but show up as some DC offset.

berkeman said:
It can also alias when its sampling frequency is too low for the input signal. That shows up as a nonsense waveform, or it can show up as a low-frequency waveform (which can be very confusing).

yungman said:
Yes, I kept thinking about analog scope. For digital scope, you can have beat frequency that you can see low frequency patterns when the input frequency come close to half clock, clock frequency, 2 clock and so on. That's how I test the A to D front end when I was working for LeCroy long time ago. In fact, these are the most important test on how good the ADC is. You see missing codes using these beat frequency technique.

Basically, there are many worse things possible than just a soggy high frequency response and you can miss all sorts of characteristics of a waveform if you take what you see as the literal truth. Scopes, these days try to think for you and you can lose important features if you take the first picture you see as gospel.

FAQ: Understanding the Effects of Inputting High Frequency Signals on an Oscilloscope

1. What is an oscilloscope and how does it work?

An oscilloscope is a scientific instrument used to measure and display electrical signals. It works by converting the electrical signal into a visual representation, typically a graph with a time axis and a voltage axis. The signal is measured and displayed as a waveform on the screen, allowing scientists to analyze and understand the behavior of the signal.

2. What is the range of an oscilloscope?

The range of an oscilloscope refers to the maximum and minimum values that can be displayed on the voltage axis. This range is determined by the sensitivity setting and the number of volts per division on the screen. For example, if the sensitivity is set to 1 volt per division and the screen has 10 divisions, the range would be 10 volts.

3. How do I adjust the range on an oscilloscope?

To adjust the range on an oscilloscope, you can use the vertical scale control or the volts/division knob. The vertical scale control allows you to change the sensitivity setting, while the volts/division knob allows you to adjust the number of volts per division on the screen. By changing these settings, you can adjust the range to suit your specific needs.

4. What is the importance of having a wide range on an oscilloscope?

A wide range on an oscilloscope allows you to measure a variety of signals with different amplitudes. This is important because it allows you to accurately measure and analyze different types of signals, from small electronic signals to high voltage power signals. A wide range also gives you more flexibility and precision in your measurements.

5. Can I damage an oscilloscope by exceeding its range?

Yes, it is possible to damage an oscilloscope by exceeding its range. If the voltage of the signal being measured is higher than the maximum range of the oscilloscope, it can cause damage to the instrument. It is important to always adjust the range appropriately before taking any measurements to prevent damage to the oscilloscope and ensure accurate readings.

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