Solve Homework Questions: Moon Walk, Slingshot, Ball on String

  • Thread starter Kaze105
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In summary, In order to calculate the distance the camera has fallen after 3.9 seconds, you need to first calculate the acceleration due to the moon's gravity. Once you have the acceleration, you can use the equation d = 1/2at^2 to find the distance. However, the necessary information to calculate the acceleration is not provided in the problem.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Question 1:During a walk on the Moon, an astronaut accidentally drops his camera over a 13.8 m cliff. It leaves his hands with zero speed, and after 2.2 s it has attained a velocity of 3.3 m/s downward. How far has the camera fallen after 3.9 s?

Question 2: A stone is launched straight up by a slingshot. Its initial speed is 18.8 m/s and the stone is 1.7 m above the ground when launched. (a) How high above the ground does the stone rise? (b) How much time elapses before the stone hits the ground?

Question 3:A 1.6-kg ball tied to a string fixed to the ceiling is pulled to one side by a force to an angle of 34.2° from the ceiling. The force is pulling the ball directly right.
Just before the ball is released and allowed to swing back and forth, (a) how large is the force that is holding the ball in position and (b) what is the tension in the string?

Homework Equations

question 1: I do believe i use basic equation of vy = v0y ayt and y = y0 + v0yt + 1/2 ayt2

Question 2: Same as Question 1..

Question 3: Tension = ma + mg

The Attempt at a Solution

Question 1: I tried to get the total distance it went for the first 2.2 seconds and tried to get the rest using the 3.9 seconds, but apparently its wrong.

Question 2: I tried to get time of how long it is in the air and used that to get the distance, but i keep getting wrong answers..

Quesiton3 : I am actually kinda clueless on question 3 so help would be appreciated.
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  • #2
Kaze105 said:

Homework Statement

Question 1:During a walk on the Moon, an astronaut accidentally drops his camera over a 13.8 m cliff. It leaves his hands with zero speed, and after 2.2 s it has attained a velocity of 3.3 m/s downward. How far has the camera fallen after 3.9 s?

Question 1: I tried to get the total distance it went for the first 2.2 seconds and tried to get the rest using the 3.9 seconds, but apparently its wrong

What is the acceleration from moon's gravity given by the information in the problem. Then once you have acceleration you have distance from 1/2 a t2
  • #3
Acutally not sure as its not given
  • #4
Kaze105 said:
Acutally not sure as its not given

Calculate it then.
  • #5
Sorry, but how do i get the gravity for the moon? I am checking my physics book, but i can't get some value to get the graivty.
  • #6
Kaze105 said:
Sorry, but how do i get the gravity for the moon? I am checking my physics book, but i can't get some value to get the graivty.

The information the problem gives you allows you to calculate it.
  • #7
I don't see how i can calculate it with the information i have

FAQ: Solve Homework Questions: Moon Walk, Slingshot, Ball on String

What is the moon walk?

The moon walk is a dance move popularized by Michael Jackson in the 1980s. It involves a smooth gliding motion backwards while appearing to walk forward.

How does a slingshot work?

A slingshot works by using the elastic potential energy stored in the rubber bands to launch a projectile, such as a stone or ball, at high speeds. When the bands are stretched and released, the potential energy is converted into kinetic energy, propelling the projectile forward.

Why does a ball on a string move in a circular motion?

A ball on a string moves in a circular motion due to the tension force exerted by the string. This force acts as a centripetal force, pulling the ball towards the center of the circular path and keeping it in motion.

What factors affect the motion of a slingshot projectile?

The factors that affect the motion of a slingshot projectile include the strength of the rubber bands, the angle at which the projectile is launched, and the weight and shape of the projectile. Air resistance and other external forces can also impact the projectile's motion.

How does the moon's gravity affect objects on its surface?

The moon's gravity is about one-sixth of Earth's gravity, so objects on the moon's surface would weigh much less compared to their weight on Earth. This means that they would fall at a slower rate and would require less force to move. Additionally, the moon's gravity also creates tides on Earth due to its pull on the Earth's oceans.

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