RADAR - Radio Detection and RangingCan we use the same technique on

In summary, the author is thinking about doing another theoretical project which requires programming, but has been rejected.
  • #1
RADAR - Radio Detection and Ranging . Can we use the same technique on a smaller scale :rolleyes: ?

I mean to measure the relative velocity between two vehicles :smile: ?

Are there any good sources on internet where I can get information in detail about the working of RADAR system :confused: ?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
hershal said:
RADAR - Radio Detection and Ranging . Can we use the same technique on a smaller scale :rolleyes: ?

I mean to measure the relative velocity between two vehicles :smile: ?

Are there any good sources on internet where I can get information in detail about the working of RADAR system :confused: ?

Police use radar to measure velocity of automobiles - very common in modern industrial societies. Radar units may be mounted in the car or are hand held.

Police Radar

Microwaves, Radar

Radar systems can be mounted on cars to monitor distance between the cars. Research is underway to look at intelligent crash-avoidance systems.

In another application of radar, modern railroad locomotives use radar systems to measure velocity of the locomotive and these data are used by a computer to match wheel rim speed to the speed of the locomotive in order to reduce wheel slip (which reduces wear on the wheel and rails).
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  • #3
Astronuc said:
Radar systems can be mounted on cars to monitor distance between the cars. Research is underway to look at intelligent crash-avoidance systems.
Already here: Mercedes SmartCruise
Available now in Europe for consumers in both the new S430 and S500, the smart cruise system can maintain a set distance from the vehicle in front as well as a set speed. The S-Class driver sets a desired minimum distance to be maintained behind vehicles ahead, as well as a desired cruising speed. If distance is reduced for any reason (the vehicle ahead slows down, or a brontosaurus enters the lane), the intelligent adaptive cruise control system automatically eases up or applies up to 20% braking power.

A grille-mounted radar sensor monitors the traffic situation ahead up to a distance of 164 yds. (150 m). When the sensor detects a vehicle in front, the interior display shows both vehicles and displays the safe distance via pictograph.
Pretty slick for the first generation of such devices.

The enabling technology for such things is http://pr.caltech.edu/periodicals/336/articles/Volume%204/02-19-02/chip.html. Also very slick.
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  • #4
I'm thinking he wants to build one. I don't have any help for that though.
  • #5
Astronuc, russ_watters,Mk all of you : thanks a lot !

But there are some bad news, my proposal for this project has been rejected :-( .
I'll do some other theoretical project which requires some programming, which one, I will tell when the time comes.

Anyway, sorry if I hurt you guys.

FAQ: RADAR - Radio Detection and RangingCan we use the same technique on

1. How does RADAR work?

RADAR works by sending out radio waves and measuring the time it takes for those waves to bounce off an object and return to the RADAR system. This information is then used to calculate the distance, speed, and direction of the object.

2. What types of objects can RADAR detect?

RADAR can detect a wide range of objects, including aircraft, ships, cars, and even weather patterns. It can also be used to detect smaller objects such as birds, insects, and debris.

3. How accurate is RADAR?

RADAR is a highly accurate technology, with modern systems having accuracy within a few meters. However, accuracy can be affected by factors such as weather conditions and the size and shape of the object being detected.

4. Is RADAR safe for human health?

Yes, RADAR is considered safe for human health. The radio waves used by RADAR are non-ionizing and do not have enough energy to cause harm. However, it is important to follow safety protocols when operating RADAR systems.

5. How is RADAR used in everyday life?

RADAR has many practical applications in everyday life, including air traffic control, weather forecasting, and navigation. It is also used in military and defense systems, as well as in law enforcement for speed detection and surveillance.

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