Calculating Vaporization Rate of Isooctane Droplets

In summary, there is interest in calculating the vaporization rate of isooctane for droplets at a given diameter. The only available paper on the topic is stored on a Harvard University server, but only the abstract is accessible. However, a helpful equation has been found in another paper discussing conductivity properties of isooctane. This equation, m= dm/dt = 2 pi r, was used to obtain the vaporization rate at a given droplet diameter.
  • #1
Does anyone know how to calculate the vaporization rate of a droplet of isooctane at a given diameter?

Thank you
Engineering news on
  • #2
Can anyone help please?

The only paper I have found is stored on a harvard university server. They only show the abstract but the paper itself seems inaccessible.
  • #3
This is FAST becoming an area of intense interest, for good reason. I will attempt to find and post helpful information.
  • #4
I have found this equation in a paper describing coductivity properties of isooctane, I hope it will be helpful. m= dm/dt = 2 pi r . not being able to use scientific notation with this keyboard , lower case d is inserted wth mass and again with radius in the equasion.The best i could do was to show it as m/d , and i believe that would make it too
difficult to understand. this equation was used to obtain vaporization rate of isooctane
at given diameter of droplets.

FAQ: Calculating Vaporization Rate of Isooctane Droplets

What is fuel droplet vaporization?

Fuel droplet vaporization is the process by which a liquid fuel is converted into a gas or vapor form. This is an essential step in the combustion process, as the fuel must be in a gaseous state in order to mix with oxygen and burn.

What factors affect fuel droplet vaporization?

There are several factors that can affect the rate of fuel droplet vaporization, including the fuel properties (such as viscosity and surface tension), the ambient temperature and pressure, and the size and shape of the droplet.

Why is fuel droplet vaporization important?

Fuel droplet vaporization is important because it influences the efficiency and performance of combustion engines. If the fuel does not vaporize completely, it can lead to incomplete combustion and increased emissions. Additionally, the rate of vaporization can affect the power output and overall efficiency of the engine.

How is fuel droplet vaporization measured?

Fuel droplet vaporization is typically measured using a technique called laser-induced fluorescence (LIF). This method involves exciting the fuel molecules with a laser and then measuring the fluorescence emitted as they return to their ground state. The intensity of the fluorescence can be used to determine the concentration of fuel vapor in the surrounding air.

What are some applications of fuel droplet vaporization research?

Fuel droplet vaporization research has many practical applications, including improving the design and efficiency of combustion engines, developing cleaner and more efficient fuels, and understanding the effects of fuel properties on combustion processes. This research is also important for developing advanced propulsion systems for space exploration and understanding the environmental impact of fuel combustion on our planet.
