Closed sets - Simple question, if you know the answer.

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of closed sets in the context of the standard metric on the real line. The question of whether [0,\infty) is considered a closed set is raised and it is debated whether the definition of open sets or the definition of boundary points should be used to determine this. The question also prompts for an example of a continuous function and closed set where the image of the set is not closed. One suggestion is to use f(x)=e^x and (-\infty,0] as the closed set, which would result in an open image set. The conversation concludes with a discussion on the definitions of closed and open sets and the conditions under which a set can be both open and closed.
  • #1
First I am in [itex]\mathbb{R}[/itex] with the standard metric [d(x,y)=|y-x|]. Is [itex][0,\infty)[/itex] considered a closed set? I would think yes, since I would consider [itex](-\infty,0)[/itex] to be an open set. However, I can't seem to find any examples like this in our book, and I have yet to be able to find anything online either to clarify this. I guess I am not sure how to deal with infinity. Thoughts? Thanks!edit... Last time I posted part of a question people wanted to see the whole thing.
So here is the question: Let [itex](\mathbb{R},d)[/itex] be the real line with the standard metric. Give an example of a continuous function [itex]f:\mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{R}[/itex], and a closed set [itex]F\subseteq \mathbb{R}[/itex], such that [itex]f(F) = \{f(x) : x \in F\}[/itex] is not closed.

So I was thinking of taking [itex]f(x)=e^x[/itex] and taking [itex](-\infty,0][/itex] as my closed set. Since that would be mapped into [itex](0,1][/itex] which is not closed. Here arises my question of is [itex](-\infty,0][/itex] closed.

Also, if you have any insightful examples for this question, I would love to see them. Thanks!
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  • #2
If you consider the complement of the set to be open, then you had better consider the set to be closed. Right?
  • #3
Well yeah, that is why I was guessing it to be closed. However, I was not sure if either set was open or closed. From your response, though, I am guessing I was right in my guesses.
  • #4
Please say, "It's not a guess". :smile:
  • #5
I guess we (I guess I should maybe say I?) used the word guess too much, and I guess I am confused by your response :smile:

OK, so [itex](0,\infty)[/itex] is open, and hence the complement is closed. And thus my example of a function and closed set produces an open set. :smile:
  • #6
mattmns said:
I guess we (I guess I should maybe say I?) used the word guess too much, and I guess I am confused by your response :smile:

OK, so [itex](0,\infty)[/itex] is open, and hence the complement is closed. And thus my example of a function and closed set produces an open set. :smile:

That's better. Show some CONFIDENCE!
  • #7
mattmns said:
First I am in [itex]\mathbb{R}[/itex] with the standard metric [d(x,y)=|y-x|]. Is [itex][0,\infty)[/itex] considered a closed set? I would think yes, since I would consider [itex](-\infty,0)[/itex] to be an open set. I guess I am not sure how to deal with infinity. Thoughts?

Here's something for you. What is the closure/adherence of [itex] [0,\infty) [/itex] ?
  • #8
You haven't told us what DEFINITION of closed set you are using! Don't you think that's important?

The reason I mention that is that there are, in fact, several different definitions of "closed" set. One that is commonly used is "complement of an open set". Since you say " I would think yes, since I would consider [itex](-\infty,0)[/itex] to be an open set", I take it you are using that one.

Okay, how would you prove that the complement of [itex][0,\infty)[/itex], which is [itex](-\infty,0)[/itex] to be an open set? Welll, that depends on your definition of open set! Probably you are using "every member is an interior point". So what is the definition of "interior point"? That some neighborhood of the point is a subset of your original set. If x is in [itex](-\infty, 0)[/itex], then is it a negative number. What if you take [itex]\delta[/itex]= -a/2? Can you show that [itex](x- \delta, x+ \delta)[/itex] contains only negative numbers? If so then you have shown that [itex](-\infty, 0)[/itex] is an open set and so [itex][0,\infty)[/itex] is a closed set.

You probably learned, in Calculus or before, that an interval is "open" if it has "(" and ")" and closed if it has "[" and "]". Of course, [itex][0, \infty)[/itex] is confusing because it has both! But [itex]\infty[/itex] isn't a real number so ...

That can be used as another definition of "open" and "closed":
We say that a point is an "interior" point of a set if some neighborhood is a subset of the set (same definition as above). We say that a point is an "exterior" point of a set if it is an interior point of the complement of the set (some neighborhood contains NO member of the set). We say that a point is a "boundary" point of a set if it is neither an interior point or an exterior point of the set.

A set is open if it contains NONE of its boundary points, closed if it contains ALL of its boundary points.
What are the boundary points of [itex][0, \infty)[/itex]?

For extra credit: it is clear that if a set contains some of its boundary points, but not all, it is neither open nor closed. Under what conditions is a set both open and closed?
  • #9
dextercioby said:
Here's something for you. What is the closure/adherence of [itex] [0,\infty) [/itex] ?

I would say the closure would be still [itex][0, \infty)[/itex]

HallsofIvy said:
You haven't told us what DEFINITION of closed set you are using! Don't you think that's important?

The reason I mention that is that there are, in fact, several different definitions of "closed" set. One that is commonly used is "complement of an open set". Since you say " I would think yes, since I would consider [itex](-\infty,0)[/itex] to be an open set", I take it you are using that one.

Okay, how would you prove that the complement of [itex][0,\infty)[/itex], which is [itex](-\infty,0)[/itex] to be an open set? Welll, that depends on your definition of open set! Probably you are using "every member is an interior point". So what is the definition of "interior point"? That some neighborhood of the point is a subset of your original set. If x is in [itex](-\infty, 0)[/itex], then is it a negative number. What if you take [itex]\delta[/itex]= -a/2? Can you show that [itex](x- \delta, x+ \delta)[/itex] contains only negative numbers? If so then you have shown that [itex](-\infty, 0)[/itex] is an open set and so [itex][0,\infty)[/itex] is a closed set.

You probably learned, in Calculus or before, that an interval is "open" if it has "(" and ")" and closed if it has "[" and "]". Of course, [itex][0, \infty)[/itex] is confusing because it has both! But [itex]\infty[/itex] isn't a real number so ...

That can be used as another definition of "open" and "closed":
We say that a point is an "interior" point of a set if some neighborhood is a subset of the set (same definition as above). We say that a point is an "exterior" point of a set if it is an interior point of the complement of the set (some neighborhood contains NO member of the set). We say that a point is a "boundary" point of a set if it is neither an interior point or an exterior point of the set.

A set is open if it contains NONE of its boundary points, closed if it contains ALL of its boundary points.
What are the boundary points of [itex][0, \infty)[/itex]?

For extra credit: it is clear that if a set contains some of its boundary points, but not all, it is neither open nor closed. Under what conditions is a set both open and closed?

Sorry about the definition. Our definition of open was containing none of its boundary points. However, in our last homework we had to prove that a set is open iff its complement is closed, and that a set E is open iff E = Int(E) [Interior of E] (among a ton of other properties).

The boundary point/s of [itex][0,\infty)[/itex] would be 0 which is contained in the set and hence the set is closed.

A set could be open and closed if there were no boundary points. This could happen if the set was empty, or if we had the complete space as our set.

FAQ: Closed sets - Simple question, if you know the answer.

1. What is a closed set?

A closed set is a subset of a metric space that contains all of its limit points. In other words, every sequence of points in a closed set will converge to a point within the set.

2. How is a closed set different from an open set?

A closed set is the complement of an open set. This means that a set can be either open, closed, or neither.

3. What is the closure of a set?

The closure of a set is the smallest closed set that contains all the points in the original set. It is also known as the "closed hull" of a set.

4. How do you determine if a set is closed?

A set is closed if and only if its complement (the set of all points outside of the set) is open. This can be checked by looking at the limit points of the set.

5. What is the significance of closed sets in topology?

Closed sets play a crucial role in topology as they help define the concept of continuity. A function is continuous if and only if the inverse image of a closed set is also closed.
