Turing Machine Help: Construct & Describe Work for Calculating Logic Expression

In summary, the goal is to construct a Touring machine that can calculate the value of a logical expression using Boolean operators AND and OR. The input track will use symbols '*' for AND and '+' for OR, and the machine will first check if the input is correct before calculating the result. The suggested approach is to use tables and states, with bitwise operations on the least significant bit first. The machine will have to account for operator precedence and use special symbols to separate the expression and answer fields. It will also have to handle erasing and rewriting bits as it goes through the expression.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I need to construct and describe work od Touring machine which will calculate the value of logical expression with Boolean operators AND and OR. The simbol of input track which match logic operator AND is *, and simbol od input track that match logic operator OR is +.
Touring machine must first check is the input line correct and then calculate the result of logical expression which is given.
Sample of input line is 1+1*0+1*1

Homework Equations

I think that i need to construct it with tables and states, so any kind of help will be great.

The Attempt at a Solution

Symbols: 0 1 + *
OR AND blank
Suggest: operate bitwise on least significant bit of operands first and work towards the most significant bit.
+ 0 1 * 0 1
0 0 1 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 0 1
Precedence: * operates before +
This suggests the initial state should search for a ' * ' or the end-of-tape, which may require
its own symbol since the tape can be infinite.

Hmm, two possibilities... that suggests a binary tree.
If there are no ' * ' symbols left and we reach the other end of the tape (but having two ends may also be a problem) then the expression has no '*'s and we'd have to move on to looking for '+'s.

Since there should be an operator precedence, e.g. operating * before +, the initial state should search for a * (just like we do with a math problem).
The Turing machine (TM) should reach a * or find the end-of-data (and that has to be worked out too). If it finds a *, then it will look for 0s and 1s:

It will record what it sees by changing state according which bit it has just read. At the same time, it is looking for the end of the operand.

When it reaches the end of the operand, it will transition to another state (depending on whether the last bit was 0 or 1).

It will have to erase that operand bit, and then go in the reverse direction to find the corresponding operand bit on the other side of the *.

When it reaches that bit, it will have to erase the bit and change state (again according to the bit value), and then ('knowing' the answer) it will have to move to the answer area.

(If there is some special symbol to separate the answer field from the expression area, it might be easier to write out the answer bits in reversed order (and reverse them again later).
It might be easier if the special symbol were a new symbol (like '=').

After an answer bit has been written, the TM will have to go back to the expression to work on the next more significant bits of the operands.
If, after the TM has calculated an answer bit, it passes over more operators, it will have to count the operators--it will have to change state for each instance of the current operator symbol (either * or +) being considered. There should be a limit to the number of each kind of operator that may appear, perhaps a maximum of two of each as in your example.

After the * operations are completed, and the * symbols have been appropriately erased, there will be no more * symbols, and the TM will enter another group of states where it will handle only the + symbols.

Somehow it will have to re-write the product into the expression, or maybe reconstruct the simplified expression (sum of products, or OR of ANDs) in the answer field.

If, while it reconstructs the expression in simplified form, it erases the original expression field, then it will have a new, simpler expression on the other side of the special symbol. Now the directions are reversed where the expression to be evaluated is and where the answer field to be completed is located. Of course, now the TM only has to handle the + symbol. The TM would handle the + in a similar way, or maybe it can do all (if more than two) operands simply: if it ever sees a 1 bit, the answer bit will be a 1; otherwise it will be a 0.

Again it will have to move towards the special symbol separating the expression field and the answer field and cross it to get to the answer field and write the answer bit.

So, for your 1+1*0+1*1 example, maybe something like:
Start in state 0, move right, read symbol
symbol is a:
0, go to state 2
1, go to state 3
Now in state 3, continue moving right
Possible symbols to see: 0, 1, *, +, blank, special symbol
0, go to state 2
1, go to state 3
if in state 0 and TM sees a *, go into state 4: have to go back one space, erase the bit, and continue onward.
if in state 1 and TM sees a *, go into state 5: have to go back one space, erase the bit, and continue onward.
if in state 0 and TM sees a + ...
if in state 1 and TM sees a + ...
if in state 0 and TM sees a blank ...
if in state 0 and TM sees a special symbol ... (this should not happen at this point because only one operand was found,and it should not happen ever if the bit strings are required to all have the same number of bits.)

Now the state holds the information on the first bit value and the * operation. Look for the second operand's bit.

I haven't done this, but maybe it would be helpful to draw up a tree diagram to account for the possibilities in each stage. It seems each position in the tree would probably represent a separate state. So, maybe a tree for the first pass (to operate on two bits), a second tree for the second pass, and so forth. Then it might be possible to re-use some of the same sets of states (or trees), letting the 'answer' bits and the remaining portion of the input expression control how the TM switches between the trees or to a new group of trees (states).
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  • #2
I haven't done this, so I'm not sure how best to implement it. But I think this should give you a start. Good luck!
  • #3

Another possible way to construct the TM is to use a counter. This would help keep track of how many bits are in each operand. This would be useful when the TM needs to go back and forth between the operands. It would also be useful when the answer field is being constructed. If the input is well-formed, then the counter can help determine when the TM has reached the end of an operand. If the input is not well-formed, the TM may need to use some special symbol to mark the end of an operand. It might be useful to use another counter to keep track of how many operands are in the expression. If the number of operands is greater than 2, then the TM needs to keep track of which operand it is working on. If the number of operands is 2, then the TM can assume it is working on the first operand and then the second operand. The counter can also be used to determine when the TM has reached the end of the expression, and therefore the end of the calculation.

Overall, constructing a Turing machine to calculate logical expressions with AND and OR operators is a complex task. It would require careful planning and consideration of all possible scenarios and inputs. It may be helpful to break down the problem into smaller parts and tackle them one at a time. Using tables and state diagrams can be a useful approach, but it may also be helpful to think about the problem in terms of trees and counters. With enough time, effort, and determination, a functioning Turing machine for this task can be constructed.

Related to Turing Machine Help: Construct & Describe Work for Calculating Logic Expression

Question 1: What is a Turing Machine?

A Turing Machine is a theoretical mathematical model of a computing device that can perform any type of computation. It consists of a tape, a head that can read and write symbols on the tape, and a set of rules that determine the machine's behavior and calculations.

Question 2: How does a Turing Machine work?

A Turing Machine works by reading and writing symbols on a tape, which is divided into cells. The head of the machine moves back and forth on the tape according to a set of rules, interpreting the symbols and performing operations. The machine can modify the symbols on the tape, and the rules can be programmed to perform different types of calculations.

Question 3: What is the purpose of constructing and describing a Turing Machine?

The purpose of constructing and describing a Turing Machine is to illustrate the capabilities and limitations of computation. By creating a machine that can perform any type of computation, it helps us understand the fundamentals of computing and the concept of algorithms.

Question 4: How can a Turing Machine help with calculating logic expressions?

A Turing Machine can help with calculating logic expressions by using its ability to read and write symbols on a tape and follow a set of rules. By programming the machine with the specific rules and symbols needed for logic expressions, it can perform the necessary calculations and provide a solution.

Question 5: Can a Turing Machine solve any problem?

No, a Turing Machine cannot solve any problem. It is limited by its set of rules and symbols, and can only perform calculations that can be broken down into a sequence of steps. It cannot solve problems that require intuition or creativity, as it is a purely mathematical and logical machine.

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