How was the result of the incomplete gamma function in the paper achieved?

In summary, the conversation discusses a potential identity between two equations involving the incomplete gamma function. The authors of the paper simplified the equations by changing the form of one equation to a more convenient form for mathematical manipulation. This helped them prove the identity to be true.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I read in a paper that:
[tex]\Gamma\left(c,\,d\frac{x+e}{x-y}\right) = (c-1)!\,exp\left[-d\frac{y+e}{x-y}\right]\,exp[-d]\,\sum_{k=0}^{c-1}\,\sum_{l=0}^k \frac{d^k}{k!}{k\choose l}\left(\frac{y+e}{x-y}\right)^l [/tex]

Homework Equations

But the incomplete gamma function defined in the book of table of integrals and series as:
[tex]\Gamma(1+n,x) = n!\,exp[-x]\,\sum_{k=0}^n \frac{x^m}{m!}[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

Applying this we get:

[tex]\Gamma\left(c,\,d\frac{x+e}{x-y}\right) = (c-1)!\, exp\left[-d\frac{x+e}{x-y}\right]\,\sum_{k=0}^{c-1} \frac{d^k}{k!}\,\left(\frac{x+e}{x-y}\right)^k \neq (c-1)!\,exp\left[-d\frac{y+e}{x-y}\right]\,exp[-d]\,\sum_{k=0}^{c-1}\,\sum_{l=0}^k \frac{d^k}{k!}{k\choose l}\left(\frac{y+e}{x-y}\right)^l[/tex]

How did the authors get their result?

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  • #2
Try simplifying the would-be identity as much as possible, and see how far you can get.
  • #3
Execuse me, what is the would-be identity? Can you help me a little to start?
  • #4
The would-be identity is

[tex](c-1)!\,\exp\!\!\left(-d\,\frac{x+e}{x-y}\right)\sum_{k=0}^{c-1} \frac{d^k}{k!}\!\left(\frac{x+e}{x-y}\right)^{\!\!k} = (c-1)!\,\exp\!\!\left(-d\,\frac{y+e}{x-y}\right)\exp(-d)\sum_{k=0}^{c-1}\sum_{l=0}^k \frac{d^k}{k!}{k\choose l}\!\!\left(\frac{y+e}{x-y}\right)^{\!\!l}[/tex]

Try to simplify this, and then show that the simplified equation is true. You can start with the obvious step of canceling the [itex](c{-}1)![/itex] on each side. Then, put all the exponentials on one side and see if you can simplify them.
  • #5
Ok, now I know what they did, they just changed the form of one equation, which is [tex]\left(\frac{x+e}{x-y}\right)[/tex] ,to the more convenient form for mathematical manipulation [tex]\left(\frac{y+e}{x-y}+1\right)[/tex].
Thank you very much Avodyne, you helped me to figure it out.

FAQ: How was the result of the incomplete gamma function in the paper achieved?

1. What is the Incomplete Gamma Function?

The Incomplete Gamma Function is a mathematical function that is used to represent the probability that a random variable with a gamma distribution will be less than or equal to a certain value. It is denoted by Γ(s,x) and is defined as the integral of the gamma probability density function from 0 to x.

2. What is the difference between the Incomplete Gamma Function and the Complete Gamma Function?

The Incomplete Gamma Function, denoted by Γ(s,x), is defined as the integral of the gamma probability density function from 0 to x. On the other hand, the Complete Gamma Function, denoted by Γ(s), is defined as the integral of the gamma probability density function from 0 to infinity. In simpler terms, the Incomplete Gamma Function only considers a specific range of values, while the Complete Gamma Function takes into account all possible values.

3. What are the applications of the Incomplete Gamma Function?

The Incomplete Gamma Function has various applications in statistics, physics, and engineering. It is used to calculate probabilities and cumulative distribution functions for gamma distributed random variables. It is also used in the analysis of reliability and survival data, as well as in modeling radioactive decay.

4. How is the Incomplete Gamma Function calculated?

The Incomplete Gamma Function can be calculated using various methods, including numerical integration, series expansion, and continued fractions. It can also be approximated using special functions, such as the error function or the Dawson function.

5. What are some properties of the Incomplete Gamma Function?

The Incomplete Gamma Function has several important properties, including additivity, recurrence relations, and symmetry. It also has asymptotic behaviors for large and small values of its parameters. Additionally, it is related to other special functions, such as the hypergeometric function and the confluent hypergeometric function.

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