EM Destructive interference of two coherent beams

In summary, when two coherent microwave beams are aimed at a reflecting wall at different angles, the 45 degree beam will reflect off the wall in the same manner as the 90 degree beam does when it is turned off.
  • #1
cyber stealth
Suppose you have two coherent microwave beams, one beam at 45 degrees to a reflecting wall and the other one at 90 degrees, with the two beams pointing to the same point on the wall.

If the two beams are 180 degrees out of phase and destructively interfere at the point on the wall, will the 45 degree beam still reflect off the surface, in the same manner it will when you turn off the 90 degree beam, i.e., when there is no destructive interference?
Science news on Phys.org
  • #2
I don't think that EM radiation readily interacts with each other. If not, then the phases of the two beams does not matter in this particular situation. Someone correct me if I am wrong.
  • #3
Yes; because any beam must have a spatial extent, and while the centre of the beams might cancel precisely, the wings of the beams will not.

Moral of the story: Ray optics is an approximation, and can get you in trouble in contrived scenarios such as these.

  • #4
So, is it correct to say that there will be some places of destructive interference and some of constructive interference, and that if you measured the microwave energy with a bolometer you would get the same energy while both 90 degree and 45 degree beams are on, as you would get by turning them on one beam at a time and measuring each beam's energy separately and summing?

Also, is it correct to say that reflection of the 45 degree microwave beam off the wall requires electrons to be kicked to higher orbit and then decay, to re-emit the microwave in the "bounced " direction?

Is it correct to say that for the various spatial bands or areas of destructive interference, this destructive interference keeps the electrons from being kicked to higher orbit, and thus, the 45 degree beam is not reflected from these "dark" areas?
  • #5
The reflection of radiation does not require absorption and re-emission to my knowledge. I cannot say anything on your other questions though.

FAQ: EM Destructive interference of two coherent beams

What is destructive interference of two coherent beams?

Destructive interference of two coherent beams occurs when two waves with the same frequency and amplitude meet and cancel each other out, resulting in a decrease in the overall amplitude of the resulting wave.

What causes destructive interference of two coherent beams?

Destructive interference is caused by the superposition of two waves that are out of phase with each other. This means that when one wave is at its peak, the other wave is at its trough, resulting in cancellation.

How is destructive interference of two coherent beams used in science?

Destructive interference is commonly used in various scientific fields, such as optics, acoustics, and quantum mechanics. It is used to cancel out unwanted signals or to create areas of low intensity in order to study specific phenomena.

What are some real-world applications of destructive interference of two coherent beams?

One practical application of destructive interference is noise-cancelling headphones. These headphones use destructive interference to cancel out external sounds, allowing the user to hear only the desired audio. Another application is in the production of thin films, where destructive interference is used to create specific colors by controlling the thickness of the film.

Can destructive interference of two coherent beams be used for destructive purposes?

Yes, destructive interference can be used for destructive purposes. For example, in some military applications, destructive interference is used to create areas of low intensity to damage or destroy targets. However, it is important to note that this type of use is highly regulated and controlled.
