Barium Borate- beta BBO crystals (what am I looking at?)

In summary, The conversation is discussing the chemical formula of Barium borate, BaB2O4, and its structure. The speaker is curious about how barium influences the formation of a ring structure with boron and oxygen, and why they form on top of each other in triplets. The expert suggests that the stoichiometric formula only provides information about the relative amounts of Ba, B, and O, but not the structure itself. The speaker also mentions their prior experience in aqueous environments and completing Organic Chemistry II, making barium a new topic for them. The expert questions if rings of BO3 units could also occur in solution.
  • #1
The chemical formula, BaB2O4, doesn't correspond with the image I see. Barium is green, boron is pink and oxygen is red.

Wiki Barium borate


No clue about crystals but willing to learn the basics.
Chemistry news on
  • #2
The stochiometric formula doens't tell you more than the relative amount of substance of Ba, B and O, but nothing about the structure. Do you doubt the relative proportions of the elements in this compound?
  • #3
No doubt here. My prior experience had me looking at reactions and chemicals in aqueous environments. This one was not like the others and I thought I would ask about it. Organic chemistry ii was finished last fall by myself so barium is new to me.

How does barium influence boron and oxygen to form into a ring structure while being a spectator cation during a solid state? Why do they form on top of each other in triplets?
  • #4
Are you sure that rings of BO3 units don't occur also in solution?
  • #5

Barium borate-beta BBO crystals, also known as beta-barium borate crystals, are a type of nonlinear optical crystal that is commonly used in laser technology. The chemical formula, BaB2O4, may not correspond with the image you see because the image may be a representation of the crystal structure rather than the individual atoms. The colors you mention are likely used to indicate the different elements present in the crystal. Barium, boron, and oxygen are all important components of this crystal and contribute to its unique properties. I would recommend researching the crystal structure and properties of barium borate-beta BBO crystals to gain a better understanding of what you are looking at. This can help you appreciate the significance and potential applications of this material in scientific research and technological advancements.

FAQ: Barium Borate- beta BBO crystals (what am I looking at?)

1. What is Barium Borate- beta BBO crystal?

Barium Borate- beta BBO (β-BaB2O4) is a nonlinear optical crystal that is commonly used in various scientific and industrial applications. It has a high optical damage threshold and is transparent in the UV to near-infrared range, making it a popular choice for laser systems and frequency conversion.

2. What are the properties of Barium Borate- beta BBO crystal?

Barium Borate- beta BBO crystals have a high melting point of around 1095°C and a Mohs hardness of 4.5. They also have a wide transparency range from 190 nm to 3500 nm and a high refractive index of 1.67. In addition, they have a high nonlinear coefficient and low absorption in the visible and near-infrared regions.

3. How is Barium Borate- beta BBO crystal used in scientific research?

Barium Borate- beta BBO crystals are commonly used in various scientific research areas, such as nonlinear optics, laser technology, and quantum optics. They are used for frequency doubling, sum and difference frequency generation, and parametric oscillation in laser systems. They are also used in quantum information processing and optical communications.

4. Can Barium Borate- beta BBO crystal be grown in large sizes?

Yes, Barium Borate- beta BBO crystals can be grown in large sizes, up to several inches in diameter, using the Czochralski method. However, the growth process is complex and time-consuming, and the quality of the crystal can be affected by impurities and defects.

5. What are the advantages of using Barium Borate- beta BBO crystal?

Barium Borate- beta BBO crystals have several advantages, including high optical damage threshold, wide transparency range, and high nonlinear coefficient. They also have low absorption in the visible and near-infrared regions, making them suitable for various laser applications. Additionally, they have a low thermal expansion coefficient and good chemical and mechanical stability.
