Complex Integral: Solving from Ln to ArcTan

In summary, - taking the natural log of a complex number involves taking the square root of the complex number and then taking the log of the result.- The integral of this is equivalent to taking the arctan of the number.- To invert this, one takes the re-written integral and replaces the arctan with the inverse of the arctan, which is 1/2.
  • #1

I'm doing the following as an exercise to try and get my head around complex numbers. Specifically, I need to understand what it means to take the natural log of a complex number and what it involves.

Say I wanted to integrate 1/ (1 +x^2) dx

I know this is arcTan(x).

I can also write the integral as dx / [ (1 + ix)(1 - ix) ], which can be solved with partial fractions to arrive at 0.5 Ln [(1 + ix) / (1 - ix) ].

Now it should follow that the 2 results are equivalent. How do I got from Ln to arctan? Any hints?

Mant Thanks for your help,
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  • #2
sam2 said:
I'm doing the following as an exercise to try and get my head around complex numbers. Specifically, I need to understand what it means to take the natural log of a complex number and what it involves.
Say I wanted to integrate 1/ (1 +x^2) dx
I know this is arcTan(x).
I can also write the integral as dx / [ (1 + ix)(1 - ix) ], which can be solved with partial fractions to arrive at 0.5 Ln [(1 + ix) / (1 - ix) ].
Now it should follow that the 2 results are equivalent. How do I got from Ln to arctan? Any hints?
Mant Thanks for your help,
  • #3
Looks like you missed a factor of -i of. When you integrate something like [itex]\frac{1}{1+ix}[/itex], you will get something like the result [itex]-iLn(1+ix)[/itex]. Now go and compare the Taylor Series of arctan(x) and your result :wink:
  • #4

Many thanks.
  • #5
sam2 said:
How do I got from Ln to arctan? Any hints?

Sorry, LateX preview is not working for me.

Consider a complex number z = a + ib. In polar form, z = re^{i theta} with r = sqrt{a^2 + b^2} and theta = tan^(-1){b/a}. Now take |z| = r = 1, so b = sqrt{1 - a^2}. Take the ln of both sides of e{^i theta} = a + i sqrt{1 - a^2}.

i theta = ln(a + i sqrt{1 - a^2})

i tan^(-1){sqrt{1 - a^2}/a} = ln(a + i sqrt{1 - a^2})

i tan^(-1){x} = ln{a(1 + ix)}, where x = sqrt{1 - a^2}/a

Now invert the x equation to find a and you're home.

  • #6
Hi George,

Thanks for the reply but I am still stuck when I use your method. It makes perfect sense but I can't see where I am going wrong. I am doing the integral that I mentioned in my first post; but basically end up with the integral equal to tan^{-1} [ -2x/(1-x^2) ] Sorry, latex doesn't seem to be working for me!

A brief outline:

I re-write the integral as

dx / (1-ix)(1+ix)

Using partial fractions this comes up to:

0.5/(1-ix) dx + 0.5/(1+ix) dx

I do the integral,

0.5.i. Ln[(1-ix) / (1+ix)]

then write everything as r.e^{i.theta} . r turns out to be 1 as your mentioned in yoru post, but I end up with something like

-0.5 arctan{ -2x/(1-x^2) }

Can you sugegst where I might be going wrong?

  • #7
George Jones said:
i tan^(-1){x} = ln{a(1 + ix)}, where x = sqrt{1 - a^2}/a

Squaring the second equation gives

a^2 x^2 = 1 - a^2

a^2 (1 + x^2) = 1

a^2 (1 +ix)(1 -ix) = 1

a = [(1 +ix)(1 -ix)](-1/2)

Using this in the first equation above gives

i tan^(-1){x} = ln{[(1 +ix)(1 -ix)](-1/2) (1 + ix)}

i tan^(-1){x} = ln{[(1 + ix)/(1 - ix)]^(1/2)}

i tan^(-1){x} = 1/2 ln{(1 + ix)/(1 - ix)}

tan^(-1)(x} = -i/2 ln{(1 + ix)/(1 - ix)}

tan^(-1)(x} = i/2 ln{(1 - ix)/(1 + ix)}

This is the same result as yours, but achieved without integration, i.e., the 2 different methods give consistent results.

  • #8
much appreciated

FAQ: Complex Integral: Solving from Ln to ArcTan

1. What is a complex integral?

A complex integral is a mathematical concept that involves finding the area under a curve in the complex plane. It is similar to a regular integral in calculus, but it deals with complex numbers and functions.

2. How do you solve a complex integral?

To solve a complex integral, you need to use the fundamental theorem of calculus, which states that the integral of a function is equal to the difference of its antiderivative evaluated at the upper and lower limits of integration. You also need to use techniques such as substitution and integration by parts.

3. What is the difference between solving a regular integral and a complex integral?

The main difference between solving a regular integral and a complex integral is that in a complex integral, the function being integrated is a complex function, which involves both real and imaginary components. This means that the techniques used to solve a regular integral may not work for a complex integral, and additional techniques specific to complex numbers may be needed.

4. What is the role of Ln and ArcTan in solving a complex integral?

Ln and ArcTan are two important functions in complex analysis that are commonly used in solving complex integrals. Ln is the natural logarithm function, and ArcTan is the inverse tangent function. These functions help to simplify complex expressions and make them easier to integrate.

5. What are some applications of solving complex integrals?

Complex integrals have various applications in fields such as physics, engineering, and mathematics. They are used to calculate electric potential in circuits, to determine the path of a moving object, and to find the resonance frequency of systems. They also have applications in signal processing, control theory, and quantum mechanics.

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