Is QEG's asymptotic safe point an example of self criticality?

In summary: Now let us consider statement (2) from the point of view of “emergence”, i.e. for a trajectory that is close to asymptotic safety but not exactly safe. The closer such trajectory gets to the FP, the longer the time it passes there."But the definition from wikipedia talks about an atractor. That doesn't mean it should reach there.Does SOC exist?Anyway, if it's off the critical surface, it will eventually go away from the fixed point.But AS could be related to LQG anyway, since many believe LQG needs some sort of fixed point.Does SOC exist?
  • #1
Gold Member
According to wikipedia:

"In physics, self-organized criticality (SOC) is a property of (classes of) dynamical systems which have a critical point as an attractor. Their macroscopic behaviour thus displays the spatial and/or temporal scale-invariance characteristic of the critical point of a phase transition, but without the need to tune control parameters to precise values."

The asymptotic safe point pretty much fits this description, apparently.

In relation to Quantum Gravity, the only thing I could find was this:

Self-organized criticality in quantum gravity

Mohammad H. Ansari, Lee Smolin
(Submitted on 27 Dec 2004 (v1), last revised 18 May 2005 (this version, v5))
We study a simple model of spin network evolution motivated by the hypothesis that the emergence of classical space-time from a discrete microscopic dynamics may be a self-organized critical process. Self organized critical systems are statistical systems that naturally evolve without fine tuning to critical states in which correlation functions are scale invariant. We study several rules for evolution of frozen spin networks in which the spins labelling the edges evolve on a fixed graph. We find evidence for a set of rules which behaves analogously to sand pile models in which a critical state emerges without fine tuning, in which some correlation functions become scale invariant.


Perhaps this is a clue that AS is really related to spin networks?
Physics news on
  • #2
All the fixed points are scale invariant. However, in general the require tuning, so they wouldn't be "self-organized".

Gauge/gravity examples in which the gauge theory is a CFT are examples of a gauge theory at a fixed point.
  • #3
Where can you show me the fine tuning?
  • #4
MTd2 said:
Where can you show me the fine tuning?

In AS, the fine tuning are the parameters to stay on the critical surface in which the fixed point lies.
  • #5
Won't they naturally converge to that surface?
  • #6
No. There are trajectories that are not asymptotically safe. But such trajectories may pass near enough to the fixed point that the fixed point properties affect the low energy theory.
"Now let us consider statement (2) from the point of view of “emergence”, i.e. for a trajectory that is close to asymptotic safety but not exactly safe. The closer such trajectory gets to the FP, the longer the time it passes there."
  • #7
But the definition from wikipedia talks about an atractor. That doesn't mean it should reach there.
  • #8
Does SOC exist?

Anyway, if it's off the critical surface, it will eventually go away from the fixed point.

But AS could be related to LQG anyway, since many believe LQG needs some sort of fixed point.
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FAQ: Is QEG's asymptotic safe point an example of self criticality?

1. What is a QEG's asymptotic safe point?

A QEG's asymptotic safe point refers to the point at which a quantum gravity theory becomes self-consistent and free of unphysical predictions, allowing for a deeper understanding of the fundamental laws of nature.

2. Is the QEG's asymptotic safe point an example of self-criticality?

Yes, the QEG's asymptotic safe point can be seen as an example of self-criticality, as it represents a critical threshold where the theory becomes self-consistent and able to self-regulate.

3. How does the QEG's asymptotic safe point relate to quantum gravity?

The QEG's asymptotic safe point is a crucial concept in the field of quantum gravity, as it describes the point at which the theory becomes self-consistent and allows for a deeper understanding of gravity at the quantum level.

4. Can the QEG's asymptotic safe point be tested or observed?

At this time, the QEG's asymptotic safe point cannot be directly tested or observed, as it is a theoretical concept. However, researchers are working on developing methods to indirectly test and validate the existence of the asymptotic safe point.

5. What are the implications of the QEG's asymptotic safe point for our understanding of the universe?

If the QEG's asymptotic safe point is confirmed, it would have significant implications for our understanding of the universe, as it would provide a more complete and consistent theory of quantum gravity. This could potentially lead to new insights and advancements in many areas of physics, including cosmology and particle physics.

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