Experimental Evidence and QFT.

In summary, OP decay rates are a discrepancy between theory and experiment, but it is unknown if this discrepancy exists in all isotopes of neon.
  • #1
Son Goku
After reading one of ZapperZ's posts in the Relativity subforum, I just thought I'd ask the following:

What predictions of QED, QCD, Electroweak and the Standard Model still aren't confirmed?

I'd be particularly interested in hearing unconfirmed predictions from QED.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
For the Standard Model, we haven't found the Higgs particle(s) yet. That's a pretty significant gap, considering that the Higgs mechanism is what gives rise to the masses of all the other fundamental particles, in the SM.
  • #3
There's something observed that the SM DOESN'T predict - not really, truly- and that's quark confinement. Asymptotic freedom (weakening of the strong force at high momenta and short distances) is predicted and observed, but the other end, infrared slavery, the great strengthening of the strong force at low momenta and large distances so that it becomes unbreakable at some finite distance, has only been sort of demonstrated. Really convincing theory is lacking.
  • #4
It is my understanding that QED of Standard Model does not explain anomalies in orthopositronium annihilation, first discovered in 1987 by physicists at University of Michigan, see these reviews:

Adkins, et. al Phy. Rev A. 1992. v 45 3333-3335
Levin, B. M. Physics of Atomic Nuclei 1995. v 58(2) 332-334
Adkins, et. al. 1999. Phys. Rev. A. v 60(4) 3306-3307
  • #5
Rade said:
It is my understanding that QED of Standard Model does not explain anomalies in orthopositronium annihilation, first discovered in 1987 by physicists at University of Michigan, see these reviews:

Adkins, et. al Phy. Rev A. 1992. v 45 3333-3335
Levin, B. M. Physics of Atomic Nuclei 1995. v 58(2) 332-334
Adkins, et. al. 1999. Phys. Rev. A. v 60(4) 3306-3307

I did my PhD thesis partly on the OPs decay rate problem (in part because it seemed at the time that it could lead to new physics). I calculated higher order corrections that still did not bring theory in line with the experimental result of the Michigan group. Later, shortly after my thesis, a japanese group got a less precise result that differed significantly from the Michigan group and in agreement with theory.
I haven't kept up with the publications, but discussions with colleagues recently (meaning within a year) revealed that new measurements were in line with theory...the discrepancy had gone away. (I will try to find a reference)

as far as I know, there are no experimental discrepancy with QED.

  • #6
nrqed said:
I did my PhD thesis partly on the OPs decay rate problem (in part because it seemed at the time that it could lead to new physics). I calculated higher order corrections that still did not bring theory in line with the experimental result of the Michigan group. Later, shortly after my thesis, a japanese group got a less precise result that differed significantly from the Michigan group and in agreement with theory.
I haven't kept up with the publications, but discussions with colleagues recently (meaning within a year) revealed that new measurements were in line with theory...the discrepancy had gone away. (I will try to find a reference)xas far as I know, there are no experimental discrepancy with QED.Pat
Thank you. I would very much like to read the references, since I have recently communicated with a physicist who suggested the OP decay rate problem does still exist, and I could forward your reference to him.

I have a question since you have great knowledge on this topic of OP of which I have interest, but next to no knowledge. Suppose we have OP formed in different isotopes of neon (22-Ne, 21-Ne, 20-Ne). Would you have any reason via theory to expect the three different OPs formed within each isotope to be "different" from each other ? Do you know if such an experiment has been conducted ? It has been suggested that such a difference in OP between these three isotopes "may" exist--just checking to see if this is an active topic of research.

FAQ: Experimental Evidence and QFT.

1. What is experimental evidence in the context of QFT?

Experimental evidence in the context of quantum field theory (QFT) refers to the physical observations and measurements that support the theoretical predictions and principles of QFT. This evidence is gathered through experiments and observations conducted in particle accelerators, nuclear reactors, and other high-energy physics facilities.

2. How is experimental evidence used to validate QFT?

Experimental evidence is used to validate QFT by comparing the results of experiments to the theoretical predictions of QFT. If the results match the predictions, it provides strong evidence for the validity of the theory. Additionally, multiple experiments that consistently produce the same results further strengthen the evidence for QFT.

3. What are some examples of experimental evidence for QFT?

Some examples of experimental evidence for QFT include the discovery of the Higgs boson at the Large Hadron Collider, the observation of the Lamb shift in hydrogen atoms, and the precise measurements of particle decay rates. These and other experiments have provided strong evidence for the predictions of QFT and have contributed to our understanding of the fundamental forces and particles in the universe.

4. How does experimental evidence support the development of QFT?

Experimental evidence plays a crucial role in the development of QFT by providing valuable feedback and insights into the theory. When experimental results do not match theoretical predictions, it can lead to the refinement or revision of QFT. Additionally, new experimental techniques and technologies can inspire new theoretical developments in QFT.

5. How does the use of experimental evidence impact our understanding of QFT?

The use of experimental evidence is essential for our understanding of QFT as it provides concrete evidence for the validity of the theory. It also helps to identify areas where QFT may need to be refined or expanded to accurately describe physical phenomena. Furthermore, the use of experimental evidence allows for the testing and verification of new theoretical concepts and models in QFT.

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