Do Photons from White Light Emit Randomly with Specific Lifespans?

  • Thread starter coke
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In summary, the conversation discusses the emission of light in bursts or wave packets, also known as photons. The questions raised include whether the photons are emitted randomly with time delays, if each photon lasts for 10^-9 seconds, and what happens to the first photon after another is emitted. The answer to the first question involves calculating the rate of photon production based on the energy emitted, while the second question clarifies that the coherence time of broadband visible light is around 1 nanosecond, which is different from its existence time.
  • #1
hi, as we know, lamp emits light not continuously but in 'burst', which we may call wave packet or photon. my question is,
1. Is it emitted one photon by one photon with random time delay ?
2. it is said that the duration time of the photon from white light is about 10^-9 sec(nanosecond), does it mean that each photon lasts for 10^-9 sec ?
3. if the above two questions are both correct, then does it mean that 10^-9 sec late after the emission of the first photon, wait an unpredictable time later, another photon emitted ? then how about the first one ? where does it go ? die out ?

can anyone help ? thank you so much !
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  • #2
In brief,

1) You can calculate the rate of photon production by energy- say 0.1 W of visible light is emitted from a bulb, assume 0.5 microns for a wavelength.

2) That's not correct- the 'coherence time' of broadband visible light can be around 1 ns. That is different from 'existence time'. Coherence means how predictable the field is in the future, given current knowledge of it- for broadband visible light, I can predict the value about 1 ns in advance.
  • #3

Hello there,

Thank you for your question about the emission of photons from a lamp. I can provide some insights into this topic.

1. The emission of photons from a lamp can be described as a random process. This means that the timing and number of photons emitted can vary and are not predetermined. Each photon is emitted independently and can occur at any time, with a random time delay between them.

2. The duration of a photon from white light is indeed around 10^-9 seconds. However, this does not mean that each photon lasts for exactly that amount of time. The duration of a photon can vary depending on the energy and wavelength of the light. This duration is an average value and individual photons may have shorter or longer durations.

3. It is correct that after the emission of the first photon, there may be a delay before the next photon is emitted. This is due to the random nature of photon emission. The first photon does not "go" anywhere, it simply dissipates or gets absorbed by a material. The exact mechanism of photon emission and absorption is still an area of ongoing research in physics.

I hope this helps to answer your questions. Please let me know if you have any further inquiries. Thank you.

FAQ: Do Photons from White Light Emit Randomly with Specific Lifespans?

1. What is "randomly emit of photon?"

Randomly emit of photon refers to the spontaneous emission of a photon by an atom or molecule without any external stimulus. This process occurs randomly and is a fundamental phenomenon in quantum mechanics.

2. How does randomly emit of photon occur?

Randomly emit of photon occurs when an excited atom or molecule in an unstable state spontaneously releases a photon in order to reach a more stable state. This process is completely random and cannot be predicted.

3. Can we control or manipulate the randomly emit of photon?

No, we cannot control or manipulate the randomly emit of photon. It is a natural process that occurs randomly and cannot be influenced by external factors.

4. What are the applications of randomly emit of photon?

Randomly emit of photon has various applications in fields such as quantum computing, cryptography, and communication. It is also used in technologies such as lasers and LEDs.

5. Is randomly emit of photon important in understanding the behavior of light?

Yes, randomly emit of photon is crucial in understanding the behavior of light at the quantum level. It helps us understand how photons are emitted and absorbed, and how they interact with matter.
