Are Neodymium Magnets Polarized and Shaped Like This?

In summary: One would assume that a magnet with one pole couldn't do much, but it's good to know for future reference.In summary, neodymium magnets can be broken or splinter in a collision. They lose their magnetic properties if heated above 175°F (80° C). Keep a distance of at least 3 feet from large magnets and don't try to cut, saw, or drill them. Children shouldn't be allowed to handle them.
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  • #3
If you happen to salvage a Neodymium magnet out of a hard drive it will be a quadrapole...
  • #4
Thank you!
  • #5
Hey, a quick question for anyone that knows... in these rules on that site...

# Neodymium magnets are brittle; they can be broken or can splinter in a collision. One should wear gloves and protective glasses when handling these magnets, because splinters could disengage and fly from the magnets.
# Normal Neodymium magnets will lose their magnetic properties if heated above 175°F (80° C). Higher temperature rare Earth neodymium magnets are available in our store.
# The strong magnetic fields of neodymium magnets can damage items such as television, computer monitors, credit cards, bank cards, computers, diskettes and other data carriers, video tapes, mechanical watches, hearing aids, loud speakers and VCRs. Pace-makers may be damaged or switch to "Test Mode" in the presence of a strong magnetic force, if a pace-maker is in use, keep a minimum of 3 feet distance.
# You should avoid having constant contact with magnets of any size and keep a distance of at least 3 feet to large magnets.
# Children should not be allowed to handle neodymium magnets as they can be dangerous. Small magnets pose a choking hazard and should never be swallowed or inserted into any part of the body.
# Under no circumstances should you try to cut, saw or drill the Neodymium magnets! Not only would the magnet break, but the resulting dust from the magnet is very flammable. Neodymium magnets should never be burned, as burning them will create toxic fumes.

Why does it say to stand 3 feet away from large magnets? o_o
  • #6
Draven said:
Hey, a quick question for anyone that knows... in these rules on that site...
Why does it say to stand 3 feet away from large magnets? o_o

Because they've been burnt by a lawsuit or have lawyers employed to keep them from being burnt. You're reading the disclaimers to protect them from all this.
  • #7
Phrak said:
If you happen to salvage a Neodymium magnet out of a hard drive it will be a quadrapole...

Wow, I had no idea those existed.

Because they've been burnt by a lawsuit or have lawyers employed to keep them from being burnt. You're reading the disclaimers to protect them from all this.
  • #8
Draven said:
Why does it say to stand 3 feet away from large magnets? o_o

Weird. Why buy them if you can't get near them, indeed.

However, some large magnets are very dangerous. I own several that could break your fingers if you let them get between a pair. And even small magnets that look harmless can give you a nasty pinch and resulting blood blister or crushing injury.

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  • #9
Re: quadrapoles.

Draven said:
Wow, I had no idea those existed.

I see this could be confusing. There are two north poles and two south poles. It just happens to be the arrangment that is best for moving the read/write arm over the surface.
  • #10
However, there is no such thing as a magnet with one pole. Correct?
  • #12
Oh I see, that's cool.

FAQ: Are Neodymium Magnets Polarized and Shaped Like This?

1. What is Neodymium Magnet Polarization?

Neodymium Magnet Polarization is a process in which the magnetic domains of a neodymium magnet are aligned in a specific direction to create a strong magnetic field.

2. How is Neodymium Magnet Polarization achieved?

Neodymium Magnet Polarization is achieved by exposing the magnet to a strong external magnetic field or by using a pulse magnetizer.

3. Why is Neodymium Magnet Polarization important?

Neodymium Magnet Polarization is important because it increases the strength of the magnet's magnetic field, making it more useful for various applications, such as in motors, generators, and magnetic storage devices.

4. Can Neodymium Magnet Polarization be reversed?

Yes, Neodymium Magnet Polarization can be reversed by exposing the magnet to a strong magnetic field in the opposite direction or by using a demagnetizer.

5. Are there any risks associated with Neodymium Magnet Polarization?

Yes, there are some risks associated with Neodymium Magnet Polarization, such as the potential for demagnetization if the magnet is exposed to high temperatures or strong external magnetic fields. It is important to handle neodymium magnets with caution and follow proper safety procedures when polarizing them.

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