How avoid Diabetes, liver cancer, colon cancer and Kidney failure.

In summary, Saint's doctor recommends that he take steps to minimize his risk of hypochondria, such as maintaining a healthy body mass index and regular activity.
  • #1
What are the general causes to get them ?
Biology news on
  • #2
For all three.. smoking.

For diabetes, some research showing a connection with excessive consumption of refined sugar as well as saturated fats (look up ceramide).

Liver cancer, you guessed it, excessive alchohol.

Kidney failure, definitely from diabetes and maybe excessive consumption of meat with insuffient water intake.

Just a small selection.. there's probably thousands more.
  • #3
Seriously, Saint, have you considered taking steps to minimize your risk of hypochondria?
  • #4
Added, Obesity is indicated for type II (late onset) diabetes. Liver cancer and Colon cancer are often symptoms of the same genetic disorder, as are certain other cancers. The way to avoid these is to have parents and grandparents who don't have them.
  • #5
preventing diabetes- maintain a healthy body mass index and regular activity. Up to 80 percent of all diabetes is due to type II (as self adjoint stated) which is triggered mostly by being overweight and inactive

preventing liver cancer- get a hepatitis b vaccine
also, don't contract hepatitis c and don't drink and get alcoholic liver disease. The above three (hepB, C, and alcohol) account for the majority of liver cancer

colon cancer- epidimiological data show association with high fat diets and avoid grilled and smoked foods which produce pro-carcinogenic compounds in the food.

kidney failure- control diabetes and hypertension which are the two most common causes of kidney failure in the USA
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  • #6
There's the doctor's good advice. Let me give a personal testimony.

I have had type II diabetis for almost 20 years. I lived a sedentary life (computor at work and reading at home) and was very obese. My blood pressure was high and I was taking a one-a-day insulin shot every day.

In the last two years I have lost 80 pounds (270 to 190) and now my blood sugar stays down with just one Metformin pill a day. I wasn't able to lower my blood pressure till I combined lower salt with vigorous excercise every day. This keeps my morning systolic under 120 on nearly all days. I have a family history of colorectal cancer (my grandmother, my father, and his sister all died from various forms of it), and I am scheduled for a sigmoid exam whenever the VA clinic can get around to it. So you CAN stave off this stuff, but you can't do it by being passive. You have to WORK constantly at staying healthy.
  • #7
i heard that oyster sauce can cause these diseases. true?
  • #8
  • Am J Epidemiol. 1991 Aug 1;134(3):290-7.

    The risk of Vibrio illness in the Florida raw oyster eating population, 1981-1988.

    Desenclos JC, Klontz KC, Wolfe LE, Hoecherl S.

    Division of Field Epidemiology, Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA.

    In the period 1981-1988, 333 cases of bacteriologically confirmed Vibrio illness were reported in Florida adult residents. A total of 197 patients (59.2%) had consumed raw oysters the week prior to becoming ill, and among those 197, 38 (19.3%) had a liver disease, 13 (6.6%) had past gastric surgery, and 15 (7.6%) were diabetic. To calculate a population-based incidence rate, the authors obtained prevalence estimates of annual raw oyster consumption, liver disease, previous gastric surgery, and diabetes through a random telephone survey of Florida adult residents and applied them to the January 1985 Florida population. The estimated age-standardized annual incidence of Vibrio illness per million was 95.4 for raw oyster eaters with liver disease, 9.2 for raw oyster eaters without liver disease, and 2.2 for non-raw oyster eaters. Those with prior gastric surgery had a moderately increased risk of Vibrio illness. The annual incidence for Vibrio septicemia was 82.8 for raw oyster eaters with liver disease, 2.0 for raw oyster eaters without liver disease, and 0.4 for non-raw oyster eaters. While estimates on which these data are based are subject to a number of potential biases, this is the first study to provide estimates of the risk of Vibrio illness in raw oyster eaters, and it supports the recommendation that raw oyster consumption should be avoided by persons with liver disease.

    PMID: 1877587

FAQ: How avoid Diabetes, liver cancer, colon cancer and Kidney failure.

1. How can I prevent diabetes?

To avoid developing diabetes, it is important to maintain a healthy weight, exercise regularly, and eat a balanced diet low in sugar and saturated fats. It is also important to get regular check-ups and screenings for diabetes, especially if you have a family history of the disease.

2. What steps can I take to reduce my risk of liver cancer?

To lower your chances of developing liver cancer, it is important to limit your alcohol intake, maintain a healthy weight, and get vaccinated against hepatitis B and C. If you have a family history of liver cancer, you may also want to get regular screenings.

3. What are some ways to prevent colon cancer?

To prevent colon cancer, it is recommended to eat a diet high in fiber and low in red and processed meats, exercise regularly, and maintain a healthy weight. It is also important to get regular screenings, especially if you are over the age of 50 or have a family history of colon cancer.

4. What lifestyle changes can help prevent kidney failure?

To avoid kidney failure, it is important to maintain a healthy blood pressure and blood sugar level, limit your salt intake, and avoid smoking. It is also important to stay hydrated and get regular check-ups to monitor your kidney function.

5. Can certain foods help prevent these diseases?

While there is no specific food or diet that can completely prevent these diseases, a diet high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins can help reduce your risk. Additionally, limiting your intake of processed foods and avoiding excessive alcohol consumption can also be beneficial in preventing these diseases.

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