The future of the ICE- fuel and ignition

In summary, Chris believes that as a country we will be driving LNG, DI, and Turbocharged Plasma ignition cars in the very near future.
  • #1
It is my belief that as a country we shall all be driving LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas), DI (direct injected), Turbocharged, Plasma ignited cars in the very near future.

LNG because of the supply here in the US and the L part (rather than C-Compressed) for range and relative safety.

DI because of the ability to turbocharge and stratify the charge in the cylinder. The ability to localize the injection of the fuel will allow cylinder walls to run cooler, more EGR flow and ultimately eliminate the throttle blade and the associated pumping losses.

Turbocharging because of the "free" power provided by reclaiming a portion of the heat lost in the combustion process.

And the BIG ONE! Imagine a Tesla coil hooked to a spark plug without a ground electrode that emits a high frequency, high voltage "spray" of ionizing energy that starts the combustion process no matter the air-fuel ratio present in the cylinder. No matter what the AFR or the amount of EGR, it would combust. The fuel volume could be controlled so closely that elimination of the throttle plate becomes possible. We are talking some SERIOUS efficiency increases here!

OK, I'm new here so you're going to have to Google "ACIS" for the info I wanted to include.

So, tell, me, what do you think?
Engineering news on
  • #2
"If you build it, they will come".
  • #3 is great to have fresh ideas...sincerely hope you get some where with your efforts...
As to your asking for opinions ..keep in mind the value of what i am about to say is exactly what it cost you...nothing ! so do not be depressed.

as of now the USA is Energy Independent. This is not due to some Green movement but due to the much hated Capitalist Free Market,,,more specifically, Fraking. Petroleum oil is still the best fuel for the dollar. Emissions are lower today than ever in the history of this country. Continued refinement of the present IC will add fuel mileage. This will be the case for the next 100 years.
Regarding "If you build it, they will come"...if this was the case the Priasss would be number one seller and electric cars would be in demand. The case can be made that if you build a better mouse trap you will be a millionaire, however. Again the is the USA where free markets mean you can buy at Walmart and get the best price ( much to the dismay of Mom and Pop grocery stores locally owned, charging excessive prices because they have so low volume of sales. Social Darwinism may be painful but it works. When you have government dictating the electric roller skate you must use for transportation you have an expensive mess.

As I see it - these are all facts. Cruel facts but such is life in the USA...still better than China, North Korea, IRAN, Cuba.
and this is my opinion I have worth what is cost ya
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  • #4
As I have said on another post, we are living in the dark ages.
  • #5
Can you please stop resurrecting old threads. Especially with posts that are bordering on crackpot.
I would lay money on you being a believer that 'big oil' is controlling us and keeping us is crap cars.
  • #6
Chris ..was that question addressed to me?
  • #7
Of course not Mike, you've been around long enough that I know you are a crackpot! ;)

psycho rich said:
"If you build it, they will come".
psycho rich said:
As I have said on another post, we are living in the dark ages.

And the most telling.
psycho rich said:
I think that the only way to usher in new technology in the auto industry is to get the oil companies on board. Perhaps subsidizing unused oil might spark their interest. Otherwise no innovation will move forward. I see that the solutions are political . We have the tech, just look up Pogue vaporizing carburettor
The Pogue carb is just classic nonsense. Another magic device that was never demonstrated because it doesn't work. Same vane as people who claim they got their car to run on water.
  • #8
Well said Chris...I will give you that! :cool: by the way.. can you clarify the pecking order..crackpot, nutter, loon??
Happy New Year!
  • #9
Sounds like this thread is done. Thanks for the heads-up, Chris. :-)

FAQ: The future of the ICE- fuel and ignition

What is the current state of ICE-fuel and ignition technology?

The current state of ICE-fuel and ignition technology is rapidly advancing, with new developments in engine design, fuel efficiency, and alternative fuel sources. However, there are also growing concerns about the environmental impact of traditional gasoline and diesel engines.

What are the potential alternatives to traditional gasoline and diesel engines?

Potential alternatives to traditional ICE-fuel and ignition technology include electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles, and alternative fuels such as biodiesel, ethanol, and hydrogen fuel cells. These alternatives offer the potential for reduced emissions and increased fuel efficiency.

How will future advancements in ICE-fuel and ignition technology impact the automotive industry?

Future advancements in ICE-fuel and ignition technology are expected to have a significant impact on the automotive industry. With the rise of electric and hybrid vehicles, there may be a shift away from traditional gasoline and diesel engines. This could lead to changes in manufacturing processes, supply chains, and consumer trends.

What challenges do scientists face in developing more sustainable ICE-fuel and ignition technology?

One major challenge facing scientists in developing more sustainable ICE-fuel and ignition technology is finding ways to reduce emissions and increase fuel efficiency without sacrificing performance or affordability. There is also a need for further research and investment into alternative fuel sources and infrastructure.

What role do government policies and regulations play in shaping the future of ICE-fuel and ignition technology?

Government policies and regulations have a significant impact on the future of ICE-fuel and ignition technology. For example, regulations on emissions standards and incentives for alternative fuel vehicles can drive innovation and adoption of more sustainable technologies. Additionally, government funding and support for research and development can also play a crucial role in shaping the future of this technology.

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