Resolving Symmetric Movement Paradox w/ Respect to Stationary Observer

In summary, the conversation discusses a paradox involving two twin cats moving in opposite directions at the same speed. According to a stationary observer on Earth, their clocks should be synchronized when they meet, but according to the cats, each one thinks the other is younger. The conversation then delves into Lorentz transformations and calculates the time each cat reaches a certain point. However, the question arises of why there is a disagreement on which cat is younger when they should be the same age due to symmetry. The speaker requests help in resolving this issue.
  • #1
I am trying to understand this apparent "paradoxes" but probably i am missing something important.
Imagine that accourding to stationary observer on Earth two twin cats are moving in the opposite directions with speed [itex]-v[/itex] and [itex]v[/itex]. When the two cats meet the stationary observer at the beginning [itex]O[/itex] of his coordinate system [itex]K_{tx}[/itex] their clocks are synchronized. Left cat has coordinate system [itex]K^{\prime}_{t^{\prime}x^{\prime}}[/itex] right cat [itex]K^{\prime\prime}_{t^{\prime\prime}x^{\prime\prime}}[/itex].So at the center [itex]t_O=t^{\prime}_O=t^{\prime\prime}_O=0[/itex] and [itex]x_O=x^{\prime}_O=x^{\prime\prime}_O=0[/itex].
Now accourding to the stationary observer the two twin cats both travel [itex]T[/itex] until they reach points [itex]x_{-S}=-vT[/itex] and [itex]x_{S}=vT[/itex] and then they go back and meet at the center.
Let [tex]\gamma_x=\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-\frac{x^2}{c^2}}}[/tex]
Now let's take the viewpoint of the left cat.To find the time at witch the point [itex]x_{-s}[/itex] reaches it we use the Lorentz transformation:
[tex]t^\prime_{-S}-t^\prime_{O}=\gamma_v(t_{-S}-t_{O}+\frac{vx_{-S}}{c^2}-\frac{vx_{-S}}{c^2})=\gamma_vT [/tex]
Since the point [itex]x_{-S}[/itex] stays stationary accourding to the unprimed frame.
Using the same calculation for the rigth cat the point [itex]x_S[/itex] reaches it at time [itex] t^{\prime\prime}_S=\gamma_vT[/itex]

Now accourding to the left cat the right cat is moving with speed [itex]w=\frac{2v}{1+\frac{v^2}{c^2}}[/itex]. Now using the lorentz transformations again we can find that the right cat moves from from [itex]x_O[/itex] to [itex]x_S[/itex] accourding to the left cat for time [itex]t_S^\prime-t^\prime_O=t_S^\prime=\gamma_wt^{\prime\prime}_{S}=\gamma_w\gamma_vT[/itex].
And doing the same thing the left cat moves from [itex]x_{O}[/itex] to [itex]x_{-S}[/itex] accourding to the right cat for time [itex]t_{-S}^{\prime\prime}-t^{\prime\prime}_O=t_{-S}^{\prime\prime}=\gamma_w\gamma_vT[/itex].

Now if we do the same thing for the reverse direction at the end we will find the exactly same thing. Each cat thinks that the other is younger at the end of their path. But their situation is symmetric and they actualy did exactly the same thing. Shouldnt they age exactly the same at the end?
How can I resolve mathematicaly this disagreement on which cat is younger when from symmetry viewpoint they should be the same age?

I will appreciate any help. Thanks.
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  • #2
You've left out a whole lot of intermediate steps which now we have to repeat to find your error. Why don't you post all of your intermediate steps so that we don't have to? Maybe even when you do that, your error will be obvious.

FAQ: Resolving Symmetric Movement Paradox w/ Respect to Stationary Observer

What is the "Symmetric Movement Paradox"?

The Symmetric Movement Paradox is a thought experiment that explores the concept of relative motion. It involves two objects moving at the same speed in opposite directions and asks whether or not they are truly moving or if they are both stationary.

How does the Symmetric Movement Paradox relate to a stationary observer?

The paradox is specifically designed to challenge the perspective of a stationary observer. It presents a scenario where two objects are moving in opposite directions but appear to be stationary from the perspective of an observer not moving with them.

What is the solution to the Symmetric Movement Paradox?

The resolution to the paradox lies in the principle of relativity, which states that all motion is relative and there is no absolute state of rest. In this scenario, the two objects are both moving relative to each other, but from the perspective of the stationary observer, they appear to be stationary.

Why is it important to understand the Symmetric Movement Paradox?

The paradox highlights the concept of relativity and challenges our everyday understanding of motion and rest. It also has implications in the fields of physics and philosophy, as it raises questions about the nature of reality and our perception of it.

Are there any real-world examples of the Symmetric Movement Paradox?

The paradox has been used to explain various phenomena, such as the apparent motion of stars in the night sky and the behavior of particles in quantum mechanics. However, it is primarily a thought experiment and does not have any direct real-world applications.

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