What is the history of L1 and L2 cache in microprocessors?

  • Thread starter otomanb
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In summary: For example, a spreadsheet application doesn't need an L2 cache because every time the spreadsheet wants to access a particular cell in memory, the cell can be located quickly by consulting the spreadsheet's address list. An L2 cache would only slow down this process. In contrast, a game might access frequently-used data in its L2 cache much more often than it would consult the address list, thus requiring an L2 cache.
  • #1

According to many sites L1 is internal cache
and Level 2 cache, cache memory that is external to the microprocessor.

but according to this intel core2duo box (photo) , intel is selling this L2 cache on processor not on another chip.


why is this so ?
Computer science news on Phys.org
  • #3
Can you give the links? I thought L1-L3 were always on the chip. It's just faster than having to look up a basic instruction from the RAM every time you need it.
  • #6
otomanb said:
According to many sites L1 is internal cache
and Level 2 cache, cache memory that is external to the microprocessor.

but according to this intel core2duo box (photo) , intel is selling this L2 cache on processor not on another chip.

There is nothing saying that the L2 cache needs to be on another chip, or if it is on the same chip, that it needs to be distinctly separate from the core processor. Putting cache of any type on a chip other than the CPUs would drastically reduce the advantage of having a cache. The primary reason cache exists is because main memory access is so very slow compared to the rate at which the CPU operates. If memory access was just as fast as the CPU itself there would be little need for cache at all. (If main memory was just as fast as the CPU, it might still be handy to have separate data and memory caches so that the machine could be Harvard architecture at its core (faster) but Von Neumann architecture to the outside world (simpler).)

Specialized memory can be made that has very high clock rates. This specialized memory is necessarily small, and increasing the size decreases the operating speed. Hence multiple levels of cache. Primary cache, or L1 cache, is very small but very fast. Because L1 cache is so small, it is helpful to have an intermediate cache(s) to bridge the gap between main memory and the CPU. L2 cache is significantly larger than but is also slower than the primary L1 cache. Because the gap between main memory and CPU operating speeds has widened, some newer machines even have a tertiary cache on the same chip as the CPUs.
  • #7
It's my understanding that L2 caches were often external when they first came out but have since been added to the same die on newer processors. On most multicore systems, theyre actually part of the core, and L3 cache is shared between cores. I think I had a pentium system that had an external L2 cache chip that looked similar to SDRAM in a DIMM package, but I can't find any documentation and it's late.
  • #8
fedaykin said:
It's my understanding that L2 caches were often external when they first came out but have since been added to the same die on newer processors. On most multicore systems, theyre actually part of the core, and L3 cache is shared between cores. I think I had a pentium system that had an external L2 cache chip that looked similar to SDRAM in a DIMM package, but I can't find any documentation and it's late.

Thats correct, L2 cache tended to be external on early CPU models, specifically some Intel models. Additionally some L2 cache used to actually sit in RAM direct onto the MOBO.
  • #9
I designed a memory controller before. Let me try to explain. Processors or micro controllers run at a much higher clock rate than its peripherals. Accessing instructions or data outside the processor reduces the overall performance because the processor has to stop and wait for its peripherals to respond. A built-in cache inside a processor is a trade off between the cost of a large high speed RAM inside the processor and the hit rate of the instruction/data requests. The higher the hit rate, the better the overall performance, i.e., CPU doesn't need to stop and wait for stuff from the outside. More layers of the cache increases the hit rate, but also increases the cost, because internal high speed RAM, such as SRAM, is more expensive than external slow pace RAM, such as SDRAM. An L2 cache outside of the processor is cheaper than a built-in one. Whether a built-in one is needed depends on your application.
  • #10
External caches were a hit around the 386/486 times, when processors became fast enough that the memory access was becoming a bottleneck. 386 didn't have an internal cache, so there was only external, one level cache. 486 had an internal cache and could be built without cache on the motherboard (that was the idea behind), in practice most of the computers sold at the time had an external L2 cache on the mobo (although in some cases L2 cache was a fake). I guess that's what people refer to when they speak about L2 external cache. In general external L2 caches disappeared after the introduction of Pentium (on die L2).


FAQ: What is the history of L1 and L2 cache in microprocessors?

What is L1 and L2 cache?

L1 and L2 cache are small, high-speed memory components built into a computer's CPU. They are used to temporarily store data and instructions that the CPU frequently accesses, in order to speed up the overall performance of the computer.

What is the difference between L1 and L2 cache?

The main difference between L1 and L2 cache is their size. L1 cache is smaller and faster than L2 cache, but L2 cache is larger and slower. L1 cache is also built directly into the CPU, while L2 cache is located outside of the CPU but still on the same chip.

How does L1 and L2 cache affect computer performance?

L1 and L2 cache greatly improve computer performance by reducing the time it takes for the CPU to retrieve data and instructions from the system memory. The larger and faster the cache, the more data and instructions the CPU can store and access quickly, resulting in a faster overall performance.

Can L1 and L2 cache be upgraded?

Unfortunately, L1 and L2 cache cannot be upgraded. They are built into the CPU and cannot be modified or replaced. However, some newer CPUs have larger and faster cache sizes, which can improve performance when upgrading to a new CPU.

Do all computers have L1 and L2 cache?

Yes, all modern computers have L1 and L2 cache. However, the size and speed of the cache may vary depending on the type of CPU and computer. Some high-end CPUs may also have additional levels of cache, such as L3 or L4 cache, which can further improve performance.
