Magnetic Flux Through a Wire Coil

In summary, the potential difference between the two ends of the wire is determined by the rate of change of magnetic flux through the coil. With each turn of the wire, there is a magnetic flux of BπR^2 and with each revolution of the cylinder, the coil increases by N turns per second. Therefore, the potential difference is equal to the rate of change of flux, which is NBπR^2 every second.
  • #1
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This problem confused me the first time around, but I think I've got it. I just want a confirmation that my reasoning is correct. I know I have the correct answer, but what is important is the method of arriving at it.

Homework Statement

A wire is being wound around a rotating wooden cylinder of radius R. One end of the wire is connected to the axis of the cylinder. The cylinder is placed in a uniform magnetic field of magnitude B parallel to its axis and rotates at N revolutions per second. What is the potential difference between the two open ends of the wire?

Homework Equations

[tex] \oint \mathbf{E} \cdot d\mathbf{l} = - \frac{d}{dt}\int_A \mathbf{B} \cdot \mathbf{\hat{n}} \, dA [/tex]

which can be written as

[tex] \textrm{emf} = -\frac{d\Phi_B}{dt} [/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

Here is my reasoning, which I want checked:

The potential difference is determined by the rate of change of magnetic flux through the coil in between the two ends of the wire. Since this coil keeps growing, the flux is indeed changing. Each turn of the coil has magnetic flux [itex] B \pi R^2 [/itex] through it, and each revolution of the cylinder adds a turn. There are N revolutions per second, which means that the coil increases by N turns per second. The flux therefore increases by [itex] NB \pi R^2 [/itex] every second; this is its rate of change and is therefore equal (at least in magnitude) to the potential difference between the two ends of the wire.
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  • #2
This looks correct to me.
  • #3

Your reasoning is correct. The potential difference between the two ends of the wire is equal to the rate of change of magnetic flux through the coil. As the coil rotates and grows, the magnetic flux through it also changes, resulting in a potential difference between the two ends of the wire. Your equation, emf = -dΦB/dt, accurately represents this relationship. Well done!

FAQ: Magnetic Flux Through a Wire Coil

1. What is magnetic flux through a wire coil?

Magnetic flux through a wire coil is the measure of the number of magnetic field lines passing through a given area of the coil. It is a measure of the strength of the magnetic field within the coil.

2. How is magnetic flux through a wire coil calculated?

The magnetic flux through a wire coil is calculated by multiplying the strength of the magnetic field by the area of the coil that is perpendicular to the field. This can be represented by the equation Φ = B x A, where Φ is magnetic flux, B is magnetic field strength, and A is the area of the coil.

3. What factors affect the magnetic flux through a wire coil?

The magnetic flux through a wire coil is affected by the strength of the magnetic field, the size and shape of the coil, and the orientation of the coil in relation to the magnetic field. Factors such as the type of material used for the core of the coil can also affect the magnetic flux.

4. Why is magnetic flux through a wire coil important?

Magnetic flux through a wire coil is important because it is a crucial factor in the operation of many electrical devices. It is used in generators to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy, and in transformers to transfer electrical energy between circuits. Measuring magnetic flux can also provide valuable information about the strength and behavior of magnetic fields.

5. How can the magnetic flux through a wire coil be increased?

The magnetic flux through a wire coil can be increased by increasing the strength of the magnetic field, increasing the number of turns in the coil, or increasing the area of the coil. Additionally, using a ferromagnetic material for the core of the coil can greatly increase the magnetic flux. The orientation of the coil in relation to the magnetic field can also affect the magnetic flux.

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