Exhaust gas heat exchanger calculations

In summary, the expert suggests that you first write down what you know about your process, such as the fluid being cooled, pressure, allowable pressure drop, and inlet temp. Then, you can size a heat exchanger based on exchanger efficiency and the energy recovered over the size of the heat exchanger.
  • #1
Hi Guys newbie here.

Im trying to design a CHP system in which an engine with steady exhaust gas flow uses a heat exchanger to heat water for use around the home (central heating, washing water etc). The engine specifics are to be developed but i need to be able to size a heat exchanger so i can develop the system. The exhaust composition is largely air but obviously steam is present. The water is standard, chalky mains water.
Now the hot tank of water can be sized accordingly, and the flow rate specified by using a pump or pumps. How would you go about setting up a spreadsheet using standard heat transfer equations to model the system? I've got pretty basic heat transfer knowledge (i.e. Newtons law of cooling and heat transfer coefficients).

Any help would be great appreciated :)

Kindest regards

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  • #2
Conservation of energy, i.e. the energy taken out of the exhaust gas equals the energy recovered for your hot water system.

Heat available in the exhaust is mass flow, multiplied by the specific heat capacity (is this a Diesel or petrol engine?), multiplied by the temperature difference over the heat exchanger (so exhaust outlet temperature minus whatever you can cool down to). Then you need to look at what return temperature and flow rate you want for your hot water system, and size a cooler for that capacity and required effectiveness.
  • #3
OK. But how would i then go about sizing a heat exchanger? Assume an exchanger efficiency? How much energy is recovered over what size of heat exchanger? thanks in advance...
  • #4
That can be pretty tricky; there are people who do just that as a profession. If you have a Heat Transfer book, there should be some empirical data in there. My particular book has a section in there. Work through some stuff like that, and you should be in the ballpark.
  • #5
any way i can avoid the cost of a book!?

any pointers for appoximate calcs? I am not after any particular accuracy...
  • #6
I'd suggest purchasing one unless you want to go into the heat exchanger business. There are hundreds of manufacturers of all kinds of heat exchangers. A simple plate type might work well and be economincal for this application.

The first thing to do is write down what you know about your process, such as:
Fluid being cooled:
Allowable pressure drop though HX:
Inlet temp:

Fluid being heated:
Allowable pressure drop though HX:
Inlet temp:

Most manufacturers can then size a heat exchanger for you and make a recommendation. Manufacturers also sometimes have software on the net you can use to size one yourself.

Take a look for manufacturers here:

Here's a typical manufacturer's web page that includes selection software:

FAQ: Exhaust gas heat exchanger calculations

1. How do I calculate the heat transfer coefficient for an exhaust gas heat exchanger?

The heat transfer coefficient for an exhaust gas heat exchanger can be calculated using the Nusselt number. This can be determined using the Reynolds number, Prandtl number, and the geometry of the heat exchanger. Alternatively, you can refer to published correlations and equations specific to your heat exchanger design.

2. What is the difference between parallel flow and counterflow in an exhaust gas heat exchanger?

In parallel flow, the hot and cold fluids flow in the same direction, while in counterflow, they flow in opposite directions. Counterflow is more efficient as it allows for a larger temperature difference between the two fluids, resulting in a higher heat transfer rate.

3. How do I determine the overall heat transfer coefficient for an exhaust gas heat exchanger?

The overall heat transfer coefficient takes into account the heat transfer coefficient on the exhaust gas side and the coolant side. It can be calculated using the logarithmic mean temperature difference (LMTD) and the heat exchanger area. Alternatively, you can refer to published correlations and equations specific to your heat exchanger design.

4. What factors affect the performance of an exhaust gas heat exchanger?

The performance of an exhaust gas heat exchanger is affected by factors such as the heat transfer coefficient, overall heat transfer coefficient, LMTD, heat exchanger geometry, fluid flow rate and temperature, and fouling on the heat transfer surfaces. Additionally, the material and thickness of the heat exchanger walls can also impact its performance.

5. How can I optimize the design of an exhaust gas heat exchanger?

The design of an exhaust gas heat exchanger can be optimized by considering factors such as flow rates, temperatures, heat transfer surface area, and material selection. Additionally, using advanced software or simulations can help in determining the most efficient design for a given set of operating conditions.
