The Van Allen Radiation Belt and Space Travel

In summary, there is a debate about whether the intense radiation from the Van Allen belt would make it impossible to travel to the moon or send anything to Mars. Some say that the radiation can be avoided, while others argue that a 3 meter belt of lead would be needed for protection. However, according to experts like American astronomer Phil Plait, the radiation levels are not high enough to cause immediate harm, but may pose a risk for long-term exposure. This is a major problem for deep-space missions, along with the issue of having enough potable water. The topic of moon landing conspiracy theories is also banned on this platform.
  • #1
[Post edited by Ivan] I've heard that the intense radiation from the Van Allen belt would make it impossible to travel to the moon or send anything to Mars etc. It's obviously possible to have satellites or the ISS (which is only I think 330 miles above us). People say that the radiation from this belt can be avoided and isn't strong enough while I've heard others say that you'd need a minimum 3 meter belt of led around a shuttle to protect it from this radiation.

So...what's your opinion or debunk for this?
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  • #2
I have very little to offer in the field of astrophysics but I remember hearing Phil Plait, an American astronomer, talk about this on a radio show a few years ago. Here is a link I found from his website: (find 'van allen'). I'm sure google could yield you some more results.
  • #3
Moon landing conspiracy threads are supposed to be on our banned topics list. I will lock this for now.
  • #4
All conspiracy theories are already banned, but we should probably specify the moon landing hoax theories in the banned topics list.

I am moving this to physics with the understanding that the question is: How can astronauts survive the Van Allen Radiation Belt? The op has been edited.

I believe the short answer is that the radiation levels aren't that high.
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  • #5
Radiation levels certainly wouldn't be high enough to cause instantenous death or anything like that. You need something really bad, on the order of 10s of sieverts to cause that. Possible (read: probable) that there is an associated increased risk of cancers and the like, but that's true for all radiation intensive activities.

Side note: 3 meters of lead effectively decreases radiation by about (1/2)^300, or ~10^-91. That should make you realize the absurdity of the claim.
  • #6
Radiation exposure on deep-space missions (long term moon habitat, Mars missions) is probably the #1 outstanding problem facing NASA in it's effort to fly those missions and keep the crew alive. The other major unresolved problem is having enough potable water.

FAQ: The Van Allen Radiation Belt and Space Travel

1. What is the Van Allen Radiation Belt?

The Van Allen Radiation Belt is a region of intense radiation surrounding the Earth, made up of charged particles trapped by the Earth's magnetic field. It was discovered in 1958 by scientist James Van Allen and is divided into two regions: the inner belt, composed mostly of protons, and the outer belt, composed mostly of electrons.

2. How does the Van Allen Radiation Belt affect space travel?

The Van Allen Radiation Belt poses a significant risk to astronauts and spacecraft in orbit around the Earth. The high levels of radiation can damage electronic equipment and pose a health risk to humans. Spacecraft must be equipped with radiation shielding to protect against this radiation.

3. Can astronauts travel through the Van Allen Radiation Belt?

Yes, astronauts can travel through the Van Allen Radiation Belt, but precautions must be taken to ensure their safety. Spacecraft often have shielding to protect against radiation, and astronauts can also limit their exposure by traveling through the belt quickly.

4. Are there any long-term effects of exposure to the Van Allen Radiation Belt?

Long-term exposure to the Van Allen Radiation Belt can have harmful effects on the human body, including an increased risk of cancer and other health issues. Astronauts and spacecraft are typically only exposed to the radiation for short periods of time while passing through the belt.

5. How does the Van Allen Radiation Belt impact satellite operations?

The Van Allen Radiation Belt can interfere with satellite operations by damaging electronic equipment and causing errors in data transmission. Satellite designers must take into account the effects of this radiation when building and launching satellites into orbit.

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