Chaos theory and quantum mechanics

In summary, chaos theory did not originate in quantum mechanics and cannot fully explain quantum behavior. While some quantum systems may exhibit chaotic behavior, most do not. Chaos theory was developed through observations of non-linear iterated functions and cannot be applied to quantum randomness. There have been attempts to use chaos theory to explain quantum behavior, but they have been largely unsuccessful. Some references to works discussing the Schrodinger equation with stochastic Gaussian delta-correlated potential are available at, and the average wave function is equal to zero due to the potential's zero average and Gaussian distribution.
  • #1
Is there any correlation between these two fields? Has chaos theory been used as an explanation for quantum randomness? Did chaos theory develop out of quantum mechanics?
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  • #2
Originally posted by liquidgrey01
Is there any correlation between these two fields? Has chaos theory been used as an explanation for quantum randomness? Did chaos theory develop out of quantum mechanics?

Although quantized chaotic systems have been studied, chaos theory did not originate in and cannot expain quantum behaviour.

Chaotic behaviour originates in systems that interact with themselves in a way that results in a critical dependence of their evolution on initial conditions.

For example, a baseball thrown in slightly different ways will trace slightly different trajectories so this system is not chaotic.

On the other hand, since the evolutionary paths of weather systems from slightly different initial conditions very quickly diverge from each other, weather systems are chaotic. In fact, it's their chaotic nature that makes their behaviour so difficult to predict beyond a day or two ahead.
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  • #3
Extensive and unsuccessful efforts

have been made to use chaos theory to explain quantum randomness, and there is a large literature on the subject, but the two are not directly related. Some quantum systems (wavefunctions) evolve in a chaotic way, most don't.

Chaos theory evolved out of a mathematician's observations of how non-linear iterated functions behaved on his pocket calculator.
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  • #4
Check out and search with the keywords quantum billiards or random matrix theory...
  • #5
Stochastic Shrodinger equation

Dear frands!
Prompt please references to works in which it was considered the Schrodinger equation with stochastic (random) Gaussian delta-correlated potential which
time-dependent and spaces-dependent and with zero average (gaussian delta-correlated noise). I am interesting what average wave function is equal.

U - potential.
<> - simbol of average.

P(F) - density of probability of existence of size F.

Delta-correlated potential which
time-dependent and spaces-dependent:
<U(x,t)U(x`,t`)>=A*delta(x-x`) *delta(t-t`)
delta - delta-function of Dirack.
A - const.

Zero average:

Gaussian potential (existence of probability is distributed on Gauss law):

C - normalizing constant.
delU - root-mean-square fluctuation of U.

FAQ: Chaos theory and quantum mechanics

1. What is chaos theory?

Chaos theory is a branch of mathematics that studies the behavior of systems that are highly sensitive to initial conditions, meaning that small changes in the starting conditions can lead to vastly different outcomes. It is also known as the "butterfly effect" because even a small change in one part of the system can have a large impact on the overall behavior.

2. How does chaos theory relate to quantum mechanics?

Chaos theory and quantum mechanics are both theories that aim to explain the behavior of complex systems and phenomena. While chaos theory focuses on the behavior of classical systems, quantum mechanics deals with the behavior of subatomic particles. However, both theories share the concept of sensitivity to initial conditions, which suggests that seemingly random behavior can actually be caused by underlying patterns and interactions.

3. Can chaos theory and quantum mechanics be applied to real-world situations?

Yes, chaos theory and quantum mechanics have many practical applications in fields such as physics, biology, economics, and engineering. For example, chaos theory has been used to model weather patterns, while quantum mechanics has been instrumental in the development of technologies such as transistors and lasers.

4. What are some key principles of chaos theory?

Some key principles of chaos theory include self-organization, sensitivity to initial conditions, and non-linear dynamics. Self-organization refers to the emergence of order from seemingly random interactions, while sensitivity to initial conditions refers to the butterfly effect. Non-linear dynamics describes how small changes in one part of a system can have large effects on the overall behavior.

5. How does chaos theory challenge traditional notions of determinism?

Chaos theory challenges traditional notions of determinism by showing that even in systems governed by deterministic laws, the outcomes can be unpredictable due to the sensitivity to initial conditions. This challenges the idea that the future can be predicted with 100% accuracy based on knowledge of present conditions, as small changes in the present can lead to vastly different outcomes in the future.

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