Method of characteristics for population balance equation

In summary, the equation suggests that the population density, n, will remain constant at a given size, L0, for a given time step.
  • #1
Graham Power

Homework Statement

The PDE: ∂n/∂t + G∂n/∂L=0

The initial condition: n(0,L)=ns

The boundary condition: n(t,0)=B/G

The parameter B and G above are dependent upon process conditions and change at each time. They can be calculated with adequate experimental data.

Homework Equations

My question is how to solve this using the method of characteristics?

The Attempt at a Solution

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  • #2
Graham Power said:

Homework Statement

The PDE: ∂n/∂t + G∂n/∂L=0

The initial condition: n(0,L)=ns

The boundary condition: n(t,0)=B/G

The parameter B and G above are dependent upon process conditions and change at each time. They can be calculated with adequate experimental data.

Homework Equations

My question is how to solve this using the method of characteristics?

The Attempt at a Solution

Homework Statement

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I never made much sense of the books re 'method of characteristics' but noticed that your equation is- (∂n/∂t)/(∂n/∂L) = G

and then the LHS is dL/dt at constant n, so you have a straightforward ordinary differential equation which you can solve (I gather G is a constant, but if it is a function of L and t you still probably can). So you have all the lines or curves at constant n, then you build up the entire solution from your initial/boundary conditions.

- (∂n/∂t)/(∂n/∂L) = (dL/dt)n
should not be this big mystery - just draw a little pic of a bit of plane with 3 variables.This is your first post and you got a hint without yourself having taken the first step which is usually required, so please COME BACK when you have got the final answer at least. I would like to know if this is the Method of Characteristics myself.:confused:
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  • #3
epenguin said:

I never made much sense of the books re 'method of characteristics' but noticed that your equation is

- (∂n/∂t)/(∂n/∂L) = G

and then the LHS is dL/dt at constant n, so you have a straightforward ordinary differential equation which you can solve (I gather G is a constant, but if it is a function of L and t you still probably can). So you have all the lines or curves at constant n, then you build up the entire solution from your initial/boundary conditions.

- (∂n/∂t)/(∂n/∂L) = (dL/dt)n
should not be this big mystery - just draw a little pic of a bit of plane with 3 variables.

This is your first post and you got a hint without yourself having taken the first step which is usually required, so please COME BACK when you have got the final answer at least. I would like to know if this is the Method of Characteristics myself.:confused:

Thanks for the reply. I know that the characteristic equations for this PDE are:

∂n/∂s=0 (1)
∂L/∂s=G (2)
∂t/∂s=1 (3)

Solving the above:

n=n0 (4)
t=s (5)
L=Gt+L0 (6)

From what I can see, the above equations suggest that along a characteristic curve given by equation (6), the population density, n, at size L0, travels along the size axis with rate of growth, G.

The initial condition, n(0,L)=ns describes the population of particles over a given size range. So the initial data I have is a number of values of population density, n, at a number of sizes.
Does the solution suggest that each initial value of population density, n corresponding to an initial size, L0 will stay constant along equation (6) and correspond to a different size in the next time step? I hope I am clear in what I am saying here.

FAQ: Method of characteristics for population balance equation

1. What is the Method of Characteristics for Population Balance Equation?

The Method of Characteristics (MOC) is a numerical technique used to solve population balance equations (PBE) in chemical engineering and related fields. It is based on the principle of characteristics, which states that the solution of a partial differential equation can be represented as a family of curves.

2. How does the Method of Characteristics work?

The MOC works by discretizing the population balance equation into a system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) along the characteristics of the PBE. These characteristics represent the paths that particles take in a population undergoing a particular process. The ODEs are then solved numerically using standard methods, such as Euler's method or Runge-Kutta methods, to obtain the solution to the PBE.

3. What are the advantages of using the Method of Characteristics for PBEs?

The MOC has several advantages, including its ability to handle complex processes with multiple particle sizes and types, its flexibility in incorporating different boundary and initial conditions, and its efficiency in solving large systems of ODEs. It also allows for easy implementation of additional physical and chemical phenomena into the PBE, making it a versatile tool for studying various systems.

4. What are the limitations of the Method of Characteristics for PBEs?

One of the main limitations of the MOC is that it can only be applied to systems that can be described by a PBE. This means that it may not be suitable for all types of population processes, such as those involving complex interactions between particles or non-uniform particle properties. Additionally, the accuracy of the MOC solution depends on the accuracy of the discretization and numerical methods used, which can be challenging for some systems.

5. What are some real-world applications of the Method of Characteristics for PBEs?

The MOC has been widely used in various industries, including pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, and wastewater treatment, to model and optimize processes involving particles. It has been applied to study crystallization, precipitation, agglomeration, and breakage processes, among others. The MOC can also be used in conjunction with other techniques, such as computational fluid dynamics, to simulate complex multiphase systems.

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